Written by Keshav Pandya
After a phenomenal six minute, Academy-Award-winning animated short film with Disney, Feast, Patrick Osborne returns to the movies with a Paramount Pictures’ film based on the 2013 critically-acclaimed comic book, Battling Boy.
The comic book, written by Paul Pope, will be seen on screen through an adaptation by Paramount Pictures.
Still undecided whether it will be an live-action or animated film, Battling Boy will be produced by Sarah Esberg and Jeremy Kleiner, and set up through Brad Pitt’s Plan B Entertainment.
The story of Battling Boy is centered around the Acropolis, a place haunted and controlled by monsters that swallow children into the underworld. Unfortunately, the only man who could’ve saved the children, Haggard West, is dead.
In such a desperate setting, the Battling Boy, a 12-year-old demigod comes to the rescue, as an electrifying new hero.
The latest draft of the project comes from David Gordon Green and Josh Parkinson, while previous draft came from John Gatins and Alex Tse.
This new venture will surely be an exciting journey for both the makers and the viewers.