“Something Inhuman This Way Comes…” Plot Summary:
As Black Bolt (Anson Mount) and Medusa (Serinda Swan) make progress in reuniting their family, Maximus (Iwan Rheon) makes an unpopular decision back in Attilan.
Last week I said that Marvel’s Inhumans was focusing more on side stories than the main plot. While that’s true, there are some good moments from these lesser plots this week. Karnak (Ken Leung) learns that doubt is helpful and that you sometimes have to go with your gut. We’re normally told impulsiveness is bad, but inaction can be worse. Karnak also gets into a pretty cool fight with a bamboo staff, and he’s back with Gorgon (Eme Ikwuakor) and the King and Queen. I’d say it’s been a productive week.
I don’t want to declare victory too soon, but the main storyline is following the course I postulated. As Maximus becomes increasingly radical in his attempts to solidify his rule, a path of redemption for the Royal Family is opening. Black Bolt has the chance to be the king Attilan deserves, as a dying Locus (Sumire Matsubara) puts it. Maximus is the wrong leader for the right cause. He’s become a hypocrite, in a way, conscripting Inhumans to track down his brother. It’s understandable that we need to make sacrifices for the greater good, but people don’t like being forced to do things. That’s perhaps the way Attilan’s hated caste system started.
One plot point that I did not anticipate is there being a resistance separate from the Royal Family. We don’t know much about these rebels at the moment, so it’s unclear if they’re opposed to just Maximus or traditionalists bent on reinstalling Black Bolt and enforcing the caste system. Regardless, Black Bolt and company might be able to use the resistance to their advantage. All they need to do now is find Crystal (Isabelle Cornish).
As much as it seems like we’re nearing the end, Maximus has his plan to use Dr. Declan (Henry Ian Cusick) as bait. Declan’s research better reveal something important, because the trap will otherwise come off as more padding. It’s better not to overstay your welcome.
Even though I don’t have any real negatives to gripe about, I can’t convince myself to give this episode a high score. There are a couple exciting moments, but I wasn’t on the edge of my seat. Could this be because Inhumans is now too predictable? Maybe. The show could certainly benefit from a few twists. Let’s hope they’re just around the corner.