I’ll just say, I was never into Visionaries as a kid.
There were so many other toys so similar, I’m guessing my parents just didn’t need me getting into another wacky toyline with action figures which resembled future-looking G.I. Joes.
With this being said, this is not the Visionaries from the ’80s. Or ’90s if there was an attempted revival. [Editor’s Note: There was no a revival in the ’90s].
This is a darker take on the series, and the casualties are mounting. Bad guys kill. They kill a lot.
Quick refresher, at the end of last issue, we saw, what I feel was an unworthy death of a longtime Transformer.
However, it has set the dark tone for the series and upped the stakes for the Cybertron-dwelling robots. The Darkling Lords, the antagonists of the Visionaries want to claim Cybertron as their home.
For a populace of fleshlings, they are mauling the opposition. Turns out, Magic is real. Space Magic.
Things take an unexpected turn, also realizing this is a mini-series, things will have to wrap up quickly by issue #5.
Give this a read, it’s good.
Rating: 9 out of 10.