Written by Michelle Coraci
The Bachelorette Season 14, Episode 3 Recap
Date 1 – Group Date
Participants – Wills, Jason, Jordon, David, Jean Blanc, and Colton
Date Prompt – “It’s time to relax”
Spa Day!
Becca meets up with a bunch of the other contestants from Arie’s season of the Bachelor. We have Bekah M., Tia, Kendall, Seinne, and Caroline.
When Becca meets up with the guys, she tells them that none of them are going to be pampered, but that they would be doing the pampering. My favorite reaction was Jordon’s because his face dropped. Colton got very tense because Tia was a part of this date, and what we learned from the last episode, Tia and Colton used to date.
While introducing the women to the men on the date, Becca forgot Jason’s name, which was deliciously awkward.
The men started pampering the ladies and all of the men end up with their nails painted. Jason really embraced it and, just like that, I started really liking Jason. The one thing this date did really well was that it made me miss the ladies from Arie’s season. They all have distinct personalities that worked so well together.
Halfway through the date, Becca pulled Tia to the side to talk to her about the Colton scenario. Tia said that her and Colton never had an established relationship and that the most they did was kiss. Tia and Becca end the conversation by exchanging “I love you” and “I love you too”. And that was very sweet. It’s nice to see the sisterly love they have.
During the second part of the date, Becca is wearing a red dress and white jacket. It’s a simple but elegant outfit. This is when the subplot of Jordon vs David evolved. Jordon started talking about his tinder matches. Apparently, In 2017 Jordon had over 4,000 Tinder matches. David started telling Becca about that. I’m calling it now, there will eventually be a two-on-one between Becca, Jordon, and David.
Becca talks to Colton. They have a high-level discussion about how she wants to trust him. And he told her that he wanted her to trust him, which is why he was honest with her and told her from the get-go that he had a thing with Tia. Becca is happy that they were able to get over that hurdle and they can move forward with their own relationship.
Colton gets the first rose of the night.
Date 2 – Single Date
Participants – Chris
Date Prompt – “Let’s make your heart sing”
They go to Capitol Studios. Richard Marx playing piano.
Loving Becca’s outfit. Black mesh crop top, black leather jacket, black leather pants, and a diamond choker. Richard Marx prompts Becca to sit next to him and sing along to “Right Here Waiting”. She sings a bit of the song, and this is where we learn that our beautiful, sweet, lovely girl cannot sing. For this date, the two of them are going to write love songs about each other. Chris seems really distant during the beginning of the date. Apparently, he’s afraid of being let down. He says being vulnerable so early on is scary.
At first, I didn’t agree with him, but after hearing him talk about it, and thinking about if for a bit, I completely understand where he’s coming from. It’s their first one on one. It’s only the second one on one of the whole season, and he’s supposed to pour his heart out to her in a song. In the end, his poem to her was beautiful and almost too perfect. I couldn’t help but feel that a producer might have helped him word that song together. There’s no doubt in my mind that he genuinely had those feelings for her, but I think he had some help putting it on paper.
During the second part of the date, Becca is wearing a black dress with rhinestone flowers and sequins. She asks Chris why it was so hard for him to open up to her. He expresses that he had written a letter to his father when he was young, and he never received a response. She understood why he had a hard time getting out of his comfort zone in opening up to her.
Chris received a rose.
They cut to the house where we see David being carried out on a stretcher. Lincoln said that apparently, he just dropped to the ground. There were a lot of shots of blood all over the house, and I’m curious what could have happened. It’s only when Chris visited Becca to give her the news about David that we learned what happened to him. Chris said, “He fell out of bed and landed on his face.” Which is a bit anticlimactic. Later on, we learn that David was sleeping on the top bunk of a bunk bed, and if you could imagine falling off of that in the middle of your sleep, there’s no wonder that he busted his face open.
Date 3 – Group Date
Participants – Clay, Leo, Ryan, John, Garrett, Mike, Lincoln, Conner, Blake, Christon
Date Prompt – “Let’s Tackle This Together”
Football Date!
All of the men threw on gear and did drills. The group gets split into two for a game.
Keyshawn Johnson is joining Chris on commentary for the first “Becca Bowl.”
It’s Leo, Garett, Connor, Ryan, and Christon on one team. (White team)
The other is Mike, Lincoln, Blake, Clay, and John. (Blue team)
They put the best football player on this date (Clay) with the worst player (Lincoln) which kind of evened the odds a bit. In the end, Clay was the golden ticket to tying that game, but he unfortunately injured his wrist in the process. He was then taken to the ER and the game ended.
During the second part of the date, Clay couldn’t make it because he was at the ER.
I was actually, not a fan of what Becca was wearing tonight. She’s wearing a silver dress, but the way the dress falls on her, it looks like a robe. Clay showed up halfway through the night with an arm sling, they had a good one on one. It should be no shock to the audience that Clay received the rose on this date.
The Night of the Rose Ceremony
Connor shoes Becca some baseball tips. Jason makes some sweet comments. Clay mentions that his wrist requires an operation right now. Clay might need to leave early to have this surgery done. I don’t know if it was poor editing, or if Clay just strung the words together a bit poorly, but he basically says that he has to choose football over her because he uses football to provide for his family. He leaves the house, and this devastates Becca.
The list of men who received roses:
🌹 Colton (Group Date 1)
🌹 Chris (Single Date)
🌹 Clay (Group Date 2)
The Rose Ceremony will be at the beginning of next week’s episode.