HomeMoviesTop 10 Ridley Scott Movies

Top 10 Ridley Scott Movies

1. Blade Runner (1982)


The first time you see Blade Runner, you probably won’t like it. I myself remember being underwhelmed. I gave it another chance though, and now I think it’s just as incredible as many people say it is. Each time you watch this movie, it sinks in deeper and deeper into just how good it is. The mood. The atmosphere. The score. Everything about Blade Runner is majestic. There’s a foot chase in the middle of the city that is downright incredible to watch. It’s one of the most beautiful looking films in existence, and watching it today makes me sad at how much movies are dominated by CGI. You’ll never get a movie that looks this good again. If you think Avatar is a better looking film, I don’t want to hear about it. Don’t bother me with that nonsense.

But aside from the visuals, Harrison Ford delivers one of his more underrated characters in Rick Deckard, the hard boiled detective of the future who hunts down replicants. The characters are rich, deadly, complex, and subtle, especially with the villains of the story, which include Rutger Hauer as Roy, and Daryl Hannah as Pris, who I think has a little Harley Quinn in her. Sean Young’s character is also tragically sympathetic. It’s a movie that gets the credit it deserves, but it’s still a little too unknown amongst younger viewers. If you saw this film one time and didn’t like it, give it another chance. Roger Ebert did.

As I mentioned before, I’m a purist when it comes to film. I don’t believe in a “Director’s Cut.” The theatrical version is the true version, but if you want to watch both, be my guest. I know Ridley Scott claims there’s a sequel in the works, but is it to his version, or the original? This is one of the many reasons I have no interest in seeing that sequel. Regardless of that, Blade Runner is a cinematic classic that echoes the glory days of filmmaking to its core.

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Daniel Cohen
Daniel Cohen
Daniel Cohen likes movies and bagels, and that’s pretty much it. Aside from writing Box Office predictions, Daniel hosts the monthly Batman by the Numbers Podcast on the Breakcast feed. Speaking of Batman, If Daniel was sprayed by Scarecrow's fear toxin, it would be watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on a non-stop loop.

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