HomeTelevisionThe Bachelor Season 23 Finale Part 2: Colton Gives His Final Rose...

The Bachelor Season 23 Finale Part 2: Colton Gives His Final Rose in Dramatic Fashion

We’ve made it. This is the last episode of the season, and Chris Harrison has my expectations for this finale pretty high.

The Season Finale

They jump right back into the episode when Colton knocks on Cassie’s door. She opens the door and smiles when she sees him. Unlike the look that Tayshia and Hannah had when he surprised them at their doors, Cassie almost looked like she knew he was coming. I can’t help but assume that one of Cassie’s producers gave her a bit of a heads up.

They go for a walk and Colton tells her how devastating it was to watch her walk away the other night. He explained to her that he sacrificed everything else for her by ended things with Tayshia and Hannah. He said he’s not asking for a marriage at the end of this, but he’s asking for a second chance. Her immediate response is “I’m so nervous right now” and “This is crazy” and she sounds every bit the 23-year-old she is. She tells him how she wanted to make sure that she was sure of their relationship, and she thought the other girls were able to give him that. He told her that he didn’t just want to tell her that he loved her, but he wanted to show her how much he loved her. She smiles at that but leans in and kisses him. Then they hug, and this is the happiest Colton has looked since his original date with Cassie. He tells her about the 8-foot fence hop and she giggles about it. They plan on taking this day by day, and he wants her to meet his family in Spain if she wants to continue this. She said she doesn’t know what she’s ready for, but she feels good right now. And it looks like Cassie is back in the game.

Colton meets up with his family in Spain, without Cassie. He drops the bomb about not being a virgin, except JUST KIDDING everybody he was just joking. He tells the whole scenario about what happened with Cassie, Tayshia, and Hannah. His dad asks if he loves Cassie and if she is in love with him. Colton responded that he loved her more than anything but didn’t know how she felt about him. His family looked at him like he was an idiot… and listening to him retell the scenario he was in, he does sound like an idiot. He meets Cassie outside of his parents’ house and she’s sobbing because she didn’t think it’d be as hard as it was for her. She was concerned that his family would think less of her because of the fact that she dumped him (she was right). She said she didn’t want to go in there confused and, shocker, she was feeling confused.

Cassie is having a breakdown outside of the house but suddenly decides to go inside and meet the family. The family immediately starts asking questions to the two of them and Colton’s family really looks disappointed to listen to all this. Colton’s mom pulls him to the side and tells him that she’s nervous about the fact that Cassie already walked away from him once. He essentially tells her not to worry because “she’s different” Cue the eye roll. The mom just wants to make sure that its reciprocated. Colton’s dad is talking to Cassie and tells her about how she must be special to him since he doesn’t just love anyone. Cassie then sits with Colton’s mom, who asks about Cassie’s “decision to bail.”

Cassie discussed the pressure of the competition getting to her. She admits that her and Colton are on different pages, and he’s always been a step ahead of her, but she just wants to be confident in any decision she makes. The father talks to Colton and asks if he’s having any second guesses about all of this, to which Colton said no. The father asked if Colton chasing Cassie wasn’t just him wanting something he can’t have, and Colton said no it wasn’t. His father starts tearing up because he said he saw Colton being heartbroken and he doesn’t want to see that again because they know what he went through, but he said he’d rather risk getting his heartbroken than risk losing Cassie. They’re going to spend the next few days together.

They meet up for their date, and Colton is laying it on thick. “I appreciate you taking it day by day with me” and “There’s no one else I’d rather be here with”. So, they drive to the top of the mountain and they’re going to repel to the bottom of the mountain. Cassie will literally be taking a leap of faith for Colton today. They make it to the bottom and Colton asks what scares her about being in a relationship with him, and she said just being in a relationship in general is a commitment and she seems to be afraid of commitment. She’s worried about being in a committed relationship because she’s afraid her partner will become controlling and stifling and “you don’t get to be who you want to be anymore”. He tells her that he wants them to do what’s best for them. He wants her to live her life, and she smiles at him and tells him “you’re so cute”. Cassie says she’s excited about the kind of relationship they could have.

During the dinner portion of the date, Colton toasts to his love for her. She said that if she’s going to commit to being in a relationship it’s because she sees that relationship going somewhere. Cassie said that she feels confident about tonight. He taught her what a good relationship is, and she is mature, and whatever happens after this she wants to be all in. He hands her a fantasy suite envelope! This is the first time a fantasy suite envelope has been seen in a season’s final episode. Colton and Cassie make their way to a beautiful condo. He tells all the cameramen and producers that he loves them all, but they need to get out.

Sydney, Onyeka, Demi, Chris (the goose), Jason, and Ben join Chris Harrison live on the set. Demi said, “I hope Cassie jumps on Colton like a Portuguese fence” and the crowd laughs. Sydney said this would be great because it would be makeup sex and his first time all wrapped into one. There’s some back and forth about Colton and Cassie, and they’re all wishing the couple the best.

“Last night with Cassie was incredible and I feel like a new man”. They play coy by not flat-out telling the audience if they had sex or not. She said something along the lines of “my calf still hurts” and they both laugh… but the next steps are they give it their best shot, together. Colton says that he’s very excited to see this through. “I can’t wait to wake up next to her over and over again”

Colton and Cassie join Chris Harrison on the stage. Cassie said this all felt really good, but weird. They’re “super in love”, or so they say. Colton says they’re enjoying dating right now and they don’t plan on rushing anything anytime soon.

They show videos of the time in-between Spain and now of them just living together. There’s a part where Cassie and Colton are watching a video of Cassie professing her love for him. And we’re watching them watch the video of them watching the video… it was a little silly.

Colton gives her a rose and Chris Harrison gives the two of them a 7-night stay in Thailand, where they had their first one-on-one date. Obviously, Chris Harrison won the better gift competition. Chris then asks Colton if he lost his virginity during the fantasy suites. Colton said that now they’re a couple, he thinks it would be better if it was just kept between them. So, we never get a full answer if Colton lost his virginity on this show. My guess is yes, but who’s to say?

Afterwards, there’s a live performance by Air Supply, and Cassie and Colton slow dance as they try to run out the clock because instead of having one 3-hour finale episode, they decided to have 2 2-hour long episodes.

The Next Bachelorette

Now the news we’re actually excited to hear, who’s going to be the next Bachelorette?

Drumroll please!

The next Bachelorette is Hannah B!

She walks out in this stunning red dress and talks about how grateful she is for this opportunity. Chris Harrison shows the clip they have of him breaking the news to her that she was going to be the next Bachelorette. The clip shows him delivering the news and her reaction. She was tearing up and very excited about it. It was super wholesome to watch.

She’s very quirky and fun and a little awkward on camera, so I think it’ll be a fun season to watch. It’ll especially be fun during the first few episodes when she’s still meeting the guys, because she’s a bit awkward before she really opens up to people.

They introduce her to 5 of the men who will be on her season.

  • First guy, Luke, walks out and looks a lot like Colton. He said some sweet stuff but wasn’t that memorable, in my opinion.
  • The second guy out was Dustin. He said he was nervous but wanted to do a toast and says he isn’t god at toasts. He said, “Cheers to the start of a wonderful beginning and an amazing journey and for us to get to know each other” and she comments on how his toast was much better than her toast was.
  • Cam was the third guy out and no one was ready for him. He starts rapping at her and she gets really into it. Everyone else can just go home. He already won.
  • Fourth one out is Connor. He made her a step stool so she could be on his level and they take the first step of getting to know each other. I enjoyed the word play.
  • Then there was the fifth guy, Luke S., who looks a LOT like Nick Viall. He said, “I don’t go down south often, but for you I’d go down south any time” and I cringed in my seat.

>Hannah decided that she wanted to give out a rose during this, and Chris Harrison fully supports her. She said she has a little more appreciation for what Colton had to go through. Hannah giggles and decides to give the first rose of her season to Cam! I think we all knew it was going to be Cam.

Final Thoughts

I honestly don’t think Cassie and Colton will last in a relationship together, and I could be wrong. I think Cassie still has a lot of growing up to do, and I don’t think she’s ready to be tied down yet. I’m not even convinced that she’s in love with Colton. We watched the other girls come to the realization on their own time that they loved him, but Cassie never really had that. One moment, she was questioning how she felt about him, then the next moment she’s in love with him.

It felt so forced. And she didn’t seem sure about anything that anyone asked her. She was constantly confused and didn’t fight for this relationship. I personally think anyone who chases after someone who broke up with them is a fool, and I don’t think this sends a great message to younger viewers. This shows that if someone you like doesn’t like you back, you just have to dump the women who are actually really into you, to chase after the girl who gave up on you. I don’t know… the whole ending left a bad taste in my mouth, which is why I’m glad they ended by revealing that Hannah B. will be the new Bachelorette.

Virgin Count: 3


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