HomeTelevisionThe Bachelorette Season 15 Finale Part 1: The Cliffhanger of Cliffhangers

The Bachelorette Season 15 Finale Part 1: The Cliffhanger of Cliffhangers

Photo of Hannah B of The Bachelorette Season 23
Photo Credit: ABC/Ed Herrera

Who’s ready for the live, two-part Bachelorette finale?! I’m not sure I am. This is going to be four hours of content that could be settled within 1 hour. So here’s what happened on The Bachelorette Season 15 Finale Part 1.

We pick back up at the rose ceremony in Greece that Luke had interrupted during the Men’s Tell All. After Hannah talks about how hard this decision is for her.

The list of men who receive roses:

🌹 Jed

🌹 Tyler

The man who was sent home:


I honestly can’t believe that after having sex in the windmill TWICE, Hannah sent home Peter. She walked him out and told him that he was like a dream guy to her. She even compared him to a Ken doll. Like, when she imagined the kind of guy that Ken would be, it would be him, yet he was still sent home. He told her that she was perfect, and he got into the limo after one last embrace, where he sobbed onto her shoulder. I have to say, listening to Peter sobbing like that got me a little misty-eyed. While in the limo, Peter admitted to not being mad at Hannah and not regretting anything he did. 

Back in the Live Studio

Peter watched the clip of the breakup with Chris Harrison. My heart is breaking for Peter right now. I haven’t felt like this since when Becca sent Jason home. Peter’s family is in the audience and his mother is crying. Peter’s mother was crying, and she admitted that she wished she could take this pain away from him, and my heart is breaking further. Chris Harrison asked Peter if he still loved Hannah and Peter basically said that a small piece of his heart would always love Hannah. 

Hannah came out from the back and is reunited with Peter. After they sit down, Peter asked her what the turning point was where she realized it wasn’t him. She said there was not clear point where it happened. She also said that she thought he was going to meet her family, but she was also falling in love with the 2 other guys at the same time as him. She said she woke up that morning and had to follow her heart. Hannah also used this opportunity to tell him that she wished he told her his feelings for her earlier. 

Then something awesome happened. During this LIVE television event, Hannah said she was worried that she let go of a great guy, and someone from the audience shouted, “You did!” Way to go audience member. Hannah also mentioned that she lied about something she said on TV. She said it happened twice, but it actually happened 4 TIMES! And the audience went ballistic. But the most awkward thing is that the camera panned over to Peter’s parents and they were also applauding at this news. And Chris dropped another great line, because he’s full of them. Chris said “Somewhere, Luke P’s heart is exploding” and that was fantastic. 

Family Meeting – Tyler

Back to the show, Hannah meets back up with her family in Crete, Greece. She tells her family about Tyler and then he meets her at the house. Tyler talks to Hannah’s mom and tells her about how much he loves Hannah. He then talks to Hannah’s dad. There’s also conversation between Hannah and her father as well as her mother. After they are done talking to Hannah’s parents, Hannah brings Tyler outside and talks to him one on one. She admits to him that she is falling in love with him. 

Family Meeting – Jed

Hannah talked to her family about meeting Jed and she admitted to being nervous. While Jed was introducing himself to the family, he mentioned that he is a musician (shocker). Hannah’s dad speaks with Jed first and he doesn’t come across as warm as he did with Tyler. Her father basically asked Jed how he planned on supporting Hannah, and what he was proud of within his musical career. Jed mentioned something which the internet immediately blew up into memes.

He mentioned that he had worked on a dog food jingle. Hannah’s dad also mentioned that this was a “no return policy” and that once he married Hannah, that was a one-time thing. Jed kind of froze up and didn’t seem to respond comfortably. Hannah’s mom also addresses the financial issue, which is obviously going to be a concern to the parents. No parents want to hear that their child is dating a musician, for financial reasons of course. 

Hannah asked her mom what she thought of Jed and Hannah’s mom said, “He’s got… qualities” and I laughed. She didn’t seem too impressed with Jed. Hannah then spoke to her dad, and Hannah’s dad also didn’t seem to be impressed with Jed. The worst part of all this is that Hannah is getting upset that her parents aren’t as in love with Jed as she is. 

Jed took time talking to Hannah and he was telling her anything she would want to hear. Hannah flat-out told Jed that things went super well with Tyler the day before and now she’s confused. She then proceeded to say “Fuck me, this is why you don’t date two people at the same time.” 

Date 1 – Tyler

Hannah and Tyler went horseback riding again, which is what they did on their first one-on-one. Hannah admits that their relationship has grown over time. Tyler was talking about how great Hannah’s parents were, he specifically called out his conversation with her father. 

Afterwards, Hannah joins Tyler at the condo he’s staying at in Greece. Tyler said to Hannah, “I know we could be kick-ass in our marriage” which was an awesome sentence to hear. Tyler talked about the future family he envisioned with Hannah. He said he didn’t want to lose these visions with Hannah because he’s in love with her. They then go to his bedroom and I think it’s clear that they’re going to make up for the Fantasy Suite date that they didn’t use to its fullest potential. Way to go, Tyler!

Date 2 – Jed

Before the date starts, Hannah admits to being anxious about the date. That alone should be a red flag to her, but either way they go on a boat ride. The boat ride ends up being super rocky, and that, along with Hannah feeling anxious, made her feel sick. While talking to Hannah about his discussion with her dad, Jed seemed really distraught. He didn’t appreciate that her father was questioning his music career.

Once they go back to Jed’s condo, they talk about the anxiety that they both have. The number of red flags that are being raised are ridiculous. The fact that Hannah is anxious, her parent’s concerns, the financial concerns… these are all things that Hannah has to keep in mind during this difficult decision.

That’s where the The Bachelorette Season 15 Finale Part 1 ended. There was no real final decision made. At the very end of the episode, Hannah told the audience that she didn’t know what was going to come out of tomorrow’s episode, which is very weird. Chris Harrison made his promise of seeing a finale unlike any other. So here are my predictions…

There’s been rumors that Jed left his girlfriend to be on the show. So, I think Hannah is going to choose Jed and then find out about his girlfriend and confront him on the show tomorrow.

Or, Hannah couldn’t make a decision during the show and she’s going to make her final decision tomorrow. There’s no way to know without tuning in, so I’ll see you all tomorrow, for the last episode of Hannah’s season! 

The Bachelorette Season 15 Finale Part One will be airing on Hulu. Part Two airs tonight.



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