Monthly Archives: November, 2016

Review: Doctor Strange is So Weird…And That’s What Makes It Great

Written by Tommy Tracy Wow, what a trippy film! If people thought Doctor Strange was going to kickstart the era of Marvel fatigue, thing again....

Asbury Parks Bands Pay Tribute to the Classics at Convention Hell

Pop-Break Live: Convention Hell at Convention Hall in Asbury Park Convention Hall is probably one of the coolest Halloween parties in New Jersey. The show...

New Wonder Woman Trailer Brings Us Amazons, War, and Excitement

The first, full trailer for DC Comics' Wonder Woman has been unveiled...and it is glorious. The trailer for the film, set for release on June...

The Flash May Have Found Its Dumbest Villain Yet

Listen. I get that this is a kids show. Sometimes you forget because more often than not, The Flash has some pretty complex characters,...

TV Recap: Arrow: “Human Target”

Well Arrow fans, I was wrong. Oliver (Stephen Amell) did not sleep with that journalist tonight. Wait, what? You think more important things happened...

Why the Rock Hall Leaving Dave Abbruzzese off Pearl Jam’s Nom is Wrong

It has been a very busy fall season for the Pearl Jam camp for good reasons. The instrumental core of Pearl Jam is preparing...

Review: Motro #1

Written by Alisha Weinberger If Fist of the North Star had a baby with Mad Max that then grew up watching Adventure Time, you would get...

Review: Aquaman #10

Written by Andrew Fontana After two issues of being sidelined, Mera finds herself front and center of Aquaman #10. I complained in previous issues about...

Review: Batman #10

Written by Mark Henely When Writer Tom King took the reigns on Batman's solo title, he was stepping into very big shoes. He was following...

Review: Death of Hawkman #2

Written by Mark Henely There is really only one word to describe Death of Hawkman #2 and that word is "disorienting." I loved the first...

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