HomeTelevisionThe Bachelor Season 23 Episode 8: The Legendary 'Hometowns' Episode

The Bachelor Season 23 Episode 8: The Legendary ‘Hometowns’ Episode

Hometown 1 – Caelynn – Fredericksburg, VA

Caelynn and Colton get picked up in a horse-drawn carriage. They’re being driven around a very cute little town as Caelynn tells stories about growing up in the town. They stop at an ice cream place and there’s a fun scene where Caelynn says “The best thing about this ice cream is that it smells so good!” and Colton leans in to smell her ice cream and she smooshes it into his face, and its super cute.

Colton does a toast to the family “that made Caelynn.” Her sister pulls Caelynn away and admits to Caelynn that she’s skeptical about this whole scenario. Caelynn’s mom is sitting with Colton and expresses concern and said she doesn’t know if he’s ready for this.

Caelynn sits with her step father, John, and he asked if she even wanted to get married. John said they could just be friends. She responded that their morals aligned so perfectly. She then tells her step father that he’s always been there for her, especially more than her biological father, and her step father tears up. They hug, and he admits that he just wants the best for her.

John sits down with Colton and asked how far he planned on taking the relationship. Colton mentions that he said he was falling in love with her. Colton asked if the time comes, when they get there. He asked if he could have John’s permission to marry Caelynn. John said that as long as he promised

The day ended with them watching some home movies of her as a child. They sit together outside of the house and Caelynn admits to being in love with Colton, and they kiss. Caelynn says to the cameras that it felt good to finally say it out loud.

The Bachelor Season 23 EPisode 8
Photo Credit: ABC

Hometown 2 – Hannah G. – Birmingham, AL

Hannah tells Colton that she’s taking him to an etiquette class so that he can be a perfect southern gentleman when he meets her family. Colton mentions that he’s intimidated because there’s a difference between being a gentleman and being a southern gentleman. There’s a great part of this date where they learn the etiquette of sitting at a table and eating dinner.

The teacher asks him to do a few various things, like to pick a dinner role, put butter in that dinner role, and eat it. As he performs the actions the teacher says, “bless your heart”. Colton says to the camera “All I know is how to eat the food.” The etiquette teacher describes that Hannah’s family has been holding an umbrella over her to protect her, and that they are looking to hand the umbrella to someone else to protect her.

At the house, Colton meets Hannah’s mom, dad, three cousins, and best friend.

The cousins and friend sit with Hannah and tell her that they like Colton, and that her and Colton seem comfortable together. One of the women asks if it’s weird that he’s a virgin, especially with Fantasy Suites coming up? Hannah tells her that she trusts Colton and the decisions he’s going to make.

“You’ve known her for a month on and off, and other women are involved” is the dad’s opening line when he gets some alone time with Colton. Colton mentions that him and Hannah have had a special connection from the very beginning. Hannah convinces her mother that she’s really in this and can truly see this working out. Colton asks for Hannah’s father’s hand. He said he’s never thought about it and is blown away. “If things are going the way they are, I’ll give you my blessing.”

Hannah and Colton sit together and kiss. Hannah spills her heart out to Colton and tells him that she’s falling in love with him. Colton replies that he’s falling in love with her as well.

Hometown 3 – Tayshia – Orange, CA

She blindfolds him and puts him in the passenger seat of a Jeep Wrangler.

“Payback’s a bitch” is what he said when he realized that she was taking him skydiving. Colton looks MISERABLE through the whole instruction phase and all the way up in the plane. He’s shaking and hasn’t talked much. I also haven’t seen Colton swear this much in an episode before. He does say something pretty funny. “God please let me survive this fall, I still have to lose my virginity. I don’t know what I’m missing, but I heard its great.”

When they jump out of the plane, they scream like crazy. After a while of falling, they land down and run up to each other and laugh. They sit together afterwards and Tayshia mentions that she is falling in love with him. He admits that after she left his apartment, when they made dinner together, that’s when he knew he was falling in love with her. She tells him that she hasn’t brought a guy home since her ex-husband, so this is a big deal.

They show up at Tayshia’s house, and unlike Caelynn and Hannah, this seems to be a very intimate meeting. It’s Tayshia’s mother, father, and two brothers. At the dinner table, Tayshia’s mom pulls her away. She asks how things were going with Colton. She seems quiet and sweet, mostly concerned for Tayshia’s well-being while also being supportive. Tayshia’s dad is a bit less gentle. He asks if Colton is being sincere with her, and asks him how he could fall in love with more than 1 person at a time? Colton said he never thought it was possible, because he never had the opportunity.

Tayshia’s father asks a few other hard questions, but Colton was able to respond to all of them. Afterwards, Colton asks Tayshia’s father for his hand in blessing and he says he appreciates Colton manning up, and says “but I just met you… I need to make sure it’s the right thing. I think you’re a good guy. I just want to protect her and have her best interest in mind.” And like that, Tayshia’s father did not give Colton his blessing.

After talking to Colton, the father then talks to Tayshia. He is extremely skeptical and doesn’t seem to be buying anything that Colton is selling. He said it was happening so fast “You don’t microwave relationships” and that was a super interesting way to put this scenario. He asks if she’s willing to get hurt “for this guy”? and Tayshia says yes. He can see she’s happy, and he trusts her, but he’s still so uneasy with this. The family had one last get-together and the father does end up giving Colton his blessing, almost through gritted teeth. I have a feeling that if Colton doesn’t pick Tayshia, her father is going to hunt him down.

Hometown 4 – Cassie – Huntington Beach, CA

Colton and Cassie start the date on the beach, where they’ll be surfing. Cassie was teaching him how to surf on the sand, and it almost seems like he might have the hang of it, but he falls a LOT when they get into the actual water. It could just be how they edited the shots, but it really seemed like he was awful at surfing.

One of Colton’s hesitations with Cassie is that he is still unsure of her feelings.

When Cassie and Colton walk into her house, there is a lot of shrieking. Her family consisted of a lot of shrieking blonde woman and one stone-cold father who did not seem impressed. To quote the father, on Colton’s first impression, “He seemed like a… guy.”

There was a shot of Cassie talking to her sister and it reminded me of parent trap, when Lindsay Lohan was talking to Lindsay Lohan. Cassie and her sister are not identical twins, but they are both blonde and have very similar features. Colton talks to Cassie’s mom and she addresses concerns with Colton falling for other women. Colton tells her that he’s falling in love with Cassie and that they have amazing chemistry. I think Colton might have concerns about Cassie not being able to get there with him.

Cassie is sitting with her father and asks his opinion. Her father mentions that he is meeting other families. Cassie puts it into an interesting perspective, that if she’s at the end of this, Colton will have literally gone through all of the other options and still chose her. She admits that she’s not sure she could see herself being engaged with him, at this moment. Her father said it’s not something you just jump into. He said how can you be sure about it in such a short amount of time. There was some back and forth, but they hug, and it’s very sweet.

Colton sits with Cassie’s father and asks about the bachelor process. He tells her father that he’s falling in love with her. Colton mentions that he can picture life with her every step of the way and can promise that he would provide that for her. He asks for her father’s hand in marriage. Cassie’s father mentions it’s a big ask, and that sometimes not enough thought is put into it. The father did not give his blessing to Colton.

After they are done meeting with the family, Cassie says to him that she wants to be one hundred percent sure about her feelings before she says anything. And you think she might say that she’s falling for him, but she does not tell him anything. It’s unfortunate because he was looking for her to say that. That being said, her emotional standing is unclear, and her father didn’t give him his blessing, so it’s not looking great for Cassie from this perspective.

Rose Ceremony

The list of women who receive roses:

🌹 Hannah G.

🌹 Tayshia

🌹 Cassie

Caelynn said she was blindsided, and quite frankly, I think we all were. And I can’t help but feel she’s kicking herself for helping Cassie stay on during the last episode. She ends up sobbing and crying in Colton’s lap, and then she gets into the limo.

I think he might have made a mistake with this one, and I haven’t said that before about him. He knew how she was feeling, and they had an amazing connection, and he knew she was ready for marriage, but he chose Cassie. He doesn’t know if Cassie’s ready for marriage and doesn’t have her dad’s blessing… and part of me thinks its recency bias. Like, if Cassie was the first hometown, and Caelynn was the last, maybe this would have been different.

List of the women who were cut this week:


Virgin Count: 2


Monday will be the Fantasy Suite episode, and Tuesday will be the Women Tell All.

I’m going to need more wine…


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