Monthly Archives: June, 2014

Comics Are For Lovers: The Right Story for the Right Price

With the ever-growing popularity of big budget superhero franchises there has been a renewed interest in comic books and geek culture. I have talked...

Video Game Review: Mario Kart 8

How can a series, after eight entries, continue to innovate and dazzle? Well, Mario Kart 8 takes its place at the starting line very confidently and...

Trailer Tuesday: The Boxtrolls

Release Date: September 26, 2014 Starring: Voices of Simon Pegg, Elle Fanning, Toni Collette, Ben Kingsley, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Jared Harris, Richard Aoyade, Nick Frost,...

Film Review: Death Spa

Previously difficult to find film, Death Spa, has just been released on DVD and Blu-ray. Movie collectors everywhere rejoice! Thanks to Gorgon Video, responsible...

Pop-Ed: The Seth Rollins Heel Turn

I've watched wrestling for the past 28 years and tonight might have been one of the first nights a heel turn actually made me...

TV Recap: (Monday Night) RAW is a Heel Turn

The events of RAW last night had me so bewildered, I could not do the review until I was right in the head this...

TV Recap: 24: Live Another Day, ‘4:00pm-5:00pm’

Plot: After the failed CIA attempt to capture Margot al-Harazi, President Heller (William Devane) decides to put all his faith in the unpredictable hands...

Happy Monday Interview Series: The Vansaders

Mondays usually suck, except if you're at The Wonder Bar in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Yes, a total cheeseball thing to say, but we're proud...

Review: Game of Thrones, ‘The Mountain and The Viper’

Plot: The day of reckoning has arrived for Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage). Can his champion Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal) defeat the enormous Gregor Clegane...

Film Review: Maleficent

Written by Mallory Delchamp With the recent success of this summer’s Marvel films it is safe to say that the Mouse is well on its...

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