This week’s Drag Race episode was all about evil twins – but that didn’t exactly make for a good episode. As we race towards the finale, the Top 5 queens were given an interesting challenge but, as the runtime went on, the whole episode fell flat.
After an awkward mini challenge that found the remaining queens decorating pancakes for guest star Cheyenne Jackson, Ru challenged the Top 5 with a unique task: to develop two outfits for this week’s runway. One would emphasize the queen’s best qualities, while the other would personify all of their worst characteristics. Furthermore, they’d have to develop characters to match both outfits. This, on paper, sounds like an interesting idea: it would be nice to see the contestants look inward and develop slightly more complex looks than usual. But as the episode stretched on, the challenge became its own worst enemy.
First, the good: the workroom sequences from the episode were, in general, strong, with all the queens given a moment in the spotlight. It was surprisingly refreshing to see the queens describe what they liked and disliked about themselves, and brought some nuance that a show as campy as Drag Race often lacks. In fact, many of the queens developed over the course of the two hours: we connected with Kameron as she dealt with more self-doubt, and Aquaria had a surprisingly touching moment where she reflected on her lowest point in the competition.
But, once the queens hit the runway, everything came to a screeching halt. To be frank, none of these looks were particularly inspired. It was hard to pick a favorite and, while two queens (including the one who ultimately won the challenge) stood out, no one seemed to be bringing their A-game. Kameron and Eureka both served looks that felt like repeats from previous weeks, while Miz Cracker failed to develop an interesting character. The “twin” bit also fell flat, with choppy editing and, believe it or not, too much camp. Even the judges seemed to be off their game, with less commentary than usual.
All of this is made worse, of course, by the fact that we’re quickly approaching the season finale. With the Top 5 Queens to serve looks this dull, it’s hard to get excited about what comes next. In hindsight, many of the previous eliminations feel all the more glaring. The Vixen and Monique could have killed this challenge, while Monet’s unceremonious loss continues to sting. Hell, even Blair – a decidedly one-note queen – feels like an early loss now.
So, did the judges make the right decision? It’s hard to say – there are still two queens that would feel like worthy winners. But, if the challenges continue to be this uninteresting, the weak competitors will just stand out more. Let’s hope this is just a stumble on the way down the runway.