HomeTelevisionThe Bachelor Season 23 Episode 10 - The Women Tell All

The Bachelor Season 23 Episode 10 – The Women Tell All

This episode starts with the reminder of how Monday’s episode ended. And they introduce all the girls who have been sent home from Colton’s season.

Next, they show a montage of brutal breakups throughout the Bachelor seasons. Every scene is basically the same… The guy breaks up with the girl, she starts sobbing, and she storms off. Then they show the girls breaking down, having panic attacks, and they end with Cassie ending it with Colton.

They start talking about the rivalries and they show all the clips of the girls being catty with each other, between Caelynn and Hannah B., Onyeka and Nicole, Demi and Tracey, Demi and Courtney.

The girls really start ripping at each other. There are points where I can’t even understand what they’re saying because they’re all screaming at once. I don’t think there’s usually this much squabbling. There’s always some kind of cattiness, but this seems to be to a next level…

Courtney calls Demi out for acting like a child. Demi admits that saying Courtney was the “Cancer of the house” was a bit much, and apologized, but then proceeded to call her bedbugs. Courtney said at the end of the day she was dealing with a child and she didn’t know how to deal with those. Then Courtney stood up and walked over to Demi and proceeded to shove a pacifier into her mouth.

Demi in the hot seat:

They do a flashback of Demi’s time on the show. She started tearing up after watching the breakup. They talk about Demi’s relationship with her mother, and how she doesn’t consider herself immature, because she knows who she is and she’s true to herself.

Nicole in the hot seat:

Flashback to all her time on the show. They poke fun at how much she cries. She said her family has always taught her to be true to her feelings and express herself. So, apparently, Halo Top is hooking her up with a year’s supply of ice cream…? And Chris Harrison says “This is my Oprah moment! You get an ice cream, you get an ice cream, everybody gets an ice cream!” and a person came out from the back and just started handing people Halo Top ice cream

Hannah B. in the hot seat:

They show all of her moments on the show. Hannah wants to be real and honest with herself and find someone who will love her fiercely. Chris gives her the opportunity to do a do over with the toast mishap from the first date. She does a great toast and Chris toasts her finding fierce love.


Caelynn in the hot seat:

They show her moments on the show. By the end of the flashbacks, Caelynn is tearing up. She was confused because she felt that they had so much together. She said she genuinely felt like there was something between the two of them and she didn’t understand why she was sent home.

Colton finally makes his way to the stage.

Chris asked him what it’s like to join him on the stage and Colton says he’s super nervous. Chris asked Caelynn if she has anything to say to Colton. She asked him “When did you know it wasn’t me?” And he gave a nothing answers of how that rose ceremony was the hardest. He basically says that he isn’t able to give her closure and she says that it sucks. I feel bad for her because he at least could have said that he felt a stronger connection with the other girls or something, but instead she got a BS response.

Sydney asks him if he’s still a virgin. They don’t give a clear answer… of course

They show a blooper real and its mostly things or people falling. There’s a point where Demi shoves a whole thing of pepperoni in her mouth (very classy). Another bit of montages where Colton says “Nailed it” a bunch and doing very bad dance moves. They also show the girls freaking out about bugs and bats.

They end with a sneak-peek of next week’s episode. And a reminder that the live finale will span over two nights.


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