HomeBooksReview: Bone Parish #2

Review: Bone Parish #2

This review will have spoilers from the first issue. If you are not caught up please wait to read this review.

To catch you up to speed we learned all about a new drug no the streets. Not only did this drug include amazing hallucinations, but you could experience first-hand everything that was going on. The kicker? If you wanted to feel like a rock star that was simple. Just dig up the bones of said star, turn them into Ash. Take the drug and experience a part of their life. Amazing, right?

Well…what if the person didn’t have such an amazing life? How would you experience the drug then? And, what happens if you OD on this drug? Those were questions that popped into my head after finishing Issue 1.

And, we did get an answer to one of those questions. What happens when you OD on Ash? Well, it wasn’t a pretty site as we saw a guy got hacked to bits by some voluptuous corpse-ified chicks. At least in his mind he did. Issue 2 starts off with the cops investigating the scene.

The man that died was Dante. The same Dante that was selling Ash on the streets. He is the first person to OD and die as a result of ash. Different reactions to this news from different characters really told me a lot about each of them. I wasn’t shocked that some didn’t care, but the amount of “meh” from some people was really strong and even shocking.

In the first issue it was established that a family does all the parts of getting Ash on the street. From digging up bodies to manufacturing the drug, and of course selling the drug. The only non-family members were folks like Dante who was just your run of the mill drug dealer. This issue did a fantastic job of going far more in depth on the family and which part each person plays in their roles.

Issue 2 also did great work at showing us the overall family dynamic through some flashbacks. Much needed information. Oh, and of course you get a little more info on how Ash is manufactured. Yet there are so many more unanswered questions. I can’t wait to find out more in the next issue. Bone Parish continues to deliver the goods.

Rating: 8/10

Bone Parish #2 is available at comic book retailers everywhere.

Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher AKA cosplayer Sheena Bot. She and her husband have been making cosplay magic since 2008. She has been consistently writing comic reviews for titles Harley Quinn, Supergirl, and Rat Queens. Sheena and her husband like to collect money for charities at different conventions during the weekend. By day she works as an Enrollment Agent at MorphoTrust. She is a Fairmont State University graduate with a bachelor's degree in Family & Consumer Sciences. Follow her on Faceboook: sheenabotcosplay


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