logan fowler returns with his top comic book movies
I wouldn’t say I’m a huge reader of comics. I normally stick to reading about one superhero (Spider-Man), but I love movies, and comic book movies are ones I always love checking out.
Comic book movies have become somewhat of a staple of Hollywood these days. Mostly, they have become the big summer blockbusters that a good majority of people are looking forward to.
However, when it comes to the source material, adapting a comic book to a movie is tough. With the costumes, the story, the actors, and all the other factors, the movie could be a huge success, or a massive failure. It depends on the eyes of the fans and the general audience.
Considering the fact that I could be either one of those people at any comic book movie screening, I have compiled a top ten list of comic book movies. You may view some of my choices as biased, but while I will try to keep my own opinions out of the way (my number one choice will certainly give reason to my not being biased), keep in mind that I am strictly giving the movie it’s placement because of how much I enjoyed it.
Before I begin the list, two things first. Number 1-These are movies based on something that began as comic literature first and foremost, and any tie-ins that it had later on (cartoons on TV for example) is being based on the original source material. So while The Incredibles is my favorite movie of all time (and it has very comic book-esque references), it won’t make the list.
Number 2-So there is understanding of what I’m choosing from, I wrote down a complete list of comic book movies that I have seen. This is my list, and, no, your eyes are not deceiving you- I have not seen any of the original Superman films. Yes, I know, I’m a bad person. How dare me.
Anyway the following are all the comic book movies I’ve seen:
The Blade Trilogy, The Spider-Man Trilogy, The X-Men Trilogy, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trilogy, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Superman Returns, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Daredevil, The Punisher (Thomas Jane/John Travolta version), Ghost Rider, The Hulk, The Incredible Hulk, Sin City, 300, Watchmen, Kick-Ass, Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
If I am forgetting any (which I probably am), I apologize. But whatever the case, my top 10 will be selected from that list. I will start with 10, then count down to 1.
Anyway, on with the list. Flame on!
Honorable Mention: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Ok fine, a top 10 list shouldn’t have an honorable mention. But you know what, I couldn’t leave this one out. When I was a kid, I lived and breathed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The toys, the video games, the cartoon! But let’s take it back to my earlier point-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a comic book first, and it’s way closer to that source material than it’s cartoon counterpart. Why? Well first of, Splinter was a mutated rat in the comics, not a human like in the cartoon. The movie follows the former point, not the latter. Secondly, while there was pizza, puns, and partying taking place in the movie, when you see Raphael being thrown through a glass roof and slamming to the ground, being knocked unconscious, make no mistake-the movie sets a darker tone than the cartoon, following the tone of the comics. Finally, four turtles (COUNT THEM-FOUR) cannot take down the Shredder, proving that he was a force to be reckoned with. That there is a great villian, and not one being insulted by a talking brain. No Bebop. No Rocksteady (all cartoon based, not comic). More points to award just for fun; Casey Jones shows up, using his “tools” to kick Foot Clan booty, and tie this all together with the fact that Jim Henson’s Creature Workshop made the turtles looks amazingly believeable. A movie I still love to this day, childhood nostalgia aside. Cowabunga!
10. Kick-Ass
Famed critic Roger Ebert called this film “morally reprehensible.” Can’t say I blame the guy totally, I mean, Kick-Ass does feature an 11 year old girl swearing and chopping off people’s limbs. But at the same time, I would honestly tell him to loosen up. Kick-Ass to me was like the Grindhouse of superhero movies; it was completely 100% over the top and it was a heck of a good time at the cinema. It just exists for certain people and it will probably find a larger audience on dvd or gain cult status or whatever. For me at least, it was a blast, and an experience I took in twice. I loved it the second time just as much as the first, and that’s saying something.
9. Batman (1989)
That old ‘60s tv show? That wasn’t the real Batman. THIS was the real Batman (up until almost two decades later). Tim Burton, waaaay before casting Johnny Depp and his wife, Helena Bonham Carter in everything he directed, gave us a darker Batman. While some still scoff at the casting of Michael Keaton as an acceptable dark knight, Keaton, in my mind, still makes a more than credible Batman. His Bruce Wayne though, until Christian Bale, was very good. However, it is Jack Nicholson’s Joker that really makes the movie what it is. Anyone looking back on it now still remembers Jack as the Joker, and while his performance is far different than Heath Ledger’s in 2008, the performance Nicholson gives for the clown prince of Gotham is a giddy treat; “Wait til they get a load of me.”
8. Sin City
While I referred to Kick-Ass as the Grindhouse of movies, this set of three-stories-in-one comic book book flick was actually directed by Robert Rodriguez (who directed Grindhouse’s Planet Terror) with a special guest director named Quentin Tarantino (who directed Grindhouse’s Death Proof). Set primarily in a black and white color tone with splashes of red and yellow here and there, Sin City was different from other comic book movies in the fact that Rodriguez took the panels of the actual comic and used them as storyboards. This movie, to it’s credit, is extremely close to it’s literature counterpart and also had the assistance of it’s author, Frank Miller. This, along with it’s all star cast (Mickey Rourke’s Marv is still the best), make it a great time. Sin City is film noir at it’s raunchiest, most violent, and most fun.
7. Blade 2
I’m going to give a shout out to the original Blade, only because that was the film that made movie companies take a serious look at how a comic book flick could be done well. While I enjoyed the original Blade, Blade 2 kicked up the action, the acting, and the gore a whole ton. With Guillermo Del Toro (director of the amazing Pan’s Labyrinth) behind the camera, it must have added something, because Blade 2 was just more fun than it’s predecessor. Wesley Snipes is at his butt kicking best, and the stylish camera work and special effects are great. Also look out for Ron Pearlman who later went on to become future comic book movie hero Hellboy (also directed by Del Toro. Haven’t seen Hellboy 1 or 2 yet but I have been meaning to).
6. The Incredible Hulk
Completely ignoring the plot set in motion by Ang Lee’s Hulk (2003), The Incredible Hulk gave us a brand new cast, brand new story, and an abbreviated origin placed over the opening credits. Seen as a reboot (and one that was needed), The Incredible Hulk did something really worth mentioning; it made you care about Hulk’s alter ego, Bruce Banner. This credit is owed to actor Edward Norton, whose character runs from pretty much everyone in the film, dodging bullets, tranquilizers, even his own former flame in order to keep everyone safe. But you best believe that when the Hulk busts out, it’s non stop action at it’s green giant greatness. The point I’m trying to make, however, is that even when the Hulk isn’t smashing, the movie is still entertaining. That’s what a good comic book movie should be. Also, a cameo from another Marvel movie hero, Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) doesn’t hurt either. Speaking of Iron Man…
5. Iron Man 2
While I must admit that it is a bit overloaded (Whiplash, Nick Fury, War Machine, Black Widow, Justin Hammer…need I go on?), Iron Man 2 is a lot of fun, and I guarantee you you’ll be laughing a lot more then you thought you would be (that’s a good thing). Downey once again proves why he’s a great actor and perfect for the role of Tony Stark. Sam Rockwell’s Justin Hammer goes toe to toe with Stark and is also given some very funny moments. The special effects are great and the action sequences are awesome. Also, keep your eyes peeled for some easter eggs if you are Marvel fan. To conclude, while I did enjoy the film, I must admit, it was slightly disappointing compared to it’s predecessor. But we will get to that later.
4. X-Men 2
The opening sequence of X-Men 2 is worth the price of admission alone; Alan Cumming’s Nightcrawler BAMFing throughout the White House, taking out guard after guard, trying to reach the president. Thankfully, the rest of the movie doesn’t slouch, as we are introduced to a sly villain who wants to kill all the mutants and almost has the leader of the X-Men complete the task, a boy “coming out” to his parents, telling them about his mutant abilities, and Wolverine going beserk in the school of gifted youngsters, taking out camouflager guards. It’s action packed, it’s fun, and it’s great. Snikt!
3. Spider-Man
Ah, Spider-Man. I read the comics, I have the collectibles, I even have a costume. When 2002 rolled around, I was there opening night to see my fictional hero in action. And you couldn’t imagine the grin I had on my face-I was like a kid in a candy store. This was my superhero movie, and I loved every second of it. If you don’t read the Spidey comics, I’ll be honest; this is the closest of the Spider-Man movies to the comics. The quips Spidey makes, the death of the Green Goblin, and above all else, the ACTUAL DEATH OF UNCLE BEN (the 3rd Spidey movie ruined all of that). While Spider-Man 2 might have been “The Best Superhero Movie Ever” according to Mr. Ebert, I disagree. Spider-Man 2 was very good (especially that train sequence), but it was far too soap opera-y for my taste. Nope, the original Spider-Man is still, in my mind, the best.
2. The Dark Knight
This was a comic book movie at it’s darkest. I admit that I walked out The Dark Knight very depressed. I mean look at the facts-the movie’s real focus (and almost hero), Harvey Dent, is out of the picture, Batman is now on the run (due to his own choice), his girlfriend is dead-it all ends on a down note. It’s very much The Empire Strikes Back of the series. But let’s look at the positives. Ledger, in his last full performance, gives us a very scary, and very memorable Joker (“Wanna see a magic trick?”). Aaron Eckhart is amazing as Harvey Dent, and, for a few brief moments, Two Face. And Christian Bale (raspy voice aside) still proves that he is the best combination of Batman and Bruce Wayne. The movie is just too good, too well written, and too smart and I would be idiotic not to put it on the list.
1. Iron Man
This movie came out the same summer as the number 2 movie on my list. While The Dark Knight was more of a well rounded movie, there is a reason why I prefer Marvel Comics (Iron Man, Spider-Man, X-Men, Hulk)-their characters are just more fun. Obviously, Marvel Studios (in it’s first production) injected the original Iron Man movie with this “fun” and it shows. As soon as the movie kicks in with AC/DC’s “Back in Black,” you immediatley see Tony Stark, scotch in hand, sunglasses on, making clever remarks. That opening alone just sets the tone for the movie-it’s awesome! Plus, the movie succeds where Iron Man 2 didn’t because all the best moments were not given away in the trailers. For me, the best part of this movie was where Tony suits up in the Mark III armor for the first time. The sequence, the music, and the final shot of Stark’s face is just awesome. Also, hearing the clang of the Mark I armor as Tony stomps towards the door (trying to escape captivity) to take down the terrorists had me cracking a smile. Why is this movie number one? Everything works-the cast, the special effects, the pacing, the music, the humor, the drama, everything. It’s an awesome movie, one that I saw three times in theatres, and proudly own on dvd. I love it. More than any other comic book movie. Period.
So that’s my Top 10 list. Keep your eyes peeled for my 5 Worst Comic Book Movies List. Until then, remember:
“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.”
Really glad that you put Blade 2 and X-Men 2 because they were pretty freakin awesome.
I would have also had:
V for Vendetta
30 Days of Night
From Hell
I know some are technically “graphic novels” but I loved them 🙂
Im really glad that you put Blade 2 and X-Men 2 because I thought they were pretty awesome and better than the first in the series.
I would have also had:
V for Vendetta
30 Days of Night
From Hell
I know some are technically graphic novels but they were excellent
Hmm…said my first comment didnt post so I had to re-write it haha
Well, guess this is a good time to add that Thomas Jane was an awful Punisher (Dolph Lundgren was far superior) and Im glad that movie didnt make the list
Only five worst comic book movies to come? You need to see Catwoman before you tackle that one.
you might change your blog post title to be the top 10 of summer blockbuster comic book movies. meantime, you got some nice shots of the promo posters here.
It’s true, most of these movies are Summer blockbusters, cept for Kick-Ass and Sin City.
“Haven’t seen Hellboy 1 or 2 yet”
IMHO Hellboy 1 should be listed here. 🙂
I completely agree with the number 1 position: Iron Man is really great!
Ok, you do make a very decent list. BUT, come on, you’ve never seen any of the original Superman movies? Dude, gotta fix that. Great list and the logic behind it seems sound. I agree about the Spiderman flicks and I love that Ironman is your number one.
It’s not that I don’t want to. I eventually will, and it will probably be the first two only. The rest of the Superman series (III and IV) I have nothing but negatives about.
I highly recommend the first two as well. I love superhero movies, and Superman would make it easily in my personal Top Three.
Fantastic list!
I am sooo happy you put the Ninja Turtles on there. I think its safe to say that everyone loved that movie!
I am in love with Spiderman. That movie was so great. I was grinning ear to ear throughout the whole film (aside from Uncle Ben dying of course!)
I soon became obsessed and got Spiderman sheets, blankets, and comforters. (all gifts! lol)
Loved the list.
I have to see kick ass!
I have to say, I’m not a huge Dark Knight fan. I think I’m the only one in the world that didn’t like it…I just didn’t click with it.
Great! this is a great post! I personally love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. and so does my brother. Our Toys were all related to those awesome green turtles….:))
Great List! Although I’m surprised at the omission of V for Vendetta. A powerfully written graphic novel and even more profound movie. Well-directed, brilliantly written and great cinematography. Defs make sure to check it out!
I haven’t seen Ironman, but I’ll take your word for it. Dark Knight is a great movie, but somehow I’ve managed to watch it over ten times without even trying, whether I stumble on it on one of the movie channels or watching it at my friend’s place, it seems like everybody has this movie and everyone’s seen it multiple times. Ironman on the other hand hasn’t been presented to me in the same way, I don’t know anybody who owns it, and I never see it popping up on any of the movie channels, and because of that, I like it. I don’t feel like I’m being force fed, and I can choose to watch it at my own pace. Your post has inspired me to go out and watch it, and if I like it maybe I’ll go and see the second one, probably when it comes out on DVD though, because movies have become so ridiculously expensive. At least they didn’t try to put it in 3-D. 3-D’s cool and all, but it’s just a fad, just as it was thirty years ago. Put video games in 3D and then you’ve got something.
I’m rambling. Like your posts, keep it up.
I agree with you guys on V for Vendetta. Great flick.
This is only a list of the movies you have seen? What a waste! No Superman or Superman II, and you saw Watchmen but it didn’t make the list? Sorry, you wasted my time.
Thank you. Like your posts
Great list! I’m glad you gave TMNT an honorable mentions because that held a special place in my youth as well.
I wrote my thesis on Sin City as noir, so I was glad to see that up there as well.
Dark Night was great and the original Batman too!
I was surprised and happy at the same time to see Iron Man (one) as your top choice. I enjoyed it because like you said it was a superhero movie without all the mush (at least I don’t remember any) I have not seen Iron Man 2 yet waiting for the english version here in Nice, France.
For fun and silly pictures check out http://www.crazyparking.com pictures.
superman 2 is still the most exciting and the most fun of all superhero movies; great action, great romantic chemistry between lois and clark; great viliians, and a sense of humor that lifts it above the rest……love the ending, esp. when supre goes against character and gets revenge on that jackass in the diner. its just super!
LOVE the movie posters…makes me want to go rent one immediately!
Great list that you have here. Few days ago for 3rd time Ive watched Iron-Man:) I love this movie and its a good choice for 1st place. Batman-The Dark Knight was awesome as well. Heat Ledger as a Joker was incredible – RIP. I’m big fan of X-Man’s but its because Ive read all comic books from this series. I hope for more movie adaptation of this comics. Ive also read few Spider-mans and Ive enjoyed comic books much more than movies. Lest hope for some more good adaptations of a legendary comic series and and such a great posts like yours.
Good list. Iron Man was AWESOME. I think that TMNT inspired a whole generation of boys (and a couple of girls) to want to be ninjas. I think that like myself, those kids grew up and were still deeply interested in martial arts and that is part of the reason why MMA is overtaking boxing. BTW I would add Watchmen and Batman Begins to your list.
The original Batman was superb however The Dark Knight was a welcomed return, especially because it was filmed in Chicago! Shocking that Iron Man is your first choice and not sure Sin City deserves any recognition at all. Lila Frazier
All of these movies are awesome!
Nice list, good selections but DUDE…it’s its, not it’s for the possessive!!! You’re killing me! 😉
I highly suggest that if you want editors to take you seriously, you do a find and replace of all those it’s with its. These articles will act as your resume if you want to pursue writing jobs in the future.
Beyond that…thanks for the love of Iron Man 2. Too much trashing of it going on these days (less than a week after it premiered). It rocked.
And you were right to leave Watchmen off the list. A unique film and faithful adaptation but doesn’t hold up to these entries, IMHO.
Sorry dude. I’m a teacher so I’ll keep an eye out for those next time. Thanks.
Great list. Couldn’t have really put it better myself, which I was trying to up until now.
I especially like your inclusion of The Incredible Hulk, too many people have ignored that movie, relating it to the big screen vomit that was Hulk.
Iron Man is my favourite comic character, and I thought he was well represented on film, glad to see he made the list…twice.
Oh hells yes, that is one solid list! And actually one of the few I really agree with, even though I`m only a self-proclaimed comic-fan (having read only four of them, oh shame) of this day & age… I think I agree with every point you make, especially on Iron Man (1&2) and Kick-Ass. And yes, the trailer-bits from Iron Man 2? MAJOR dissapointment. Great movie, AWESOME trailer. I`m just sayin’.. (They cut away the Pepper-helmet-kiss! As a Pepper-fangirl, I call FOUL!) And Tony Stark… You just gotta love the man.
And ooops, I completely forgot to join the bandwagon and scream V FOR VENDETTA out loud! 😀 That is one solid comic, as well as my fav (or 2’nd fav) movie ever.
BLADE FAN! I agree with the sequel being better than the first. The more action and gore, the better!
😈 😀 😆
I wish I had hours to write how terrible these choices are for a top ten. How did “The Dark Knight” make this list, much less deserve a spot at number two.
Watchmen? No? Other than that, really good post.
Batman got worse, sadly. I say take points off when more than one movie is made and it doesn’t stand up. As said above, Watchmen!!
good post.these movies are awesome!
Yes! Batman! I don’t really agree with you on Iron Man 2 being #1 though. Also, love that TMNT is mentioned. =)
what about the crow? have you lost your mind? and daredevil directors cut? worst list ever
Iron Man does not belong in the number 1 spot at all.
I found some good info about the new Thor movie, which could potentially become the best superhero movie.
Yeah The Crow was good…but Daredevil? Nah man.
Just out of curiosity, have you seen V for Vendetta and/or read the book? How do you think it compares? I find it interesting how the movie changed A LOT and I still managed to like it.
Also, The Crow was a great comic book movie. The graphic novel didn’t seem too focused, and in my opinion the movie was actually better. It also featured a pretty strong and highly tragic performance by Brandon Lee, son of Bruce.
Lastly, Scott Pilgrim (both the movie and the final book in the series) coming out later this summer.
Ha good post. You gotta love the turtles…
I’m down with most of your list…. The Hulk I’ll give you even though the real (physical) conflict isn’t introduced until the final act, but Spider-man? I just re-watched last weekend, and, well, it wasn’t as good as I remember. I’ve been an avid collector of comics since the early 90’s, and this was no spider-man that I knew. Sure Uncle Ben died, but there is no reason to make a big thing out of it. If he didn’t die, then there would be no Spider-man, and no responsibility mantra. There were two ways in which this film skewed from comics, where it lost me:
1. Glazing over high school in pretty much a montage. Those years of the Ditko Spider-man are why the character is still loved today. The nerd with superpowers storyline is what makes the character so beloved to its readers. It fulfills every ten year old boy’s fantasy to have superpowers.
2. Leaving out Gwen. Killing Ben had to happen, but the catalyst for spider-man to finally grow up was the Death Of Gwen Stacy. The first film utilized the frame work from that storyline. The Green Goblin kidnaps Spider-Man’s Girlfriend (In the film it is Mary Jane while in the Comic it is Gwen) takes her to the Brooklyn Bridge, knocks her off the top, and Spider man rescues her while she is in free fall. The fight then moves elsewhere, to Randall’s Island I believe, where the Goblin is killed by his own Goblin Glider. The Major difference being, that in the comic, rather than swinging down to the rescue, Peter makes his biggest mistake since letting that thief go who kills Uncle Ben, he shoots a web straight down from the top of the bridge. The resulting tension from the web snapped Gwen’s neck killing her instantly. That was step #2 in Spider-man’s development as a character.
Fun post! Sorry for the long comment….
Other Suggestions:
The Rocketeer – bring on the bashing. I love this movie.
Thats a nice collection. I think you have missed many other movies.
TMNT – The best! Great list. The only other one I quite liked was American Splendor. On my to-watch list is “Spawn”.
American Splendor was great, but it would be better placed on another list, including Ghost World, The Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Southland Tales (?), basically the more cerebral comicbook films.
Great post… I have a 10 year old boy, so I’m there…
I haven’t seen Kick Ass or Sin City though, maybe the names postponed our movie trip.
Iron Man all the way!! I am not a comic fan per se, but that movie worked!!
Awesome list! Agree that the first Iron man movie was better than the second.
While the choices are appreciated, I think more time needs to be seen for the more recent entries such as Kick-Ass and Iron Man 2 to see if they’ll still have that durability to entertain some twenty years on that TMNT and Batman have.
I also think that Spider-Man 2 should have placed over Incredible Hulk, not because Incredible Hulk was a terrible film, but because Spider-Man 2 got inside Peter’s mind a little more than it’s predecessor.
If only I had a quarter for every time I came here.. Incredible read.
woh I enjoy your blog posts, saved to fav! .