HomeMoviesTop 10 Comedy Sequels

Top 10 Comedy Sequels

5. 22 Jump Street (2014)


Let’s not forget about recent events. This sequel works on every level because they already beat you to the punch line by going super meta. In almost every scene, they make constant reference to the fact they are doing the same thing, and every time it gets funnier. I talked at length in my 22 Jump Street review about Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill’s chemistry. They are fantastic. Ice Cube also gets one scene that leaves you in absolute stitches. While it’s not quite as good as the original, 22 Jump Street is consistently hilarious with a couple stand out moments that include Jonah Hill’s poetry slam, and a gut-busting end credit sequence that beats not only this film to the punch line, but the next 25.


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Daniel Cohen
Daniel Cohen
Daniel Cohen likes movies and bagels, and that’s pretty much it. Aside from writing Box Office predictions, Daniel hosts the monthly Batman by the Numbers Podcast on the Breakcast feed. Speaking of Batman, If Daniel was sprayed by Scarecrow's fear toxin, it would be watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on a non-stop loop.

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