3. The Requisite Attire, The Requisite Drink:
Now that you’ve pre-gamed a bit, it’s time to get yourself in the right wardrobe and get the right food and spirits in your system.
The Clothes:Â Now, if you must wear a cable-knit sweater, well God bless you. That thing is just waiting to become a landing spot for all your food and drink throughout the day. I suggest something a little less…bulky and dad-like. A well placed green t-shirt always does the trick but make it isn’t like “Old Navy St. Patrick’s Day 2015” that’s kinda lame. Guinness t-shirts, pub shirts, shamrocks, rugby long-sleeves or if you wanna get fancy, a white shirt with a green tie (skinny tie of course) make for a perfect St. Patty’s ensemble. Jeans for pants of course. For those of you who are bold and wanna go big – go with a kilt! Yes, they’re super-expensive, but well-worth the investment. Gents, if you’re going out make sure your head is rocking a flat cap. Known in some circles as a scally cap, this is legit Irish and ups your McStreet Cred. These are all the rage these days, so make sure you’ve got yourself a nice tweed one. Yeah, none of this Kangol shite or some lame knock off you got from The Gap, make sure it’s the real deal.
When it comes to what you’ll be dining on, try to get a little bit of corned beef in there. Make sure it’s coming from a legit eatery. Don’t drop into your local sports bar or corner dive for a sammie (because every one of them will serve it and serve it wrong), make sure that you’re getting it from a place that is of legit Irish descent or influence. Battle the crowds of your local pub and order up that beautiful piece of corned beef on some soft rye, cover it with Swiss cheese and a liberal dose of brown mustard…perfection.
The drink. Well, forget the whole light beer thing on Saint Patrick’s Day, this is a true day of drinking. A pint of the black (Guinness) is the drink of choice for sure. And make sure you get a proper poured pint…walk into any bar and you can see a sticker certifying the venues’ “Perfect Pour” certification. If you don’t see it, buyer beware. If Guinness isn’t your thing (it isn’t for me), order a pint of the most wonderful beer ever created, Harp Lager. Oh sweet Saint Patrick this is truly a God sent brew. It’s utterly delicious in every sense of the word. Of course if neither floats your boat the following are acceptable alternatives: Smithwicks, Killian’s Irish Red, Murphy’s, Beamish Stout, O’Hara’s, Kilkenny, Magner’s…actually any beer will really do, just make sure it’s not a light. And if you’re going hard, there’s tons of Irish whiskeys out there, but hot damn you better be drinking some liquid gold, Jameson, on this day of days. It’s simply the best.
And seriously, have a designated driver.
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