Kate Mara – Zoe Barnes – House of Cards
Many beloved television characters have passed on this year, but no death was more brutal than Zoe Barnes’ (Kate Mara) subway death on House of Cards. The young reporter’s career was just beginning to take off until she was in the cross-hairs of Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey). From then on, it was a matter of time before she was ousted.
And what a way to go. In the middle of the Season 2 premiere (yes, that soon), Underwood asked Barnes to delete their relationship from her phone before throwing her in front of a subway car. It was a moment that made every city dweller cringe with fear (and maybe take the phrase “Please stay behind the yellow line” a little more seriously). It definitely set the precedence for the rest of the season, and wins as the most shocking event of the series.
Barnes was annoying at times, but her quirkiness, drive, and curiously are incomparable to Ayala, the new journalist featured mid-way through Season 2. I will forever miss watching Barnes do dirty things with Underwood all in the name of Slugline.
–Lauren Stern, Managing Editor
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