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The WWE-Ek: Rabbits and Rabbis


The WWE-ek: Rabbits and Rabbis

We have to talk SmackDown right now. As a whole, the show did not do much, other than continue to feature the Survivor Series feuds with Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt, Dolph Ziggler versus the world, Adam Rose and The Bunny ( I swear to Cybertron I am not making this up ), and we also get a return by Chris Jericho.

Jericho started the show with a Highlight Reel segment featuring The Authority. Promising victory, blah blah blah. More “Where’s Our Network” chants. Even with WWE muting the sound in post-production, you can still hear it quite clearly.

Speaking of Bray Wyatt, he could not have looked more ruthless, menacing, and dominant, defeating the mighty and most imposing beast in the company… Sin Cara. Really? Bray Wyatt interferes in the Hell in the Cell main event, is feuding with Dean Ambrose, and all WWE Creative can think of is “Hey! We know what will make Bray look good! Let’s have him squash Sin Cara!” Crap in a bucket folks. Why not just have Wyatt beat up on The Great Khali, same caliber competitor right there. Dean Ambrose rushes out from the back to attack, but Bray evades, taunting him all the way home.

The Dusts defeated Adam Rose and The Bunny. Good lord, as if the toilet wasn’t full enough here. I cannot believe this feud his happening on BOTH Monday Night RAW and SmackDown. Leave Rose and Bunny on Main Event where they belong. Out of sight. This is freakin’ terrible. Right now it could be anyone in the guise, but eventually the Bunny will be revealed. Someone from NXT? Hornswoggle? Hacksaw Jim Duggan? I mean, why is WWE wasting our time here? I feel the impulse to use the cliché, “it can’t get any worse.” This is WWE, we know it can, and it will.

We also had Natalya defeating Layla, while Ryback defeating Kane by DQ after Corporate Buffoon went bonko with a chair. Ryback closes the show by Shellshocking Kane.

I saved the best for last. Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd in a Triple Threat Elimination Intercontinental Championship match. Two weeks ago Kidd beat Sheamus. This past Monday, beat Adam Rose, because that’s the direction you go when being pushed for a mid-card title. Ziggler, Cesaro, and Kidd. These are three ingredients to awesome. What was even more shocking, Kidd being the one to eliminate Cesaro. I will repeat this. Tyson Kidd eliminated Cesaro. Ziggler picked up the retaining title victory by pinning Kidd, but let this sink it for a moment. Tyson Kidd got a title match. Tyson Kidd just got a pinfall over Cesaro. This was an incredible match. If you have not seen it, go watch it. Yes, stop reading my column and find it online, now. Just like how WWE pushes Total Divas while there is a pay-per-view going on.

Is Cesaro being thrown to the bottom of the barrel, while Kidd is being pushed to a mid-tier title?

In a nice touch, the dark match saw Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose pick up a win over Kane and Bray Wyatt. Maybe we can see it on the WWE Network for just $9.99?

Paul Heyman is Twitter this week. I mean it. You log into Twitter, someone tries to get smartass with him, and it turns into a verbal annihilation. He had at least a dozen heated exchanges with Tommy Dreamer, Joey Styles, some random drunk fan who can’t read, a sports-columnist, and I probably missed a few others. Point being, you have to be very careful when you deal with Paul Heyman. He is the Rabbi of Wrestling for a reason. Whether you make a crack, joke, a truthful point, be prepared for Heyman to be very blunt, honest, and will always preach the reality of the truth and the consequences of it. A reporter blasted Heyman for his praise of CM Punk on the live WWE Network broadcast of ECW Exposed.

Only moments earlier Scott Fishman praised the commentary and discussion by Heyman and Styles, but blew it with the aforementioned Tweet. Well, he got what he deserved. Later on, another user, a so-called reporter went word-for-work with Heyman and wound up embarrassing himself to the point where he wouldn’t even stop, knowing Heyman (and the rest of Twitter) begged the guy to stop digging his own verbal grave, he continued to find a new shovel to work with. This post by Heyman says it all.

The whole conversation is very long, the person Heyman is responding to had asked how Heyman puts up with the crap he endures from fans who think they know everything. The user in question opted to attack Heyman’s credentials and wound up eating his words.

I’m sure you can find the whole shebang on your own. Finally, a bit of news on Global Force Wrestling, they have signed Jim Ross… … To do commentary for one event. One. They haven’t signed him to a long-term deal, he isn’t doing play-by-play every week. He will be on hand for commentary at the New Japan Pro Wrestling event “Wrestle Kingdom.” Don’t get all excited for Good Ol’ J.R. coming out of retirement, not happening. Don’t be this guy. JBL2   WWE.com really tried hard this week not to be foolish. They post a column featuring old finishing moves, and who should use them. They purposely give Ryback the Torture Rack from Lex Luger, and Roman Reigns gets the Jackhammer used by Goldberg. Really WWE, could you make it even more obvious how you fail at distancing Ryback from Goldberg? NXT is going to kick major tuchas for the next few weeks leading towards NXT Takeover: Evolution. You better watch. Hey! Tyson Kidd! Still no Wade Barrett. More Mizdow! Luke Harper has gone corporate and Erick Rowan takes the comedy route to a pink slip. =========================================================================================================== Michael Dworkis is a man of vast talent and industry. A former writer and corporate assistant of World Wrestling Entertainment, “MSD” is the Wrestling Columnist for Pop-Break, as well as contributing columns related to comics, movies, pop-culture, and of course, anything Transformers. He recently completed and obtained his Masters degree in Mental Health in Counseling, and recently became licensed to practice as an LAC by the National Board of Certified Counselors. If you need either a therapist or your wrestling fix, come to this man. Michael also is a graduate of Rutgers University with a degree in Journalism and Mass Media, and previously managed an internet retail company. He blames Bill for having so much wrestling on the site and pleads with his superiors to create a feature on his very own Transformer Collection and to subdue Michael Bay for a serious talk. Michael is still searching for a Japanese Grand Maximus or any Japanese Generation 1 exclusives. See more of Michael at MichaelDworkis.com and follow on Twitter @Omegax80. ===========================================================================================================

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical practice, and runs a telehealth private practice. Most importantly, all members of the household are required to memorize all Autobots and Decepticons in the collection. G1 Forever!

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