Written by Michelle Coraci
All of the men arrive in Vegas. There’s a sinful amount Vegas puns happening from the get-go.
Date 1 – Single Date
Participant – Colton
Date Prompt – “Let’s Ride off into the sunset together”
They’re riding camels! Unfortunately, their camels walk far apart from each other, so they don’t get too much time to talk during the camel-riding portion of the date. Luckily, the second part of the date is in a hot tub, so the couple has time to have further conversations. I don’t think Becca and Colton have had a conversation where they haven’t brought up Tia. Becca seems very physically into Colton, but it doesn’t seem any deeper than that, maybe it’ll evolve into something more than that.
During the dinner portion of the date, Becca is wearing a beautiful glistening dress. This week I noticed a trend that has happened during all of Becca’s dinner dates, she always asks the guy on the date about their previous relationships. Colton tells Becca that he was heartbroken after confessing his love to his ex and her not returning the sentiment. The phrase scares him and that breaks Becca’s heart. She gives him a rose and kisses him some more. They even kiss in front of a giant, sky-scraper sized, LED sign that says, “Kiss Her!” with rose petals falling behind them.
Date 2 – Group Date
Participants – Wills, Garrett, Blake, John, Connor, Leo, Lincoln, Jason, and Chris
Date Prompt – “I’m looking for my Mr. Las Vegas”
The men’s car pulls in front of a lavish house. Wayne Newton rides in ON A HORSE! Wayne tells the men that during this date they’re going to write a song for Becca. They show Leo practicing his song to a horse, which was my favorite thing of the night. Wayne Newton also tells the men that they will have to sing their song in front of a live Vegas audience. And here’s my review of each of the men.
John- A lot of charisma, fun song, kind of off key. Literally copied Wayne Newton’s danke schoën at the end.
Garrett- Literally copied Wayne Newton’s danke schoën…
Lincoln- Copied danke schoën but changed the main word
Chris- Started with a joke, a lot of movement, got the crowd pumped up, really seemed to win the night.
They didn’t seem to focus enough on Connor, Wills, Blake, and Leo
The first real “I’m falling in love with you” happened during this date from Blake. Blake receives the rose. Since Chris did well during the singing date, he was riding a high and decided that he would be the last person to talk to Becca for the night. He didn’t account for the fact that Becca would end the night early and not even give him to opportunity to talk with her. His paranoia starts to set in. He’s convinced he’s going home and starts his own downward spiral.
Date 3 – Two on One
Participants – David and Jordon
Date Prompt – “Meet me in the Valley of Fire”
So, this is awkward… The three of them go and sit under a canopy where there’s a single rose lying on a platter.
David talked with Becca first and started off by talking about how Jordon was flirting with other girls and how Becca was his backup. I can’t help but feel that David is lying, but we haven’t seen any of those conversations happen, so there’s no way to know if he’s telling the truth or not. Something about it feels off though.
Becca talks to Jordon afterwards. He obviously denies all of those claims and starts talking about how he’s there only for her and about how he’s loyal. He brings up that he learned love from his father who loved his mother even while she was fighting multiple mental illnesses.
Jordon confronts David about his ‘lies.’ This is the first time we hear Jordon raise his voice and lose his cool. Jordon says “You’re worse than Arie” to David.
Becca returns. After getting frustrated with the two men, I would have sworn that she wasn’t going to continue with either of them. She chooses to part ways with David but doesn’t give the rose to Jordon either. I think Becca handled the situation the best way she could have. David’s whole arc on this show was fighting with Jordon, so I wasn’t too shocked to see him go.
Becca has a one-on-one dinner with Jordon. This dinner starts off pretty awkwardly. He starts talking about David, but Becca quickly asks to move the subject along, and then he just starts talking about himself. He’s very self-centered, but we knew this. He leaned in to kiss her, but not before saying “I think you know what time it is” which was the most cringe-worthy thing I think he’s ever said. As I suspected, Becca does not give Jordon the rose because her relationship with him is not as strong as her relationship with a lot of the other guys in the house. Jordon gets sent home.
The Night of the Rose Ceremony
Becca, rocking that sparkly metallic dress. She grabs Chris first because she heard that he didn’t want to be there anymore. It makes sense when Becca describes that she’s concerned that he didn’t even try to get one-on-one time with her during the group date. After some discussion, she gets frustrated and walks away from Chris. Sometime later, Chris interrupts Wills time with Becca and begs to take his place. Wills tells Chris that he has two minutes to get everything settled but emphasizes that he would be back in two minutes.
Now, of course, after two minutes Chris doesn’t want to give up his new spot. I don’t think Wills was wrong in any way shape or form when he insisted on Chris returning his spot to him. Chris already had time with Becca during the cocktail party and he messed it up, leaving her aggravated. Wills sacrificed two minutes of his own time with Becca for Chris, so after 2 minutes, Chris should have respected Wills enough to get up and give Wills the rest of his time back, especially since Chris already had alone time with Becca this night. Wills has every right to hold his ground and I think Becca will find it sexy that he’s fighting for his time with her.
Becca tells Chris that she’ll come find him later in the night and Chris mumbles under his breath “This is unreal. I’m ***** leaving” as he walked away. He regroups with the other men, and it’s interesting to watch him hope that the other men would side with him. What I expected to happen was the thing that happened, which was that the men sided with Willz. Chris had his one-on-one time with Becca already and Willz didn’t have to surrender any time to Chris at all.
Becca pulls Chris away at the end of the night. They have conversation and Chris says, “Don’t lie to me, do you see potential in me?” and she looks down. We don’t get the opportunity to see her response.
The Rose Ceremony
The list of men who receive roses:
🌹 Colton (Single Date 1)
🌹 Blake (Group Date 2)
🌹 Garrett
🌹 Jason
🌹 Wills
🌹 Lincoln
🌹 Leo
🌹 Connor
🌹 Chris
List of the men who were cut this week:
We’re down to 9 men! And the men are off to Richmond, Virginia. They raise their glasses and shout “Virginia is for lovers!”