HomeTelevisionWWE Recap: Money in the Bank 2019 Edition

WWE Recap: Money in the Bank 2019 Edition

Some very questionable decisions, and the final moment of the show likely sent you into a rage worse than Game of Thrones. It was a tolerable show. The title matches were good, but many of the outcomes of other matches were headscratchers. Including the hype for the Super Showdown PPV where Goldberg will face The Undertaker. Sorry, this match should have taken place at least 15 years ago, even 10 years would have been fine. But in 2019? Ugh.

Also, throughout the show referees were either intentionally screwing up or some of these guys need to take a break. Lots of botches from everyone tonight.

Preshow: The Usos defeated Daniel Bryan & Erick Rowan in a non-title match

It’s just bizarre this was non-title, but it’s the only way to keep both teams on the up-and-up to allow the Usos a win while Team EarthForce stay champs.

The opening match of the night features the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Looked pretty good, some slow and slightly off-kilter spots. I understand the sudden need to push other women, but I still can’t get behind the decision for Dana Brooke to get a push. While I don’t mind her being in the match, the past few weeks her presence has felt awkward and forced. Everyone had their spots, Carmella had the obligatory injury spot to break from the match but eventually returned. In the end, Bayely tosses Sonya Deville and Mandi Rose off the ladder to grab the briefcase and become the 2019 Ms. Money in the Bank.

Backstage: Sami Zayn tells Triple H everyone involved in tonight’s Men’s MITB match is afraid of Strowman’s involvement.

Next up: Rey Mysterio defeats Samoa Joe to become WWE United States Champion

This was interesting. Early on Rey lands on Joe’s face, busting his nose into a bloody mess. Shortly thereafter, Rey rolls up Joe for a quick three-count for the win. However, Joe’s left shoulder was clearly off the mat. I am wondering if they called an audible, ending the match early, choosing to have a shady finish to add to the confusion. Post-match, Joe brutalizes Rey in front of his son.

Steel Cage Match: Shane McMahon defeated The Miz by escape. 

Well, once again Shane wins. Shane gets a ridiculously long intro. I couldn’t get into this one. WWE really wants to drag this one out. Shane really, really wants this feud to keep going and going and going, and good lord, keep going. There were no “fight forever chants” during this one, just “CM Punk” and “Bulls***” chants after the ref called for a rope break in a match which isn’t supposed to have any. Sometimes I wonder if the creative folks forget WWE fans know the rules of stipulation matches. In any case, Shane slips off his t-shirt while Miz tries dragging him back into the cage, but drops to the floor and both figuratively and literally slips out of Miz’s hands to win. Meh.

Tomorrow night on RAW, Mick Foley announces WWE’s newest championship title. 

Backstage: Sami Zayn is unconscious and hanging from a scaffolding.

Tony Nese retains the WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

This was a great match. I’m glad 205Live is featured more on the main card of pay-per-views now. Nese and Davari might not have the fan following, but they deserve it. The end chain of moves from both were insane. Davari’s finishing lariat was bonkers. You don’t see cruiserweights use moves like that very often. Nese’s 450 was crushing. It was his running knee which ended it.

Backstage: Triple H asks Braun Strowman to leave the building… But Strowman seems to be a little clueless as to why. Hmmm…?

Becky Lynch retains the RAW Women’s Championship against Lacey Evans.

Well, I was happy with this finish. Evans has some talent, but tonight she looked very green. Quite a few slips and botches. With a whole locker room of women who could have gone first, it didn’t make sense to push her so quick besides the ol’ “new wrestler gets a title shot” deal. Lynch carried the match, we had a few close counts with Evans almost winning, but in the end, Lynch countered a rollup into the Dis-Arm-Her submission for the victory.

Right away, Charlotte Flair rushing to the ring to get her title opportunity in. Again, my biggest concern here is Charlotte again getting title match after title match. Think about it, on RAW, it was the newcomer getting pushed, while on SmackDown it was the veteran and multi-time champion leaping over any other potential contenders. One has to wonder if the other women on both brands are main event or champion material? I think so. In any case, Evans comes back to punch Lynch with the Women’s Right, but Lynch almost rolls up Charlotte for the win, but Charlotte hits a big boot (which barely connected) for the sudden pinfall victory to win the SmackDown Women’s Championship.

BAYLEY’S MUSIC! As Becky is being double-teamed by both Evans and Flair, Bayley, witht he briefcase in tow runs down to the ring, and fends off Evans while Charlotte eats ringpost. Bayley officially cashes in, hits the top rope elbow, and Bayley defeats Charlotte Flair to become SmackDown Women’s Champion.

Ok, interesting booking decision, but I don’t like it. Could have kept Lynch with both titles until SummerSlam. But it’s alright. Even though it’s not what I would have wanted to see, I’m not going to go all Game of Thrones venom and start a petition to get what I want.

Yep, just took a shot at everyone who whined about GoT. What? You thought people weren’t going to die?

Backstage: Elias blasts Roman Reigns with a guitar. He then heads to the ring to perform. He does some shtick, but inevitably is beaten up by Reigns.

Seth Rollins defeats A.J. Styles to retain the WWE Universal Championship

Hot damn was this amazing. Match of the night. Rollins and Styles kept a fast pace to the match the whole stretch. Lasting just about 20 minutes, both had their turns on both offense and defense. My favorite spots, likely a favorite of everyone watching, was the top rope reverse superplex and the curb stomp attempt which turned into a Styles Clash. Those weren’t the only two major spots, the whole match was full of great moments and the intensity of the back-and-forth kept me glued to the TV set. There’s a reason these two have been front-and-center every week. Rollins finally hit the curb stomp for the win.

The Lucha House Party comes out for some sort of impromptu match, but then are destroyed by Lars Sullivan.

Men’s Money in the Bank: Drew McIntyre, Bacon Rorbin, Randy Orton, Mustafa Ali, Ricochet, Finn Balor, and Andrade.

I was about to do some great write up about how they had a great selection of wrestlers in this match, where it was really hard to figure out who would win. But, I’m just going to fast forward to the end of the most horrible outcome imaginable. Because after the guys who work every week to earn their fanbase… WWE has to go and THROW BROCK LESNAR AT US AGAIN to waltz in there, toss Mustafa Ali off the ladder, and then apparently, he was an official entry, because they ring the bell and announce him the winner. So, that was just stupid. No, there is no rationale for “Whoa! What a great swerve!”

NO. There’s no excuse for this crap again. I had hoped it was the revitalized Bray Wyatt. But nope. It’s back to a guy no one wanted to see anymore.

Everyone else in the match put on a good main event, but this outcome was complete garbage.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical practice, and runs a telehealth private practice. Most importantly, all members of the household are required to memorize all Autobots and Decepticons in the collection. G1 Forever!


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