HomeBooksReview: Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls #1

Review: Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls #1

Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls is created/written by Kevin Eastman and David Avallone, with character designs by Kevin Eastman, Ben Bishop, and Troy Little. Illustrated by Troy Little and colored by Tomi Varga.

So, before you dive into this issue I highly recommend reading Drawing Blood first. The main character in that tale is the creator of this title after-all.

Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls #1 Cover

The story kicks off with the Ragdolls taking down some bad guys. As the fight progresses we learn a little bit about a street drug and some bad doggies. Let me tell you a little bit about the Ragdolls. They’re sisters and their names are Tezuka, Miyazaki, and Otomo. The girls have been heavily trained in martial arts, they carry katana’s and well…they’re all around bad asses. They’re also all named after some very influential anime and manga creators/publishers.

The three sisters have been fighting together their entire lives. They’re very in tune with their abilities as well as their surroundings, but this time something different happens while they’re fighting the Dogs AKA Poison Makers. This time they save a hostage and take him home. The rescued hostage appears to be in shock? Or, perhaps he’s non-verbal. Either way the Ragdoll’s think the best thing to do for him is take him home.

This is where we get all those awesome first issue plot points. We learn all about the Ragdoll’s upbringing. We obviously learn how they got their awesome abilities. And, of course we learn why they’re so powerful and not your average ragdoll cats. All things I can’t tell you in this review.

So, this story actually made me feel nostalgic. Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls has a very 90’s vibe to it for me. The same kind of good feels you’d get as a kid eating cereal and watching cartoons on a Saturday morning. The art was seamless with the story-telling, and held my interest. What can I say? Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls is just a fun comic.

Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls first issue does well to introduce us to some bad ass heroines, and makes readers want more.

Rating: 8/10 

Radically Rearranged Ronin Ragdolls is now available at comic book stores everywhere.

Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher AKA cosplayer Sheena Bot. She and her husband have been making cosplay magic since 2008. She has been consistently writing comic reviews for titles Harley Quinn, Supergirl, and Rat Queens. Sheena and her husband like to collect money for charities at different conventions during the weekend. By day she works as an Enrollment Agent at MorphoTrust. She is a Fairmont State University graduate with a bachelor's degree in Family & Consumer Sciences. Follow her on Faceboook: sheenabotcosplay

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