HomeTelevisionTV Event Preview: 2014 WWE Hell in a Cell

TV Event Preview: 2014 WWE Hell in a Cell


Get excited, it’s Hell in a Cell time! Tonight, live on Pay-Per-View or the WWE Network, you can watch four championship matches, none of them involving the WWE World Championship, and for once, to quote Diamond Dallas Page: “That’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing!”

Keeping Brock Lesnar and the WWE Championship off television accomplishes two things. The Rabbi of Wrestling, Paul Heyman verbally established Brock Lesnar as the champion who everyone wants a shot at. He ended The Streak of the Undertaker. He mauled John Cena. Brock is like the Boogeyman, but not WWE’s Boogeyman.

I mean the guy who shows up, physically renders someone unconscious, then vanishes. He leaves his mark. Secondly, this makes the WWE Championship all the more prestigious by only being defended at certain events. Sure, when CM Punk or Daniel Bryan held the title, they were on television wrestling, but the title was not on the line. Granted Bryan and Punk had the ability to perform and entertain on a weekly basis.

There is a lot of ground to cover, so here we go (Bill Bodkin joins in for predictions):

Nikki Bella vs. Brie Bella: Getting the filler out of the way first, we have Nikki Bella vs. Brie Bella, where the loser must be the “personal assistant” of the victor. Such garbage we have to put up with, and although Brie continues to keep the “YES” chants fond in our hearts, I am not sure it will benefit Daniel Bryan, if he ever comes back.

MD: Nikki Bella because Evil Will Always Triumph… Because Good is Dumb, and so is this angle.
BB: Man, this angle lost all its steam. I think Brie wins, but this will be the angle that never dies.

Divas Title Match: Paige vs. AJ Lee
Now this has been a great rivalry. Not as great as Trish vs. Lita, but to my recollection this has been the best feud over the Divas Championship in the past few years. AJ and Paige have been trading the title, and I think a win by Paige would continue the feud, however there are other Divas lining up for a title shot. Natalya would be a good contender, Alicia Fox has earned more air time lately so perhaps she is due. This one is hard to call, but I am going with my Jersey Girl.

MD: AJ Lee
BB: AJ Lee – I think we see a new contender coming up from NXT coming up soon.

The Big Show vs. Alexander Rusev

When was the last time you were excited to see Big Show compete? Don’t get me wrong, I always enjoy seeing the Show hit the ring and deliver chokeslams until he suddenly gets pinned from out of nowhere. He is a guy who also puts people over since he’s “been there, done that” in all aspects of the wrestling business. He does not have anything to prove. He’s been both a fan-favorite and a heel. You can tell he loves what he does. Lately, he has been on the mark funny with his antics, yet also brings out his serious side with a snap. I want Big Show to win, but I forsee Mark Henry, having been frustrated with his losing streak to both Rusev and Bo Dallas, coming out and costing Show the win.

MD: Alexander Rusev
BB: Rusev by DQ – with Henry interference. I think with Kurt Angle probably not signing with WWE, they need to prolong the the Show/Rusev angle. I’m thinking cage match at Survivor Series.

The Usos Challenge The Dusts for the WWE Tag Team Championships

We’ve seen it before, and I don’t mind seeing it again. I will agree lately The Usos are becoming the Hardy Boys in their later years, spot-spot-spot, exchange, spot-spot-spot. However when it’s time for the big matches, they always pull out something new and exciting to watch. I sound like a broken record, but WWE tries so hard to make Gold and Star Dust into heels, but it just does not work. Cody Rhodes being a loon is awesome to watch, and his brand-new wrestling move-set is fantastic ring work. There are few other teams out there, so a title change does not seem likely, but you never know.

MD: Gold and Star Dust (is ‘Dust’ a last name now?)
BB: The Dusts take it because The Usos are stale at this point but who’s next – Adam Rose/The Bunny, Slater Gator, Los Matadores, The Ascension? Personally, I’d love to see Miz/Mizdow take it.

United States Championship Match: The Miz vs. Sheamus

The Miz going overboard with the Hollywood gimmick is hysterical. He makes it a work of art just because of how annoying he can be. The “Direct-to-DVD” star is reinventing the arrogance which made him despised in the first place, and if you recall, sent him to the main event at WrestleMania 28, and defeated John Cena in the main event. Now, he has Damien Mizdow (Sandow) as his “stunt-double” which brings the comedy and ensuing chaos to a high-entertainment level. Sandow has been stagnating for months, teasing a “pipe-bomb” gimmick at one point and then suddenly pulling a dress-up routine on a weekly basis. While initially thought dumb, the sudden change in gimmick showed everyone how versatile he can be on the mic, and fans love it. Hell, even now when Miz is wrestling, the live crowds chant for Sandow. Sandow has picked up a few wins so I would go bonkers if somehow he won the United States Championship, leaving Miz fuming. Sheamus is good, he a brawler and a wrestler, and he is a guy who does not need a strap around the waist to stay popular. You know what, I’m calling it…

MD: by Stunt-Double Switch: Damien Mizdow
BB: The Miz – WWE logic dictates – if the heel keeps losing on TV, then he wins on the PPV>

Intercontinental Championship Match: Cesaro vs. Dolph Ziggler

Congratulations, WWE is putting the top two mid-card workhorses together one-on-one, this time in a Best-2-of-3-Falls match. Sure we have seen them compete a few times in the past two weeks, but it seems those teasing hype matches set up this interesting scenario. Cesaro is long overdue to be recognized as a champion, but Ziggler is at the top of his game since losing the World Heavyweight Championship due to injury over a year ago. This one will be a tough call, but I can promise this one will be recognized as one of the best 2-of-3 matches in a long time.

MD: Cesaro
BB: Ugh, whoever loses is going to fall right down the ladder. I think Cesaro takes it for a needed top run.

Keep in mind of course, if Wade Barrett was not injured, he would probably be involved in either this match or the United States Championship. I hope he shows up to deliver some bad news. Probably related to the next match…

Main Event #1 – Hell in a Cell Match: John Cena vs. Randy Orton

Winner of this gets to challenge for the WWE World Championship against Brock Lesnar. We learn this on RAW, where Cena and Paul Heyman both get plastered with RKOs, “from outta nowhere” courtesy of Michael Cole. It honestly has no meaning to me who wins this. If it is Cena, then prepare for all the hype about tying Ric Flair’s record of title reigns. Say that three-times fast. If Orton wins, we get a heel vs. heel bit, unless this is to prepare Seth Rollins for cashing in. If this becomes the show-closing match, I swear to Primus I will turn the show off and start watching reruns of WCW.

BB: It’d be awesome if Randy Orton won with an RKO OUTTA NOWHERE. But in the end, it’s John Cena who will always reign supreme.

Main Event #2 and this BETTER be the Show Closer Hell in a Cell Match: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

You know what is great about this match? Nothing on the line. 100% pure Grade A Grudge Match. In the past few weeks, on both RAW and SmackDown we have seen these guys put on the best promos I have ever seen. Each and every week Ambrose kills it on the mic, with each bit better than the last. Sure it is all scripted, but the way he does it, the facial expressions, the vocals, his mannerisms, all pure awesome. Rollins is a flying wrecking machine. Both channeling their pasts from Combat Zone Wrestling and Ring of Honor, we have here the two top main event workhorses in the company. We are watching the future of the business climbing to the top of the prime. Hell in a Cell is the perfect way to do it. The tough part is calling who will win. Ambrose winning does not hurt Rollins in the slightest. He is Mr. Money in the Bank. However, a win by Rollins will certainly send Ambrose down a few pegs but with Royal Rumble just a few months away, anything can happen. This one is just too hard to call, but I have to pick someone.

MD: Dean Ambrose
BB: Seth Rollins goes over because he’s next in line to win that title from Big John if/when he beats Brock.


Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical practice, and runs a telehealth private practice. Most importantly, all members of the household are required to memorize all Autobots and Decepticons in the collection. G1 Forever!


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