HomeTelevisionReview: WWE Monday Night RAW - The Superstar Shakeup Night 1

Review: WWE Monday Night RAW – The Superstar Shakeup Night 1

Tonight’s show was fun.

Yes. Fun. This was one of those shows storylines could take a back seat as new wrestlers are introduced to the RAW roster. Tomorrow night, we find out which RAW athletes are drafted to SmackDown.

The show kicks off with Jinder Mahal being drafted to RAW, and promptly is booked in a match, defending and losing the United States Championship to Jeff Hardy. Great match, crowd was hot, and even I jumped when Hardy won.

Post match, Jinder whines about a continuing conspiracy, until No Way Jose dances by, stealing Renee Young away. Funny stuff.

Sasha Banks vs. Bayley goes to a no-contest as The Riott Squad interfere and overpower them. Good match, but the finish made sense, keeps the feud going.

Authors of Pain defeat Rhyno and Heath Slater

This match went longer than five minutes. I was shocked it wasn’t a squash. Seems like the Authors of Pain are human. Not a bad idea, too many infallible wrestlers wind up losing favor with the audience once the novelty wears off.

Miz TV Segment

Miz brings out not one, but two new members of Monday Night RAW – Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Kurt Angle attempts to boot the duo off, but they inform him Stephanie McMahon overruled his decision and drafted them to RAW. Miz gets all stable-leader-like, until Angle reveals The Miz is traded to SmackDown. Buh bye. Not before the 10-man tag main event match is made.

The bit here, is this was a request by Daniel Bryan.  Hmmm, guess this means a Miz/Bryan feud is imminent.

Bray Wyatt & Matt Hardy defeat The Revival

This was a lot of fun to watch. Their pre-match promo shows Wyatt fully embracing the Woken gimmick. Good match, and I’m confident in calling it now, they will be RAW Tag Team Champions after Greatest Royal Rumble. The Bar backstage, confused by the win, run into two new members of RAW, Breezango. Much hilarity ensues.

Ember Moon defeats Mickie James

Okay match. Moon clobbers with the Eclipse. Nia Jax on commentary, Alexa Bliss via backstage camera claims Jax is the really bully. Hoo boy, this is continuing.

Backstage: Ronda Rousey is with Kurt Angle, who introduces Natalya back to the RAW Roster.

Dolph Ziggler is revealed to be the next draftee to RAW, but his opening promo is interrupted by Titus Worldwide. Ziggler turns down an offer to join, and is here to show the world he didn’t come alone… DREW MCINTYRE jumps in and helps Ziggles maul Titus O’Neal and Apolo Crews. The crowd pops huge, a “Holy $h!t” chant erupts. Ziggler and McIntyre as a team? This could be good.

Roman Reigns comes out to boos. The boos get louder and louder as he tries to talk. He tries to play up how Brock isn’t here, but the crowd isn’t buying it anymore, no one cares, and the boos get even louder. Reigns promises a title win at The Greatest Rumble, except you could barely hear it over the boos… Which turn to cheers when Samoa Joe comes out and verbally decimates Reigns. A fight is teased, but it will be saved for Backlash.

Poor Reigns, he has to try so hard to play the good boy in front of a crowd who hates him.

Natalya defeats Mandy Rose

So, Natalya and Rousey are buddies. INSTA-FACE! All this match did, was give us a two-second face off with Rousey and Sonya Deville. Here’s a hint… things don’t go well for Deville.

We get the most unkosher thing ever…. RAW BACON! Bacon Rorbin is drafted to RAW. Get it? (Editor’s Note: He means Baron Corbin)

Zack Ryder, and the Ascension’s draft notice comes from Twitter or Instagram, or… or something.

Lots of mid-card fodder going to RAW.

Breezango defeated The Bar

I think that headline speaks volumes.

Backstage: Elias attempts to seduce Renee Young. I think. WWE.com also reveals Mike Kanellis (Bennett) has been drafted to RAW.

The mystery partner is: GLORIOUS BOBBY ROODE

Best line of the match, before the segment even begins, as Corey Graves slips up and says Bullet Club instead of Balor Club when Finn Balor comes out. I don’t think I could have pictured these ten in the ring at the same time. Highlights include Roode getting zero reaction when getting a hot tag, Axel and Dallas bailing on The Miz, and Strowman sending Miz to SmackDown with a huge powerslam.

So RAW fans, agree with the moves made on Night 1 of the Superstar Shakeup? Like it? Hate it?

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical practice, and runs a telehealth private practice. Most importantly, all members of the household are required to memorize all Autobots and Decepticons in the collection. G1 Forever!


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