HomeMovies31 Days of Horror 2014: House of Wax (1953)

31 Days of Horror 2014: House of Wax (1953)


House of Wax begins Vincent Price Tuesdays in the 31 Days of Horror Film Series

Henry Jarrod (Vincent Price) is a sculptor who works with wax, displaying his work in a wax museum that isn’t making money. When his business partner tries to convince him to go commercial with a “chamber of horrors” or to burn down the museum to collect the insurance money, Henry refuses as he is in it to make art, not money. His business partner burns the place down anyway, with Henry inside.

House of Wax 1953 Film Poster

Years later, a mysterious disfigured man comes to town and opens a wax museum. This time, the “Chamber of Horrors” becomes a reality when it is full of revenge covered in wax.

As a young child, I remember seeing Vincent Price in House on Haunted Hill and recognizing his face from a picture that my parents had in their living room. He was a spot on replica of my grandfather, to the point where I was convinced, until morning when it could be clarified by my mother, that he was my grandfather.

From there, my love for Vincent Price flourished, which is why every Tuesday this month is Vincent Price Tuesday, starting with House of Wax.

House of Wax is a remake of Mystery of the Wax Museum, but was remade itself in 2005 in an embarrassing mess involving Chad Michael Murray and Paris Hilton. The original starred horror staples Lionel Atwill and Fay Wray and is considered, by some, to be the best version of the film. If you ask me, Price’s version is far more entertaining and has appearances by a young Charles Bronson and the future Morticia Addams herself, Carolyn Jones.

Filmed in 3D, and the first 3D film I ever saw, House of Wax is cheesy and melodramatic entertainment with pure genius from Price himself. The 3D parts basically consist of a man outside of the wax museum with one of those paddle toys with a ball on a string, which he is hitting towards the camera but it honestly fits with the fun of the film.

Enjoy your first Vincent Price Tuesday with House of Wax and please, avoid that Paris Hilton mess at all costs.


Ann Hale is the horror editor for Pop-Break.com and a senior contributing writer, reviewing horror movies and television shows. She is also the American Correspondent for Lovehorror.co.uk. Ann attended East Carolina University, majoring in English Literature. She is a collector of Halloween (the film) memorabilia and is a self-admitted opinionated horror nerd. You can follow her, her collection and her cat, Edward Kittyhands on Twitter and Instagram @Scarletjupiter

Ann Hale
Ann Hale
Just a giant nerd in love with horror, 80's action flicks, Star Wars and Harry Potter. Hit me up on Twitter or Instagram @scarletjupiter to talk horror or just to browse the horror collection.

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