HomeBooksReview: Buffy The Vampire Slayer #2

Review: Buffy The Vampire Slayer #2

Welcome back scoobies. This review will have spoilers from the TV series and Issue #1.

At the end of the first issue we learned a little about Buffy’s slaying abilities. We also got see her make new friends. Two familiar faces, Willow and Xander. Of course Giles was is still Buffy’s watcher and he was just as stuffy as ever. And, the big bad? It’s kinda looking like we’re going to get to learn all about Anya.

Ok so this issue starts off with Buffy having one hell of a nightmare. Once she wakes up we get introduced to a character that I don’t recall from the series, and her lovely mom Joyce. In the show Joyce didn’t know at first that Buffy was the slayer. I’m not sure if this comic is following the same theme as of yet.

But, once Buffy arrives at school it’s more library research time with Giles. And, we get an introduction to another fan favorite character. Ok, back into the story, it’s that time of year. Student elections. And, Willow is running for Class President, but has lost the last 2 years to Cordelia Chase. And, of course there’s some weird things going on at Sunnydale High. A mysterious figure is hiding in the woods near the school. Another familiar face that will make TV fans squeal.

Things switch back to the Occult Shop at the end of the first issue. You know where that creepy vamp got that weird ring that let him survive a slayer attack. Well, Anya is the owner, and she’s currently being held captive in her own store. Between the creepy guy in the woods, the baddie holding Anya captive, and all the High School drama this is shaping up to be one hell of a story.

Something that I am enjoying so far about this comic is the introduction of new characters, and introducing fan favorite characters sooner. Oh, and something else I love is that Willow’s sexuality is already established by the first issue. And, Cordelia’s character is vastly different from the Cordelia we knew in the TV series at first. I’m really loving the new ways these beloved characters are interacting.

Oh, and there are 2 totally new characters that have been added to the mix and I can not wait to see how they develop. I only have praise for issue #2 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

8/10 Stars.

Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher AKA cosplayer Sheena Bot. She and her husband have been making cosplay magic since 2008. She has been consistently writing comic reviews for titles Harley Quinn, Supergirl, and Rat Queens. Sheena and her husband like to collect money for charities at different conventions during the weekend. By day she works as an Enrollment Agent at MorphoTrust. She is a Fairmont State University graduate with a bachelor's degree in Family & Consumer Sciences. Follow her on Faceboook: sheenabotcosplay


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