latewaves is a band that exploded onto the Asbury Park music scene and quickly established themselves as one of the top bands. Their ascension to popularity should surprise no one as the band is comprised of veteran AP scene musicians, and they have some pretty terrific music.
Now with tours under their belt, beers from the Atlantic City Beer and Music Fest consumed, and new music on the horizon we spoke with Mikey Pellegrino of the latewaves as they get set for Happy Mondays at Wonder Bar tonight.
latewaves Are (Members of the Band & Instruments They Play): Shawna Grabowski (drums) Mikey Pellegrino (vocals, guitar) Howie Cohen (bass,vocals)
Year We Formed In: 2017
We’re Based Out of: Asbury Park NJ
Story Behind Our Name: In the summer of 2017 we were all in the restaurant industry in Asbury Park and that meant we all got out of work pretty late. Usually too late to even grab one at the last bar that’d be open. So we brought our beers to the beach at night, to pay homage to this tradition we were gonna go with “Midnight Beach” buy Shawna decided that sounded more like a Yankee Candle than a punk band.. so we eventually came up with the combo “latewaves.”
Famous/Cool Bands We’ve Shared the Stage With: The Used, lovelytheband, Can’t Swim, Haunt Club
What’s been one of the most important things you’ve learned as band since you first formed?
As stereotypical as it sounds – definitely gotta check your ego. There’s a million bands out there that are better than the next, whatever you do has to be in the best interest of progressing the band forward. That means cutting your favorite part if it doesn’t fit the song, cutting a song from your set when you’re opening for a big act and the show is running behind, and knowing that the rabid and horrifying thing that is the music industry owes you N O T H I N G.
Can you talk about the Broken Bird Singles Collection and the new songs you guys have been putting out? When will be seeing a new full-length and can you talk about how this new stuff differs from the music we first heard from you and fell in love with?
The Broken Bird singles were a representation of a time and a place for the band. We had spent our first year playing relentlessly, locally and on tour, just trying to fast track a chemistry so we could have that on stage mind reading superpower bands that have been together for a long time have. When we released the first EP we had now idea how we sounded live except for on our own in our rehearsal space. Broken Bird is how we realized we sounded like at the small clubs and bars we had been playing for a year. The new stuff we’re about to put out (release dates coming soon!) is our favorite stuff we’ve done yet! We’re getting really into the belly of songwriting and expanding our influences, and trying to highlight what we feel is what people love about us the most- that our music is fun to listen to.
In that time you guys have established yourselves as one of the most reliable, go-to bands. A band that people know are going to put on a killer show. Can you talk where you guys feel you are as a band now, as opposed to when you came into the Asbury Park scene?
I think playing off the end of the last answer – we kind of know now that we are the fun rock and roll band, and we are embracing our place. I’m a chubby short bearded man with a raspy voice, my aspirations of going for a Morrissey vibe are long gone. It’s loud guitars and big choruses for us, and we’re very happy about it.
In the same vein — you’re a band that gets out on the road often. How important is it to leave the comfort of Asbury and get on the road?
Very important in so many ways! Asbury is a wonderful and magical place but is but ONE small city in this giant world. Going out and playing to the sound guy at a beat Tuesday show a long long way from home is not only a humbling experience, but necessary one to make you realize how much work it takes to make this all happen, also when you’re playing a GOOD show far from home and you have some kids singing your lyrics and telling you afterwards how stoked they were that you were coming to their town- those are the wins that keep you going and working harder.
You played the AC Beer Fest recently — what was the best beer you guys had there?
My favorite was Forgotten Boardwalk, amazing brewery. Second favorite beer was the bottle of tequila we snuck in.
What’s one of the wildest moments you’ve had as a band — one that’s indelibly marked on your souls forever?
There are a few to think of which is a really positive thing, but I think our last visit to the studio with Vinnie Caruana and Brett Romnes was one of my all time favorite experiences. We were pushed to the brink and worked endlessly day and night, and when we finally got to look at our work on the last day at like 3am, everyone sitting quietly and smiling at what we all just produced- I think that’s what it’s all about.
What is it about this band that you love?
I think everyone is in the same page as far as work ethic, and everyone has the same end goal, to take this band as far as the world will let us take it. And….loud guitars.
What are you most excited for in 2019?
Honestly can’t wait to release our new songs and to tour more. Also I can almost play the the intro to “Hot For Teacher” the really whacky finger tapping part- looking forward to sound checking with that.
latewaves performs tonight at Happy Mondays at Wonder Bar in Asbury Park, NJ with Pass Away, Rare Futures and Milly. The show is free.