HomeTelevision'Mandatory Brunch Meeting' Proves Cameron Monaghan is the MVP of Gotham

‘Mandatory Brunch Meeting’ Proves Cameron Monaghan is the MVP of Gotham

Cameron Monaghan in Mandatory Brunch Meeting
Photo Credit: FOX

Well, I asked for more Jerome and I certainly got it (in more ways than I expected). Not only is Cameron Monaghan’s portrayal of the Joker phenomenal, but he easily measures up to the likes of Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and Mark Hamill. Not to mention, his maniacal laugh is fantastic. Let’s not forget, he is still unofficially confirmed as the actual Joker on the show. He is a complete scene stealer in every way. In this episode Monaghan portrays his own character’s twin brother, Jeremiah Valeska as well — a fun twist to get the episode going.

The episode title is appropriate as Jerome invites nearly all the villains to what he calls his, “Mandatory Brunch Meeting.” I had a good chuckle at this and also his “Legion of Horribles” name for the group. The villains have really been on point this season and it’s super fun seeing them all together as I have been waiting for this. I’m still waiting for Riddler (and eventually Selina) to join up with Penguin and Jerome, but that may not happen anytime soon as Ed Nigma is occupied elsewhere.

Riddler’s “Wheel of Misfortune” game was brilliant and very appropriate. This show also nails the subtle details like sets and wardrobe. No doubt that the illuminated question mark had to be another nod to the Arkham gaming series. The dynamic between Ed (who insists that he is now only The Riddler) and Lee Tomkins is interesting. Lee (complete with new look/new haircut) essentially outsmarting The Riddler at his own game was clever. Although I did assume Ed may have some feelings for Lee, I did not necessarily see Lee exploiting him and putting the moves on him. Clearly it’s a power move and she’s using him for something. In my mind Lee will eventually find her way back to Jim.

Lots and lots of character development this episode. It was great to see a reunion between Oswald and Butch. (Grundy) Butch is another favorite of mine, so seeing the old gang back together again is good fun. Again, all these villains are self-serving, but Penguin trying to help Butch by bringing back Dr. Hugo Strange into the mix is appropriate and timely.

Did I mention that there has been no mention of Ra’s Al Ghul in this episode? Not a fan of that storyline, so bonus points here.

There wasn’t a ton of baby Bruce in this episode but the focus on the villains is really working for this show.  When Harvey and Jim find out Jerome’s play was to make Gotham mad, Bullock delivered the most perfect line: “I thought it already was.” The episode could’ve ended right there, but Batman fans are given an even grander ending.  Joker and his “League of Horribles” bring in a test subject for something. I should’ve been able to figure this one out with all of the clues they gave us, but ultimately we learn that they are now in possession of the famous Joker laughing gas. Having the Joker Toxin/Laughing Gas created by the Scarecrow made PERFECT sense. It was brilliant even! The effect of the gas on the subject was both nostalgic of old Batman movies/episodes and just SUPER creepy.

As always, this show has perfectly encapsulated everything Batman related, and left us wanting more.

‘Mandatory Brunch Meeting’ Rating: 9 out of 10 (Bonus Points for Lots of Jerome and No Ra’s Al Ghul)

-Rob Crowther IV

Rob Crowther IV
Rob Crowther IVhttp://bobculture.podbean.com
Rob "Bobman" Crowther IV is host of The Bob Culture Podcast and drummer for local Jersey rockers, Vextion. This drummer with a mic can often be found on the site reviewing wrestling, superhero shows, and movies. Rob loves to put the spotlight on up and coming local bands and indy wrestling talents. @bobculturepod

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