Written by Bill Bodkin and Justin Matchick

Release Date: October 9, 2015
Starring: Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen, Jeff Daniels, Michael Stuhlbarg.
Director: Danny Boyle
Pre-Trailer Thought: After Jobs, the first Steve Jobs biopic starring Ashton Kutcher, bombed out critically and commercially I’ll admit I had assumed the other Jobs film in development had been put on hold. The Sony e-mail leaks from this past November revealed some behind the scenes drama including would be directing Aaron Sorkin’s script. With Danny Boyle directing, Michael Fassbender as Jobs, and Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak, the troubled production has hopefully righted the ship and is aiming for a few Oscars. – JTM
Pre-Trailer Thought: When I heard there was a new Steve Jobs film coming out my first reaction was – ‘Please stop.’ I understand he’s an iconic figure but come on, we had one Jobs film, and it was received with lukewarm acceptance. Do we really need another one? Also, Christian Bale, who I thought would’ve been perfect to fill the Jobs role, dropped out. I like Fassbender, but is he the right guy for the role? And is Seth Rogen for that matter? -BB
Rate the Trailer: 4 out of 5. Sometimes less is more. The short trailer gave us only fleeting glimpses of Fassbender and Rogen, as well as Jeff Daniels and a hardly recognizable Kate Winslet, but that is enough to get me excited for this film. Shots of the three supporting characters looking on with worry as Jobs seems as confident as ever have me hoping that this film will not turn into a hagiography and address some of the controversy that surrounded Jobs all his life. I love how the minimalist design that became a trademark of many of Apple’s products is a part of the trailer as well, with its simple title design and no music aside from some swelling strings. – JTM
Rate the Trailer: 4 out of 5. Wow. Just wow. I had zero interest in Steve Jobs before seeing this trailer, but my God this sent chills up my spine. Seeing everyone in their roles made sense. But it wasn’t until you see Fassbender as Steve Jobs that sells you on the film. When you see him you realize this is could be something special. –BB
Theater, Rent, Undecided, No Thanks: Theater. Danny Boyle is one of the better directors working today, and someone who has always been able to keep the human element in mind even when working on a massive scale. Jobs was a larger than life figure whose complexity and tenacity were given a wishy-washy, by-the-numbers biopic treatment in Jobs. I know that Boyle can succeed where that film failed, and give us a look at one of the most intriguing pop-culture figures of the past 30 years that doesn’t pull any punches. – JTM
Theater, Rent, Undecided, No Thanks: Theater. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your frontrunner for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay plus a definite nomination for Winslet and a potential nom for the most unlikely person of all-time, Seth Rogen. This movie has something special about it. Could it end up being a schmaltyz deification of the Apple founder? Oh, absolutely. But something here makes me think not. Either way, this is the kind of movie you need to plant yourself in the theater for to truly appreciate it. –BB
Steve Jobs hits this theaters this October.
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