As always scoobies, this review will have spoilers from previous issues. I’ll do my best to keep from spoiling this issue for you. But, if you’re not caught up maybe wait to read this review.
Issue #3 had some crazy story-telling and a creature we’ve never seen before made an apperance. He was fierce, huge, could fly. And, here’s the kicker. He could communicate with Buffy. This creature was locked up in Anya’s occult shop until she unleashed him on Spike and Dru. So far all we know is it loves to kill vampires, and can talk to Buffy.
Buffy, Willow, and Xander are training with Giles in case Dru retaliates. But, it’s been very quiet. Quiet to the point that Giles decides to go on patrol and give the scoobies a night off. So, they all plan to catch a movie together. Willow’s girlfriend Rose will be attending as well as Buffy’s crush. And, I should point out that a lot of this issue is from Xander’s POV.
Another important thing that happened In issue #3 is Buffy’s phone went missing. And, her mom is refusing to get her a new one so she’ll just have to find it. As the night approaches we learn some new things about the team dynamic, and we also learn where Buffy’s phone disappeared to. But, what happens when someone who is really reliable doesn’t show up for the movie? And what happens when Buffy can’t be reached?
Especially when the scoobies are dealing with life on the Hellmouth.
This issue focused mainly on the scoobies and their personal lives. Not a ton of action, but it’s nice to see what the gang does when they’re not slaying vampires and demons. It was also interesting to get inside Xander’s head more in this issue to see what he’s really thinking. So even though I’ve been spoiled by action with this comic, I know character development is also important. So is story-telling.
Rating: 7.5/10
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