The episode starts with an overview of the current rivalries in the house. Caelynn and Hannah B, Tracy and Demi, and there’s tension between Onyeka and Sydney from the shenanigans that happened during the cocktail hour last week.
Date 1 – Group Date
Participants – Katie, Heather, Hannah B., Courtney, Kirpa, Tracy, Demi, Caelynn,
Prompt – “Looking for life’s greatest treasure”
Say it with me. Pirates. Dinner. Adventure. How cool is that?! The girls walk into, what can only be described as, a pirate-themed Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament. During this group date, they will be trained to be pirates. The girls will battle each other and then two will be selected to fight for Colton’s love. While getting ready, Demi says “I don’t wanna be another one of those yo ho ho’s”. The girls are standing on a log, that’s about two feet off the ground, and are hitting each other with foam dueling sticks. The two girls who will be competing in the final match are Tracy and Caelynn. Caelynn knocks down Tracy and goes and unties Colton. It was actually kind of fun to watch two women battle and then to have one of the women rescue the man.
Afterwards the women go to a beautiful little cabin for the second part of the date. Demi and Tracy start getting catty again. As per usual, Tracy talks about how immature Demi is and Demi talks about how old Tracy is. Demi steals Colton away from Courtney; she sits with him and the way she talks to him resembles a dog in heat. It really feels like she’s coming on too strong with him. She proceeds to blindfold him, hit him on the butt with a paddle, and be cheeky with him. Courtney confronted Demi about how she’s handling the situation, and Demi doesn’t care about what Courtney has to say.
Caelynn gets some alone time with Colton. He admits that his guard comes down when he’s with her, and they kiss. Hannah B. is talking to Heather about how she used to be friends with Caelynn and how fake she thinks Caelynn is being. Hannah B. gets some alone time with Colton and starts telling him how she used to be friends with Caelynn when they were in pageants together. Hannah starts digging her own grave when she admits to Colton that “If that’s what you want (referring to Caelynn), then you won’t have feelings for me” and Colton realized that she just doesn’t want him developing feelings for Caelynn altogether. Colton pulls Caelynn away and tells her about his conversation with Hannah. Caelynn tells her side of the story, she starts tearing up and Colton consoles her. He walks into the room and grabs the group date rose and gives it to Caelynn.
Date 2 – Solo Date
Participant – Elyse
Prompt – “Love is in the air”
Elyse and Colton go on a helicopter ride above San Diego, they ended up going to Belmont Park together. He mentions to her that today was going to be a group date, and Elyse’s face just dropped. All of a sudden, a ton of kids come out from around the corner and run up to the two of them. All the children are from the charity that Colton funds. They show a lot of clips of the kids having fun with Colton and Elyse and its very heart-warming. Colton and Elyse went on a roller coaster and stopped at the peak of the roller coaster to kiss.
During the dinner part of the date they go to an elegant restaurant. Elyse talks about how great the date was. She then starts talking about her sister who discovered she had cancer while she was pregnant and couldn’t treat it while she was pregnant, so she delivered the child and then inevitably passed away from the cancer. Elyse described the organization that was opened in her honor to help newborn babies. He offers her the date rose and then leads her to another room where county artist Tenille Arts is playing a small concert. They stand in the middle of the floor and dance and kiss.
(There’s a great bit that’s done during the credit’s scene. Elyse is sitting with Colton on a bench when a young girl walks up to her and asks if she could “Steal Colton.” And right after the young girl steals him, another girl approaches them and asks to steal him. This goes on a few times and its really fun to see The Bachelor universe poke fun at that, and it was adorable)
Date 3 – Group Date
Participants – Tayshia, Nina, Catherine, Sydney, Onyeka, Cassie, Nicole, Caitlin
Prompt – “For every strong man, there is an even stronger woman”
Star this date with a shirtless Colton working out (because I don’t think we’ve gone an episode without seeing a shirtless Colton). He talks about how important working out and being strong is important to him. Colton talked about how he had some friends who would be joining them. Terry and Rebecca Crews are there working out, and Terry Crews mentions that him and his wife have been married for 29 years.
Sydney is in her element, and so is Catherine apparently, but Nicole is definitely not. Sydney is stretching with Colton and is proving to be very flexible. The group runs outside and will be participating in the first Bachelor’s Strongest Women competition. Three finalists will compete to win a sweet trophy. Chris Harrison and Fred Willard are announcers during this event. The first test is to push a 100lb. wedding cake and the challengers get timed for it.
Onyeka kills it, but Nicole does not do nearly as well. The next challenge is to flip a giant tire. Catherine and Sydney did great with this challenge. The last challenge is to pull a limo and Tayshia is chained around the waist, and has to pull it, but she can’t. Caitlyn does the limo challenge and “pulls” it, but it definitely doesn’t look like she’s actually pulling it. The three finalists were Sydney, Catherine, and Onyeka. They are holding medicine balls and are running back and forth in a race. Onyeka was way faster than the other girls, so she won the trophy.
During the second part of the date Tayshia pulls Colton away first. The girls talk about feeling pressure and Catherine jumps in and mentions that she’s not feeling any pressure. Nicole talks to Colton and although Nicole isn’t physically strong, she definitely has a surplus of emotional strength.
Colton brings Onyeka chocolate cake, he says she has contagious energy. He says that he gets butterflies in his stomach whenever he’s with Cassie. Meanwhile, Caitlin’s romantic relationship with Colton is behind the other girls, but Colton is hopeful that they could catch up. Caitlin is talking with Colton and is trying to find something to say but can’t really come up with anything. It doesn’t exactly seem like they have a connection. He tries prompting her with questions and they just aren’t clicking. He mentions that he was really looking forward to their conversation tonight. He said he didn’t feel the spark between them, and he walked her out. He rejoins the group and gives the date rose to Nicole.
Back at the house
Chris Harrison is back in the house and he mentions that Colton said there will be no cocktail party, but there will be a pool party. All the girls start getting ready and there are bikinis everywhere!
During the Pool Party
Colton shows up and wants everyone to have fun. He runs and jumps in the pool and starts messing around with the other girls. All of the girls look like they’re having so much fun with jumping in the pool and playing on the floats. They show Hannah B. talking to Heather about the tension between her and Colton. Heather is prompting Hannah to talk with Colton, almost intentionally trying to sabotage her.
Caelynn talks with Colton about Hannah B. and why they have some kind of past. Colton seems a bit frustrated because he’s trying to understand what’s going on. He then goes to talk with Hannah and mentions that Caelynn has called her manipulative, toxic and deceitful. Hannah denies it and immediately says that Caelynn is the one who’s being manipulative. There’s actually a shot of Colton talking with a producer. We get a bit of behind-the-scenes where Chris Harrison approaches Colton who is back-stage, and tries to understand where Colton is emotionally.
Rose Ceremony
The list of women who receive roses:
🌹 Caelynn (Group Date 1)
🌹 Elyse (Single Date)
🌹 Nicole (Group Date 2)
🌹 Hannah G.
🌹 Tayshia
🌹 Katie
🌹 Cassie
🌹 Kirpa
🌹 Sydney
🌹 Demi
🌹 Tracy
🌹 Courtney
🌹 Heather
🌹 Onyeka
🌹 Hannah B.
List of the women who were cut this week:
Episode “Virgin” Count:1