Written by Megan LaBruna
Football season is upon us, which also means everyone’s favorite fantasy football show, The League, has returned! As expected, the entire gang is up to their usual debauchery. With the season 6 opener, they waste no time in flooding viewers with guest appearances by Buccaneers’ wide receiver Mike Evans, Titans’ offensive tackle, Taylor Lewan Steelers’ linebacker Ryan Shazier and defensive end Stephon Tuitt to name a few.
So how’s the gang doing this season? Kevin’s (Stephen Rannazzisi) the new Andre (Paul Scheer), Andre’s practice is doing well, Jenny’s (Katie Aselton) gloating about her Shiva win, Ruxin’s (Nick Kroll) accidentally joined 12 different fantasy leagues, Pete’s (Mark Duplass) enjoying making fun of the Sacko and Taco hasn’t changed a bit. Oh and SPOILER ALERT: Ted’s dead.

With a new draft coming up, the league discuses changing from an eight person league to a 10 person league. While they’re busy harping on Kevin (Rannazzisi), Ted gets hit by a car and dies on the way to an AIDS foundation event. Unlike the time where Rafi died in California, I think Ted’s legitimately dead. They had a funeral and everything, but an untimely death wasn’t going to get in the way of this gang’s draft. They agree to sit “Shiva” (not to be confused with the Shiva) as is Jewish tradition prior to the burial. This is by far nothing like an ordinary Shiva. They hold the 2014 draft equipped with beers and smack talk and even draft a team for dearly departed Ted (Adam Brody). When the family shows up, they’re quick to hide the evidence. The problem is that Taco (Jonathan LaJoie), being Taco, hid the draft board in the coffin with Ted.
Despite being presented with the issue of having to get their draft board back before it’s buried forever, Pete (Duplass), Jenny (Aselton) and Kevin still find a way to mess with Andre (Scheer). They inform him he was chosen to start off a flash mob at the funeral. He of course dons the clothes and the music and falls unsuspectingly for their terrible prank. I’ve noticed in many episodes there’s usually a ridiculous storyline (almost always dealing with Taco) that inevitably ties into the actual storyline. This episode is no exception. Taco has taken up street golf and while he’s getting a round in at the funeral, the ball crashes through a window and knocks the rabbi unconscious right after Andre’s terrible dancing display. He’s able to redeem himself by helping the Rabbi with some medical treatment. It seems everything’s coming up “Andre” at the start of this season which is a major change from seasons past.

Texans’ defensive end, JJ Watt, makes another appearance on the show and some other ridiculous events ensue including Jenny and Kevin having sex at the funeral, Taco jumping out of Ted’s coffin with the draft board and Ruxin (Kroll) being put on the spot to prove he can tell the difference between Cameron Jordan and Jordan Cameron when both men show up for the funeral. For a half an hour show the writers really know how to make use of their time.
So what can we expect out of season 6? Well there’s more than just the Shiva on the line this year. Ted has bequeathed his Laguna Beach house to the winner. This reference makes me laugh, because while I’m sure it’s probably not a nod to the O.C. in which Adam Brody portrayed the awesomely awkward Seth Cohen, I’m making the connection anyway. With the addition of the house, viewers will most likely be treated to many foiled plans, backstabbing trades, long cons, even more guest appearances by actors and athletes alike, and of course, with Jenny as last season’s Shiva winner and Kevin as the Sacko, plenty of “Domestic Sacktual Abuse”.
Check out season 6 of The League Wednesday nights at 10pm on FXX.