The X-Files Season 11, Episode 2, ‘This’ Plot Summary:
The long-thought dead member of The Lone Gunmen, Richard Langly (Dean Haglund), reaches to Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) through an transmission via Mulder’s phone. After receiving the transmission the duo become under attack by a mysterious Russian intelligence group who happens to be working with the U.S. government…and maybe some other shadowy figures.
‘This’ — pun heavily intended — was the episode we wanted to see from The X-Files.
Last week’s lackluster premiere was rife with obnoxious product placement, mile-wide plot holes, and a lack of any sort of urgency or drama.
The second episode of this season, which may be the last one given Gillian Anderson’s announcement she won’t be returning the series, was the return we all really wanted.
It was an action-laden episode that highlighted two of the show’s historic strengths — the crackling chemistry between its leads, and the show’s ability to tell complex story in a fairly straightforward yet thought-provoking way.
While the story is strong, and involves such interesting conspiracy talking points such as the mysterious Titanpointe, it’s Mulder and Scully’s interplay that makes the episode so good.
Last week, everything felt off — especially Mulder and Scully. Besides barely being on screen together, their chemistry just wasn’t right. It jarring, and what date?hunnatural. This week, especially given the fact they’re together, things felt right. There was more of an ease to their scenes, and most importantly there was well-placed humor. Everything felt right, natural, and organic. I hate that word, but that’s what it is.
If you’re wondering, this was not a standalone episode. This all ties into the greater “Smoking Man Destroys the World…Because He’s Mad at It” storyline. Barbara Hershey does pop up here as the leader of Operation Leave the Planet Pronto. While this weighed everything down last week, this story was used much more effectively.
So, after last week if you were worried that this series was headed off the rails — “This” will restore your faith.
Rating: 8 out of 10