HomeMoviesThe Casting Couch: March Casting News

The Casting Couch: March Casting News


Patrick Wilson in an unspecified role (Ant-Man)

Thumbs Up: I’ve always felt Wilson was underrated, especially as Daniel Dreiberg/Nite Owl II in Watchmen. Once again, I’ll let the Marvel fans speculate about who he’s playing, I don’t really care. Ant-Man is putting together a nice little cast. I just wish I could be more on board with Paul Rudd as the lead. –DC

Thumbs (Way) Up: Patrick Wilson is just an awesome actor. I have a feeling he’s going to be a villain here and he’ll kill it. He was great in The A-Team and this cast and director is leaps and bounds better than that film. –BB


Vincent D’Onofrio as a villain (Jurassic World)

Thumbs Up: It’s never a bad idea to get Vincent D’Onofrio as a villain in anything. His performance in Full Metal Jacket still haunts me. With Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard already in the fold, this sequel is starting to intrigue me. –DC

Thumbs in the Middle: D’Onofrio is a fine actor, but boy does he have a penchant for overacting. If not reined in, he could actually ruin the movie. –BB

Idris Elba as Shere Khan (voice) (The Jungle Book)

Thumbs Up: While I think people are overrating Idris Elba just a tad, this particular casting is pretty awesome. It looks like there will be some motion capture involved, but it’s really Elba’s voice that makes this a perfect fit. –DC

Thumbs Up: Perfect choice. Elba, in his natural UK accent, will really make the Shere Khan character that much better. –BB


Jason Sudeikis as I.M. Fletcher (Fletch Won)

Thumbs in the Middle: Full disclosure – I have not seen Fletch, but I’m pretty sure I can imagine what the character was like with Chevy Chase playing him. As far as Sudeikis goes, I’m undecided on this guy. I’ve seen him be good in Horrible Bosses, I’ve seen him be absolutely awful in Hall Pass, and then I’ve seen him be ‘meh’ in We’re the Millers. Taking over an iconic Chevy Chase role however, I’m not so sure. We’ll see. –DC

Thumbs Up: Perfect. Sudeikis will capture the sublimely smug ignorance Chevy Chase infused in the role decades ago. Sudeikis will be great in the role, but you have to be concerned if the writers and director can capture the smartness the original Fletch had and not make it some cheese ball goof-fest. –BB

Rooney Mara as Tiger Lilly (Pan)

Thumbs Up: Rooney Mara is one of the most underutilized/underrated actresses in Hollywood. It’s great to see her get a big movie like this. Mara and Hugh Jackman have me hopeful about this one. It’s too bad Garrett Hedlund as Hook has to ruin it though. –DC

Thumbs (Way) Down: I hate this decision. First, let’s cast the whitest woman alive to portray a Native American. Brilliant. Second, let’s get one of the most boring and overrated actresses in Hollywood to play it. Rooney Mara has zero charisma and this air of douchebaggery around here. Gag. Vomit. –BB

Helena Bonham Carter returning as Red Queen (Alice in Wonderland 2)

Thumbs Down: I’m not giving this a thumbs down because I think Carter will be bad. I’m giving it a thumbs down because Carter is more talented than this, and I’d like to see her do something more substantial. I’ve seen bits and pieces of the original film, and it was painful. I understand Tim Burton isn’t directing this, but still, keep me far away from this one. –DC

Thumbs Down: This is a movie that just shouldn’t be happening. –BB

Terminator: Genesis Round-Up:

J.K. Simmons as a Detective
Dayo Okeniyi as the son of Miles Dyson


Thumbs Up on Simmons/Thumbs Undecided on Okeniyi: J.K. Simmons is never a bad idea, and was the one bright spot of that horrific Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy. Simmons and Terminator just feels like a perfect match. As far as Okeniyi is concerned, he’s basically an unknown. I remember him being fine in the first Hunger Games. This story is more intriguing though based on the fact that he’s playing Miles Dyson’s son, as Miles Dyson was of course a critical character in Terminator 2. I want to be excited about this Terminator movie, but I’m just not feeling it right now. –DC

Thumbs Up…Thumbs In The Middle: I think both actors are fine choices…however, I know nothing about this movie. The last two Terminators were kinda lame, so one’s gotta be concerned if this movie will suffer the same fate. –BB

Ellen Page as Judy Jacklin, John Belushi’s wife (Belushi Biopic)

Thumbs Up: While I’m not crazy about Emile Hirsh playing John Belushi, I’m all for Ellen Page as his wife. Much like I said about J.K. Simmons, it’s never a bad idea to have Ellen Page in your movie. –DC

Thumbs in the Middle: This whole Belushi movie just reeks of a film that’s going to be shelved. In regards to Page, she’s fine. I’m not as over the moon about her as Dan, as her last few roles have kinda been rather subpar. So, this is a very “meh” choice for me. –BB

Kevin Spacey as Sir Winston Churchill (Captain at the Gate)

Thumbs Up: I don’t think you’ll find anybody on the planet who would disagree with this casting. –DC

Thumbs Up: While he might not be the perfect physical representation of Churchill (Brendan Gleeson would work better for that), Spacey will undoubtedly deliver from acting perspective. –BB

Bill Bodkin
Bill Bodkinhttps://thepopbreak.com
Bill Bodkin is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Pop Break, and most importantly a husband, and father. Ol' Graybeard writes way too much about wrestling, jam bands, Asbury Park music, Disney+ shows, and can often be seen under his season DJ alias, DJ Father Christmas. He is the co-host of the Socially Distanced Podcast (w/Al Mannarino) which drops weekly on Apple, Google, Anchor & Spotify. He is the co-host of the monthly podcasts -- TV Break and Bill vs. The MCU.

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