When I say that Jessica Jones is possibly the year’s best new show, I know the Purple Man isn’t telling me to say that.
Jessica Jones (new Emmy queen Krysten Ritter), Marvel’s latest Netflix adventure since Daredevil came punching onto our laptop screens with great vengeance and a furious anger, is the story about a rough and tough super powered heroine who is haunted by her past with the fantastically evil Kilgrave (new Emmy king David Tennant).
This show is nearly impossible to not binge immediately, as the first episode hooks you from the moment the opening credits role. The action, the dialogue, and the character development are only a few things that make this show unique from its very conception.

The show is skillfully designed, thanks to show runner Melissa Rosenberg who really gave this show her all, and dare I say it, may be the best thing Marvel has put out there television wise…. and yes I am including Daredevil.
The show is propelled forward into stardom thanks to the camera work and tone, which masterfully gives the show a dark ambiance to it simply by using the color purple in particular, along with the shows out of this world performances, in particular that of Ritter and Tennant, and the writing which kept me breathless with each episode.
The direction in this series is some of the best I’ve seen in television for a while. The way the camera is focused in on characters really gives a sense of what we as the audience are supposed to feel, along with truly portraying events that appear real to us, as if we are merely peeping toms into someone’s truly devastatingly messed up world. The use of color is something to marvel, pun intended, here as well. The use of purple, especially when we are introduced to the Kilgrave character, who is named The Purple Man in the comics, is superb. It references the comic’s character, without every getting over the top or goofy about it. And that isn’t the only comic reference or Easter egg we get in this series.
Thanks to the clever writing, the show is filled with references to the comics that hardcore fans are sure to adore. Putting their own spin on it, the show even manages to make fun of certain comic storylines that some may find laughable, as well as paying homage to plots that made the comic so special to begin with. With this, it made the dialogue even more likeable as each character shines past their comic counterpart and really makes you feel as if these are real life people, in real life danger, only people with superpowers in this world exist, and they don’t exactly like to use the word hero.

Along with staying true to heart for the comic fans, the writing in the show was phenomenal in the way it kept me guessing and hooked with each character, and not merely fixated on the namesake of the show. The way the Jones character is portrayed is something all comic shows should take note of, that while you are “gifted” with something, it may not always be a gift and playing the hero isn’t as easy as some others (looking at you Captain) make it seem.
This is especially noteworthy with the character of Kilgrave, but I’m going to avoid spoilers on this one because the show is something you must experience on your own.
Besides the character development writing, the show also has some keen perception into reality as well.
Portraying sex, rape, death, and PTSD, in all its harsh and grotesque glory, showing that even in a show about super powered heroes, life’s real dangers are still present no matter where you go.
However, while the writing in the show is truly unique, it is the performances that make this show the best in ages.
Ritter truly shines, as she shows her depth as an actress in each scene she is in, showing how a female badass should be done. She truly is the protagonist for our generation, and if that’s the case, then Tennant really is our antagonist.

While Ritter shines with her struggle to be a hero for others, and herself, Tennant matches this in his effortless sway as the villain who could literally give a shit about others. Think of him as an adult toddler, throwing tantrums if he doesn’t get his way…and if you watch this show you know this is an almost impossible task to not get his way.
Tennant truly is the MVP of the series, playing this worlds devil character as if he was born to do it. The way he delivers each line is filled with venom and levity, which seems like an impossible mix, but with Tennant he makes it look easy.
His performance is one to truly mark history books, and this in my opinion may be one of the best comic book villain performances I’ve seen since Heath Ledger donned his purple jacket in The Dark Knight…which is truly an honor I do not bestow on others easily.
If Ritter and Tennant are not recognized by the Emmy’s, this will truly be an upset I will not soon forget.
All in all, the show is a masterpiece and is easily the best show of 2015. Everything about it oozes uniqueness and masterfulness that I feel will not be replicated for a long time. I only see tremendous things ahead for Miss Jessica Jones, and lets hope Kilgrave has some pull at the Emmy’s…I know for one that the man is hard to say no to.
Rating: 10 out of 10