HomeVideo GamesOur Favorite Moments from E3 2015

Our Favorite Moments from E3 2015

Logan J. Fowler’s Top 3 Moments of E3

Street Fighting Man
Before E3 even began for real, Nintendo came forth with DLC news for Super Smash Bros. This is the game that keeps on giving, beyond the fact that you can have Mario, Sonic, Pac-Man, and Mega Man all fight each other.

On Sunday, June 14th, owners of the game could download Lucas from Earthbound, or Roy from Fire Emblem. Both of these characters were available in previous Smash Bros. games, but an announced third DLC fighter was not. Joining Mega Man under the Capcom banner, Ryu, the poster boy of the Street Fighter series, could now go toe to toe with any one of the Nintendo characters.

This feature, despite the fact of being around the bubble of E3, was awesome. Furthermore, Ryu has his own stage, and he controls amazingly. PLUS, HE HAS TWO FINAL SMASHES. Now if Nintendo would just play nice with Marvel, we could have Marvel vs. Capcom vs. Super Smash Bros. So when is that happening?

A Rare Treat

I don’t own an XBOX One and I don’t intend to. Most of the games available for the system are on Playstation anyway and I fully intend on getting a PS4. However, Microsoft has an old standby of Nintendo in their pocket, and that’s developer Rare. Rare churned out some of the best games for the SNES and the Nintendo 64, but got scooped up by Microsoft later on. The company basically has shown they have no idea what to do with Rare, either having them push out lame remakes, blah sequels, or games that doesn’t fit the mold of the greatness that used to be.

However, Microsoft finally wised up and hit a home run at E3 2015. While they could’ve wised up and released something that Rare had in the pipeline for years that matched their previous awesome entries, they decided to take Rare’s library and put it all together into an amazing 30 game collection for only 30 dollars! This includes all the N64 games that don’t have Donkey Kong or James Bond in them, along with some games that were Microsoft bred but failed to hit hard. The collection is worth the money for Perfect Dark, Blast Corps, and Banjo-Kazooie alone. Why this took so long is strange but as they say, better late than ever.

The Real End?

I never had the 100% desire to own a Playstation 4. But when news of Uncharted 4 came about, whatever percentage of PS4 possible ownership I had immediately struck 100. The Uncharted trilogy is why I own a PS3. Uncharted 2 is my favorite game of all time. Part Indiana Jones, Part Tomb Raider, Part Mission: Impossible, the Uncharted series are quintessential movies that you play.

And Uncharted 4 just looks flat out amazing. Graphically speaking, of course, but the demo shown has you by the edge of your seat the whole time. Drake and Sully introduce the action, and before you know it, the heroes are in a jeep trying to escape an omnipresent van packed with firing guns. I visually can’t tell the difference between what is a cutscene and what is in game; the transitions are so smooth among the frantic action. The video is about eight minutes long, but it feels like its two. It’s over before you know it. And it leaves you wanting more. I know I do.

The game is also subtitled A Thief’s End. Is this the true end of Nathan Drake’s adventures? Is he the thief they are referring to? I have no idea, but if this is the last adventure of Mr. Drake, then I need to experience firsthand.

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