New Jersey is a bit of a fertile crescent when it comes to producing really good bands. Yes, we’re absolutely biased since we’re based in New Jersey.
The Nectars, born out of North Jersey in 2016, the band has amazingly come together with a readymade for radio, and large venue sound. This band really seems to be dialed in on who they are as musicians, and the sound they’re looking to craft — something bands double or triple their experience level can struggle with
We caught up the band to talk about their new record Sci-Fi Television, touring the U.K., and a wild time in Wildwood.
The Nectars Are (Band Members & Instruments They Play): Jess – Vocals, JP – Bass/Vocals, Dr Baron – Guitar/Vocals, Mike – Drums
We’re Based Out Of: New Jersey baby!
We Formed In: Late 2016.
Our Very First Show Was: At some weird dive bar in Brooklyn (laughs).
Our Sound Has Been Likened To: Blondie, The Strokes, Bikini Kill, Television, Garbage, Hole, etc.
Your new record Sci-Fi Television dropped earlier this summer. Let’s talk about the feeling you guys have in your gut, in your soul about having your first record, as The Nectars, coming out in less than a month?
It’s incredibly liberating knowing that the music we made is finally going to see the light of day. These recordings are as much apart of us as the hair on our heads. We put every emotion into this album, and after a rough few years for all of us it feels therapeutic to be taking it on tour.
Now let’s move into the creation of the record. Who’s the primary songwriter(s) of the group? And are you guys a lyrics first, music second kind of band when it comes to writing a song, or is the basic outline of a song, and the lyrics are inspired by the sound?
We all contribute our individual parts. Usually the basic structure of a song is laid out and then we let the sounds and vibe inspire the lyrics. That sometimes intern takes the music to a new place. We do lots of tinkering and never shut out a good idea. On this particular album we wanted to keep a minimalist rock sound.
What are some of the themes, and subjects you guys tackle in this record?
Loss was a huge part of this album. Our singer jess had a terrible house fire a few years back and the grief from that helped inspire our song “Don’t Panic.” Little did we know, as we were recording the album Mike and Jon would also suffer a separate but equally devastating house fire. This made the song take on an even darker tone than initially anticipated. A lot of the record is about hoping for escape, relief, something new.
What’s the anthem of this record? By that I mean what’s the song you feel is the gateway drug to everything that is The Nectars, and why?
Probably “We Will Run!” It’s probably the most accessible sounding song on the album and our friends seem to love it so we’re just gonna roll with it!
Listening to the band, you’d never guess that you formed in 2016. Less than two years into playing together and you sound like a band that has been a ferocious touring machine with a decade’s experience and a few albums under your belt. In short, there feels like this great natural chemistry amongst everyone in the band. Do you guys feel this?
It’s crazy to think about how much we’ve already grown as a unit since we first started. We wanted to take this time early in our career to show our unpolished raw and unmolested songs. Everyone on the recording end was a close and personal friend like Brett Romnes who coproduced the bulk of it. Without any outside contributions we made something that feels direct and present for Summer 2018.
Combined with your first record, you decided to head out to Europe to start a tour, with a number of dates in the UK. Why decide to go across the pond to tour as opposed to hitting the U.S. right away?
It just felt like our audience would be there. With the state of American indie rock as over saturated as it is we just wanted to try something overseas and he U.K. felt natural. I’m sure we will have a great tour this fall in the States but we wanted our first real tour to be overseas.
What do you love about being in this band?
That it feels fucking cool standing on stage next to each other. There’s nothing like it in the world.
On a lighter note, what’s the craziest and/or most memorable experience you guys have had performing live? Once time we we’re playing on the Wildwood Boardwalk in New Jersey and a preteen kid came up and stole the microphone from us! (laughs).
Speaking of live performance, set the scene for us. What can any of us expect when we walk into a Nectars show?
Nudity, pain, happiness, the physical release of rock ‘n’ roll.