HomeTelevisionThe Bachelor Season 23 Episode 6: Five Women Head Home

The Bachelor Season 23 Episode 6: Five Women Head Home

Colton had just walked away from the girls. He’s pacing along the water and all of the girls are really worried about how upset he looks. Onyeka and Nicole are still feuding. Chris Harrison approaches Colton and asks how he is doing. Colton felt that some girls are only here to throw other girls under the bus. Demi feels that the two girls threw each other under the bus. But now it’s time for the rose ceremony….

Rose Ceremony

The list of women who receive roses:

🌹 Heather (Solo Date 1) – previous episode
🌹 Hannah B (Group Date) – previous episode
🌹 Cassie (Solo Date 2) – Previous episode
🌹 Caelynn
🌹 Tayshia
🌹 Kirpa
🌹 Demi
🌹 Hannah G.
🌹 Katie
🌹 Sydney

List of the women who were cut this week:

They’re in Vietnam this episode!

Of course, they show shirtless Colton walking out of the ocean on a beautiful Vietnamese beach. A lot of the remaining girls have not received their one-on-ones, and they all think Thailand would be the perfect place to get their first one-on-one.

Date 1 – Solo Date
Participant – Hannah G.
Prompt – “We really need this date”

Colton and Hannah go to a Vietnamese spa. Colton says that every time he sees Hannah G. he gets a little smitten, which is a very sweet thing to say. That being said, from that point onwards, it goes from sweet to a bit raunchy. They get face masks, then strip down to their bathing suits and get wrapped in giant leaves. Colton tells her that she looks like a sushi roll, but then the confessional camera cuts away to just him and he says, “I’d eat that up” and it was just like, wow. The camera then cuts away to them in a mud bath and they’re just all over each other. It then shows them being all over each other in an outdoor shower, and this is Colton’s second one-on-one where the whole date was just him making out with the girl he was with.

During the dinner portion of the date, they’re in a cute little outdoor restaurant. Hannah starts talking about how she feels like she can open up to Colton. She admits that she is usually closed off to people and it might have stemmed from when her parents told her that they were getting a divorce. Colton’s parents are also divorced, so they were able to relate on that melancholic note. Then, they made out some more, and he gives her the date rose. They walk to an outdoor band playing this beautiful exotic music while they slow danced and made out again.

Colton admits that he’s falling in love with Hannah, which is a HUGE thing to admit to so early in the season!

Date 2 – Group Date
Participants – Cassie, Heather, Tayshia, Caelynn, Katie, Hannah B., Sydney, Demi
Prompt – “Are you ready to fight for love?”

Demi is particularly upset about not getting a one-on-one date with Colton, and she’s dreading this group date. They show all the girls wearing their athleisure clothing as they walk up to the date site. While there, Colton fighting is stage fighting with a man. He explains that the fighting is called Vovinam. Hannah explains that it’s like something out of a Kung Fu movie and proceeds to call herself Hannah Beast. This is truly my favorite Hannah. They show different scenes of the girls fighting with kendo sticks, then practice fist-fighting. The person who was helping to teach the girls proclaims that there will be a challenge where the girls will fight each other for Colton’s love. They show Chris Harrison sitting with Quo Chung, who is the host of the Bachelor Vietnam.

Meanwhile, the girls seem a little too excited to physically fight each other. Heather fought Sydney, and they were giggling and a little less aggressive. Hannah B. fought Cassie, and again, it seemed to be a lot of fun with giggling. But when it came down to Demi vs. Katie, they seemed to be a little more aggressive. Katie seems to have control over the match and there’s no giggling during this match like there was with the other girls. I assumed they were going to pick a grand winner, but they never did? My vote would have been on Sydney or Katie.

During the cocktail party portion of the date, Colton pulls Tayshia away first. She says that this week has been hard for her because she feels like she’s putting herself out there and its scaring her because she’s been burned before. But she also admits that she wants to keep moving in the direction that they have been moving. Colton admits that he does want to keep exploring their relationship. He said he gets this feeling with her that he doesn’t quite get with other girls. She says to the camera that she feels like she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be and that everything is where it’s supposed to be.

Katie goes to talk to him and tells him that she’s scared of being misunderstood by him. She says it’s hard for her to show her emotions, even when she’s super happy because she doesn’t want it to get taken away. Meanwhile, I have no emotional investment in Katie because I feel like we’ve barely seen her at all this season. She said she doesn’t want to go home thinking she didn’t try. And Colton reassures her that he sees that she’s trying. But he appreciates her throwing all of her cards on the table and being real with him. He said it’s nice to see all the sides of her, and they hugged.

They show Hannah Beast sitting with Colton on the beach. He mentions that she looked very comfortable during this date. He also appreciated how much she cares for him. Every time they talk, she seems to open up to him more and more.

Tayshia and Sydney are talking about how a lot of girls are just “pretty, shiny things” and aren’t there for the right reasons. Sydney gets time to sit with Colton and she very bluntly asks him why she hasn’t got a one-on-one with him yet. He said every relationship is different and he’s working through that. She asks if he feels that he can get there with her, and he said he wants to try.

Demi then sits with Colton and she admits that she’s not a fighter, but she wants to be soft and sensitive with Colton. Demi asked if Colton would want to call her mom with her. She admits this would be a big deal because it would be her first call to her mother since her mother got out of federal prison. They have some light conversation with her mom on speaker phone and its very sweet. Once they hang up the phone with her mother, Demi and Colton hug and kiss.

Sydney feels that Demi and Hannah B. aren’t ready for marriage. Sydney is taking this extremely seriously and doesn’t quite feel that the other girls are. She sits with Colton again and mentions that she needs more out of this relationship. Colton tells her, again, that he doesn’t quite have this whole process figured out. She questions the choices he’s been making through this process and she said that he’s been taking the easier route. She said if ‘it’ was right, it would have been easier between the two of them. Sydney declares that she’s going to go home. After Colton walks her out, he apologizes to her. She advises him not to just look for shiny things because there are great girls there who are there for the right reasons, and there are girls who are not.

Colton tells the other girls on the group date what had just happened with Sydney. He then picked up the group date rose and gave it to Tayshia. The other girls realize that Sydney walking out really opened Colton’s eyes.

Date 3 – Solo Date
Participants – Kirpa
Prompt – “Are you ready to fight for love?”

I was pretty excited for their date because even though Kirpa has been making it through every week, I feel like we know nothing about her.

The date starts on a coastline, at a beautiful restaurant. Colton says “Every time I leave my time with you, I take something away” to Kirpa. She said she’s not trying to hold back at all but sometimes she gets into her own head. Colton admits that their relationship is slower than the others but he’s hoping this date can push their relationship and see where it can go. They show the two diving into water from a boat and picking sea urchin out of the water.

During the dinner portion of the date, Kirpa says that Colton brings out the fun, thrill-seeker side of her. Meanwhile, Colton wanted to ask her about her previous engagement. Apparently, they were together for eight years, and her ex-fiancé was also a virgin. Her previous relationship became stagnant after the eight years and they both agreed that they deserved better. She is hesitant to getting engaged again because she doesn’t want to hurt anyone again. That being said, Colton asked if she would be willing to end this in an engagement, if they continued progressing the way they have been. And Kirpa said that as long as they continue the way they have been, she can definitely see herself getting engaged at the end of it. He gives her the date rose.

Back at the house

Demi walks to where Colton is staying and sits on the couch with him. She said she knows that last night was hard for him and wanted to check up on him. She said Singapore was a breakthrough for them, and Thailand was phenomenal. Demi feels confident and happy with what happened between them and she admitted that she’s falling in love with him. Colton appreciates her telling him. He said she continues to make him feel special, and it brings up a lot of emotions in him. Unfortunately, I don’t think any of those emotions he was feeling matched Demi’s emotions. Colton admits he’s not sure if he can get ‘there’ with demi. She covers her face and he said he doesn’t think he could put her through a rose ceremony, so decides to send her home as soon as possible. “You’re incredible and you’re going to make someone so happy” And with that, Colton walks Demi out. Demi lets out a little “It hurts” and I can’t help but feel bad for her. I was just starting to like her.

All of the women are on edge because they feel they need to have more conversations with Colton before the Rose Ceremony, but Chris Harrison comes in and tells the girls that there will be no cocktail party this week, since Colton already knows what he wants.

The list of women who receive roses:
🌹 Hannah G. (Solo Date 1)
🌹 Tayshia (Group Date)
🌹 Kirpa (Solo Date 2)
🌹 Hannah B.
🌹 Caelynn
🌹 Cassie
🌹 Heather

List of the women who were cut this week:

On Katie’s way out, she tells Colton that there is someone in the house who’s not ready for this. Colton has a very concerned look on his face. He admits that Sydney said the same thing on her way out, and he assumed she was talking about Demi. But to hear it again, with only seven girls remaining, Colton seemed very concerned.

They showed a preview of the rest of the season, and I have my final four prediction:
Hannah B.
Hannah G.


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