Surprise Bitch… American Horror Story might be getting back on track.
While I use the term “might” lightly, promising turn of events appear on the horizon for FX’s favorite little ghost story.
We begin the episode with a stellar performance from obvious scene stealer Billie Lourd, as she is interrogated by Langdon and ends in a surprise turn of events that helps set up the Coven and Murder House storyline all in one by showing some fierce female powers from Lourd and the demonic face of Langdon (Cody Fern).
While this scene is one of the best in recent American Horror history, and gives the episode an extra boost away from the things I absolutely hated about it, it is all put to waste, as we are once again thrusted into the boring lives of the new characters we have had to face that aren’t Lourd aka Mallory and Langdon.
Not trying to crap on Murphy’s parade here, but people are obviously watching for a Murder House/Coven crossover, not a bad Romeo and Juliet subplot, a robot who may be Constance Langdon … okay, scratch that, I AM pretty interested in that … or some annoying-as-hell heiress who I was happy to see stabbed in the face.
However, as the episode goes on, it ends in one of the most surprising and unfortunately disappointing plot lines.
Spoiler Alert
Pretty much every new character we met dies, and while this is a relief to many just wanting the crossover to happen, it is also so confusing and disappointing that we spent three episodes learning about these characters we didn’t care about to start with to have them die and only three come back as potential witches to the fabulous ladies of our coven.
While some fans may jump for joy over, I am not one of them.
Yes, don’t get me wrong, I am so excited to see the coven back and even more excited our crossover event is moving along, but why spend three episodes covering irrelevant characters if they would die when we could have focused on some in flashbacks leading up to the main event and given fans a closer look at more interesting characters.
I don’t have a crystal ball, and maybe the characters we met may come back, and serve a greater purpose for the plot, but as of now it just seems like lazy writing and a big slap in the face to fans who have been wanting this for so long.
With that said, it was still awesome to switch things up and say goodbye to these boring storylines and say hello to a much more welcoming one, including the ever charming Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts), Myrtle Snow (Frances Conroy), Cordelia Chase (Paulson), and the upcoming return of the queen herself, Miss Jessica Lange aka Constance Langdon.
While the episode doesn’t show Miss Lange yet, we know she is bound to return and it looks like the Kathy Bates may be playing a version of her so all hail the queen for possibly making this show one to watch again.
This season is far from perfect, and with the last few episodes I was worrying it would never be, but with the return of fan favorites, and promise for many more, it seems the show is getting back on track…for now.
Overall rating: 6 out of 10