HomeBooksReview: Titans #23

Review: Titans #23

Written By: Andrew Fontana

Titans #23 is a great example of a “soft reboot” done right. Dan Abnett’s been at the helm of this title since DC Comics launched their Rebirth initiative back in 2016. Two years in comic books can be a long time indeed. The publisher has used the fallout of Dark Nights: Metal to revamp many of it’s Justice League adjacent titles, including Titans. Abnett deftly uses this publishing initiative and a new art team to make Titans feel as fresh as ever.

Titans #23 Cover

The script of Titans #23 cleverly utilizes the new status quo brought on by Dark Nights: Metal to give the book a totally new focus.

The story Abnett sets up here wouldn’t be amiss in a random issue of X-Men. Issues of identity and purpose are at the forefront, as this new roster of Titans learn to negotiate their way through a world that’s drastically changed before their very eyes. To be brief, the Source Wall’s collapse and subsequent release of various arcane energies on Earth is triggering the creation of a whole new host of metahumans that Nightwing’s Titans are tasked with helping. The sudden revelation of a bunch of people with superpowers isn’t exactly the most original of concepts, but Abnett’s focus on how this situation affects the Titans themselves makes this well-worn trope feel fresh.

Titans is one those odd superhero books that focus on young adults who are definitely no longer kids but are yet to be established in the same way the older Justice League characters are. These characters are a work in progress in ways that Batman and Superman can’t be. Abnett’s strong voice and character work in this issue is proof that he gets this, both in  his internal exploration of the Titans inner workings and the external struggles they have to face down. The role of Beast Boy in this issue is the best example of the direction Abnett is taking the Titans, and it’s one that’s been a long time coming.

Brandon Peterson’s pencils is the other big factor behind Titans #23’s fresh new feel. Peterson’s work this issue gives the entire series an exciting visual overhaul that fits Abnett’s extended scope. Peterson is tasked with portraying pages after pages of action, which he does effortlessly. His action sequences pop with kinetic, bombastic energy that hook readers and don’t let go. Peterson’s work  is more stylized than the art in most of DC’s other books. His sometimes over expressive artwork goes far into giving Titans a youthful vigor that sets it apart.

Rating: 8/10

Titans #23 is now available at comic book retailers everywhere.

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