Today at San Diego Comic-Con, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception, The Walk), along with director Oliver Stone (Platoon, JFK) and co-star Shailene Woodley (Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars), sat down to discuss their upcoming movie, Snowden. The title, of course, refers to the loved/hated ex-government contractor who shined a light on the National Security Agency’s controversial data collection program designed to combat terrorism.
One of the topics discussed, as reported by Mashable, was how the production met with Edward Snowden, currently in exile in Russia, to get his side of the story. JGL said, “Most people who are sitting and talking to him are talking about his politics; I wanted to find out more about who he is. I can read about his politics.”
However, according to Stone, “He’s still a mystery.”
Other points of interest included the tribulations of getting the studios onboard, nailing Snowden’s voice and personality, and Gordon-Levitt’s thoughts on privacy.
“We were promised privacy in the Constitution,” said JGL, “and if the government was going to change that … they need to make those changes out in the open.”
Decide for yourself if Snowden is a patriot or traitor when the film hits theaters September 16.
Aaron Sarnecky is Pop-Break’s television editor and covers Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., among other things. He is a graduate of Rowan University with a degree in television and film. He probably remembers that show you forgot existed. Follow him on Twitter: @AaronSarnecky