Written by Tommy Tracey

Review: Scream Queens, ‘Mommie Dearest’ – Warning: Full Spoilers Ahead
This may be the funniest episode of Scream Queens we’ve received since the pilot episode and I am grateful for that. With last week’s episode being serenely meh the only possible way to go was up.
Let’s get one thing straight: there are three people involved in these killings. One is Gigi and the other two are Devils, one being Boone. Who the third one is continues to be the mystery and everyone is still a suspect in one way or another. This week we focus on Chanel and Officer Denise out to prove Zayday is the killer, with Chanel also believing Grace is involved in some way or another. Meanwhile, Grace and Pete return to last week’s asylum (which resembles the one in American Horror Story) and find out that Gigi is the Hag of Shady Lane in a strange encounter with a painter who painted her. Over twenty years ago. And somehow has that twenty-year-old painting at the front of her pile. But whatever, this show doesn’t have much logic and that’s kind of what makes it so fun.

Munsch has her meeting with Grace she alluded to last week, believing Feather was indeed the Red Devil but finds herself attacked by the two Devils and the third member (Gigi) dressed as Antonin Scalia (look him up). What starts as a meta homage to Psycho turns into a fight scene which includes Munsch being a karate master who handily kicks all three of their asses. Trust me, it’s funnier than it sounds.
As usual, Queens wouldn’t be anything without its head bitch and Chanel, again, is on point. She reveals who Grace’s mother is and it turns out she’s the KKT President from the pilot episode, the truly atrocious woman who didn’t care about the dying girl in the tub, only wanting to dance to “Waterfalls”. This was a nice twist that I actually didn’t see coming because they made you think Grace’s mom was the girl in the tub, something we were all starting to believe. And now we know Wes was also at that party and it seems as if Grace was conceived at that party. Yes, he lied to Grace but it was for her benefit. However, when Grace pulls out a picture of her mom and shows it to Wes, he does point out that she is in the picture but he says she’s in the center and even puts his finger on the girl in the center (who is obscured), which is not the KKT President. I think this was an incredibly subtle (and genius) way of letting us know that maybe, just maybe, we’re wrong again.
Jennifer the Candle Vlogger has a small scene with Officer Denise, pointing out that Zayday is very nice but could possibly be the killer. Zayday hears this and threatens Denise and this leads to the demise of Jennifer, dying doing what she loves; uploading a video of the seasonal candle. She’s found on the dining room table, wax covering her face; it’s both brutal and funny.

We also got the return of Boone today and again, hilarity ensues. He shows up at a gym, disguised in a haggard beard and the gym patrons mistake him for Joaquin Phoenix and Russell Crowe. He receives a call from the other Devil and we’re left with a cliffhanger (because, reasons) about possibly killing Gigi. All I can say is, I look forward to every Tuesday because of things like this.
My only gripe is the waste of Chad in this episode. It’s no secret that he is my favorite character (matched only by Chanel) and his few lines, while funny, we’re pointless and we’re only there to show how hot Chanel is. On second though, maybe that’s not a knock.
“Mommie Dearest” was a MAJOR step up from last week, mixing the comedy, drama and horror we’ve come to love with this show. Gigi’s insane, Chanel is actually human and Grace is confused about, well, everything. This is a great show and I’m very sad that there are only four episodes left this season.
Final Grade: 9/10
In Memoriam:
Jennifer, the Candle Vlogger