HomeTelevisionRAW Recap: RAW Goes Pink (For a Good Cause)

RAW Recap: RAW Goes Pink (For a Good Cause)


I often wonder what could have been had CM Punk been scripted as a babyface during the latter months of his WWE Championship reign. Granted, as a heel he cut great promos, but that is a given regardless whether he was face or heel. He was cheered anyway, because he is the best at what he does and like his new T-shirt says, he has been the “Best since day one.” Punk cuts his promo about inevitable getting his hands on Paul Heyman, and does not care who he has to beat up to do it.


Brad Maddox senses Punk’s desire to fight and stutters his way into the ring, thankfully interrupted by Big E. Langston who takes up the offer for a match. CM Punk defeats Langston in a solid match, and not only am I glad to see Punk competing in a great match, but we get to see Big E. Langston in action once again. Probably the best sell of the GTS.

Kofi Kingston and Fandango have a very fast paced contest, resulting in a win for Kingston but also a win for the fans as Bray Wyatt and his disciples make their way out to deliver another haunting message. Love it.

Nice touch by WWE to publicize Breast Cancer Awareness and their partnership with the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Pink superstar shirts and pink ring ropes. Very nice touch.

Acknowledging real-life, Randy Orton intimidates Brie Bella and mocks her engagement with Daniel Bryan. So, does this make the Bellas, or at least Brie Bella a face now?

Finally we get the ridiculousness of Los Matadores, named Diego and Fernando, with El Torito, a midget (AKA Lucha sensation Mascarita Dorada) in a bull costume who runs and jumps around the ring. Their first opponents are Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater, and Drew McIntyre is at home thanking whoever he believes in he is not subject to being part of yet another 3MB loss. We all know it’s Primo and Epico under masks, and you know what folks? If this gimmick gets them over and more airtime, then I 100% approve of the gimmick. If something doesn’t work, go back to drawing board and find what works. Except we hear the “Boring!” chant mid-way through, and JBL seems more focused on the midget bull than the actual match. Not helpful for the at-home audience. JBL must have had at least a dozen beers, as he shouts “Ole!” more than the crowd.


Here comes some fun, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon confront Dusty, Dustin (Goldust), and Cody Rhodes. Unfortunately, The King and Queen do most of the talking, informing the family of one more chance to regain their jobs. Cody and Goldust must defeat The Shield at Battleground. If they lose, not only will their careers be over, Dusty will be fired from being the developmental trainer in NXT. Only Dusty speaks, provoking Triple H and as the corporate husband and wife depart the ring, The Shield hits and beats down the family.

Thanks to a fake-out by CM Punk, R-Truth was able to defeat Curtis Axel. Paul Heyman had a nice panic attack. We then get a promo by WWEShop showing off the history of Punk’s T-shirts. Wow.

Michael Cole announces WWE Hall of Fame Diva Trish Stratus has given birth to a baby boy… Named Maximus. Maximus. Kid better love Transformers. Or Greek stuff.

Brie Bella defeats Alicia Fox. Pre-match promo showing the history between Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella. Gabarf. Oh, she faces AJ Lee at Battleground, and Tamina is now AJ’s bodyguard.

Backstage, awkward segment with Heyman, Axel, and Ryback. Axel sad he keeps losing, Heyman happy to be antagonizing Punk, and Ryback just wants to fight. Heyman then says he is going to “propose” to Ryback.

More Big Show drama unfolds. He cries to backstage interviewer Renee about being held hostage, but people are judging him unfairly, he has to do what he needs to do to survive. However, through talking it out… Big Show snaps, in glorious fashion, decreeing he will Knock Triple H the Hell Out. He is the best in this business when it comes to acting. Give him an award.

Alberto del Rio defeats Zack Ryder. That’s it.

Paul Heyman cuts the greatest promo ever. I mean, there is talk of being progressive, partners, commitments, and a line about Heyman wanting to “make a man” out of Ryback. Greatest thing ever. Heyman gets on one knee, and asks “Will you be a Paul Heyman guy?” This segment had me laughing hysterically. Punk interrupts the lovely proposal, coming out through the crowd, trips over the barrier and collapses. Of course, this is a feint, as Punk whips out a Kendo Stick and beats the tar out of everyone, mostly Axel since Ryback and Heyman hightail it. Poor Axel.

Here’s what is good for business, Dolph Ziggler and The Usos and The Shield. Incredible match, both methodical and fast paced. So glad tag teams are being featured in high profile contests now, and even here Ziggler really got to stand out, even though he ate a spear from Roman Reigns and was pinned. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns consistently put on a great show. Ziggler and the Usos always deliver. That was a pay-per-view quality match. Shame Ziggler is slotted for the PPV pre-show against Damien Sandow.

Backstage Big Show is about to get arrested, but Stephanie “saves” him, but also reveals more problems. Show does not get to punch out Triple H, but he does put his fist through the promo poster for the new DVD, Thy Kingdom Come.

Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton have their face-to-face confrontation, which inevitably breaks down into chaos. Orton gains the advantage, and Brie Bella runs down in time to watch the Predator spike Bryan with a DDT onto the arena floor. Chaos descends as Orton then plants Bryan through the announce table with an RKO to close the show.

Well, that escalated quickly.


Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical practice, and runs a telehealth private practice. Most importantly, all members of the household are required to memorize all Autobots and Decepticons in the collection. G1 Forever!


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