Monthly Archives: September, 2014

Interview: Brownout Presents: Brown Sabbath

We've all heard of bands doing wild re-interpretations of classic rock 'n' roll material; whether it be groups jumping on a concept album or...

TV Recap: The League, Season 6 Premiere

Written by Megan LaBruna Football season is upon us, which also means everyone’s favorite fantasy football show, The League, has returned! As expected, the...

11 Albums You Might Have Missed This Summer

With the conclusion of Labor Day Weekend, summer is now officially over. Between the countless festivals, high profile tours, and a fair share of...

Pop-Break Live: Jeff Bridges and The Abiders (Wellmont Theater)

One of America's finest actors, Jeff Bridges (try and make an argument against that statement), rolled into the Wellmont Theater in Montclair, New Jersey...

Review: The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story

Plot: Based on true events detailing the formation and gigantic success of the early nineties live action kid's show, Saved by the Bell.  Told...

Interview: Modern Baseball

Written by Erin Mathis Think back to who you were 10 or 12 years ago. If you were anything like me (and if female), you...

Pop-Break Live: Uproar Festival 2014

If anyone recently watched the culturally irrelevant 2014 MTV VMA’s, the blatant disrespect shown towards modern rock music severely spiked my blood pressure and...

Album Review: Dragonforce, ‘Maximum Overload’

Written by Lucas P. Jones In an industry dominated by electronic drums, auto tuned vocals, and flannel wearing guitarists who thing that distortion is something...

Interview: frnkiero andthe cellabration

When he was just a teenager, Frank Iero began having pangs of pain in his stomach after eating. Soon after he learned from his...

Review: The Walking Dead Video Game Season Finale, “No Going Back”

Plot: Clementine (Melissa Hutchinson) has come a long way since Lee Everett (Dave Fennoy) found her in that tree house. With everything collapsing around...

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