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They Shall Not Grow Old: A Technically Masterful and Immersive View of World War I

They Shall Not Grow Old
Screenshot via YouTube

They Shall Not Grow Old is, on its surface, a simple affair. Restored footage from WWI–most of which has previously been unseen–is shown underneath audio of WWI veterans recounting the daily struggles of war. This film, however, is more than that. It shows, in an unflinching way, the horrors of WWI, with the accounts of vets humanizing the conflict in ways previous documentaries have struggled to do.

To those of us living in 2019, the reasons behind WWI may seem muddy. It is even acknowledged by the account of one veteran, “We heard that some bloke got shot in Serbia, and the next thing we knew, war had been declared.” The film does an excellent job of showing the lead up to war. It dives into the culture of the time, and shrugs off the grander notions of global politics in favor of the street level view of the average British citizen. The narrative portion of this film is powerful, and helps the viewer really understand what life on the front lines was like during the war: how soldiers escaped trench foot and sniper fire, how they dealt with gas and artillery attacks, and even how they managed to make tea without giving their position away.

The movie enters full swing when it trades the small view of black and white footage for a full color, widescreen experience. Jackson and his team have colorized and enhanced old WWI footage, allowing shots that were previously unclear to be used, as well as creating a more dramatic modern feel. If you stay after the credits, you will be treated to a half hour mini documentary about how the footage was restored in more detail. It is interesting for history buffs and technically minded people alike.

Jackson’s team also added sound effects by capturing the sound of real WWI guns, armor, artillery, and equipment — all of which is in Jackson’s private collection. The dialogue was recorded over restored footage, using lip readers and extensive research. This extra effort goes a long way, and results in near total immersion into the footage, which now seems to come alive right before your eyes. (Note: I saw the film in 3D. It was extremely immersive, but there were some shots that charted into the uncanny valley, and seemed just out of place. I’m not sure if this is a 3D issue, or an issue with the restoration.)

Overall, this is a movie that people should see. We can argue over the “morality” of colorizing and changing old footage, but the reality is that if this movie gets the average person to learn something about the true horrors of WWI and war in general, then it has done its job. We are oversaturated with the silent black and white footage, and it takes this unique look and feel to put a human quality to the millions who fought and died. They Shall Not Grow Old is a passionate tribute to the veterans of WWI, and a masterful visual and narrative accomplishment.

Rating: 8.75/10

They Shall Not Grow Old is playing in select theaters nationwide.


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