HomeWrestlingNWA Powerrr Episode 13, 'Who's The Third Man, Brother?' Review

NWA Powerrr Episode 13, ‘Who’s The Third Man, Brother?’ Review

NWA Powerrr

NWA Powerrr Episode 13 begins Joe Galli is with Tim Storm to talk about Nick Aldis and his Strictly Business faction.  Tim says that he’s disappointed because, as champion, Nick Aldis is supposed to represent the NWA.  Tim apologizes to the fans because they deserved to see the match between he and Aldis in the Television Title Tournament last week.  He would have loved to get his hands on Aldis again and the fans were robbed of that opportunity. The fans agree and some of them have been calling Aldis a “paper champion” or “coward.”  During this time, Kamille comes out from nowhere and grabs Joe Galli’s microphone! She gets right up in Tim Storm’s face with the mic raised… but doesn’t speak. Storm asks her if she’s out to defend Aldis’ reputation or if she’s there to answer as to whether he’s a coward or not.  Her answer is a slap to the face and she backs away with a smile.

David Marquez presides over the drawings for the next two TV Title Tournament matches.  He has Trevor Murdoch and The Dawsons with him. David Dawson still has his hand wrapped from his recent injury but assures Marquez that it will be fine.  He had better hope so because it appears that he will be facing… Zane Dawson! Brother vs brother! The Dawsons are beside themselves (well, literally) but Trevor Murdoch is excited at the prospect of facing Thom Latimer, guaranteeing a win and a great match for the fans.

“Outlandish” Zickey Dice vs Caleb Konley in a TV Title Tournament match

Zickey Dice gets in some good moves, including a nice Northern Lights suplex, but is in survival mode for most of the six minutes and five seconds.  Konley starts really taking it to him but misses a double moonsault. Dice takes advantage and hits his “Snake, Rattle, and Roll” neckbreaker for the win.

Winner and advancing in the tournament: “Outlandish” Zickey Dice!

Joe Galli is with “Shooter” Stevens and The Question Mark.  Stevens confirms that Question Mark is his sensei and that he, in turn, is helping him integrate into Western society.  He reminds us that Question Mark is a participant in the Television Title Tournament (of which he is sure to win) and that he, himself, is the NWA (third degree) National Champion.  They plan on soon challenging for the Tag Team titles and then he will challenge for and win the NWA World Heavyweight title. Galli asks if he thinks they can win all the belts and Stevens says that they deserve to win them.  Galli asks how he feels that he can deserve to hold the world title when he has yet to defend his national title. Stevens declares the interview over.

Thunder Rosa vs ODB

Geez, these ladies hit hard!  Thunder Rosa had a hard time trying get two shots in for every one of ODB’s.  Cobra Clutch didn’t put her away. Cross Body by Thunder Rosa was caught and turned into a fallaway slam.  In the end, though, Rosa wore her down and a backstabber followed up with her signature flying stomp sealed the deal.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

Nick Aldis is at the podium with Joe Galli.  The fans chant “coward” at him and Joe Galli tells him that he has a stack of questions to ask him about.  Aldis laughs and guesses that the first one is about Kamille, now a full-fledged member of Strictly Business.  When asked about his treatment of Tim Storm, Aldis says that Storm tried to interfere with the here-and-now but should have kept himself in Aldis’ past.  The champ goes on to run down another “relic,” Ricky Morton, and calls him a tag team legend but now just a carny trying to make a buck off of the champ’s hard work.  Eli Drake and James Storm try to cut to the front of the line without earning it, according to Aldis, but he sees something in “Strokedaddy” Ricky Starks. A lot of people think Aldis didn’t compete against Tim Storm last week because he wasn’t confident he could win in 6:05.  Aldis says that he’s going to “make” Ricky Starks within that time limit.

Nick Aldis vs Ricky Starks

Great match with Nick Aldis doing just what he said he would: He made Ricky Starks.  Back-and-forth action with both men countering some of the other’s signature spots. In the end, though, Ricky toughs out the clover leaf for a full minute before the bell rings.  Aldis thinks he’s won and tries to get his hand raised but senior official, Brian Hebner, advises him that the time limit had expired.

The result of this contest is a draw!

Ricky Morton comes out to the apron and says that the match should continue for five more minutes.  The crowd goes nuts at this suggestion and Ricky is hurt but wants to keep going. Aldis is having none of it, however, and the crowd lets him know what they think.  Morton says that, if he won’t fight Ricky for another five minutes, maybe Aldis should fight him! Aldis again dismisses the idea and walks off.

Colt Cabana & Ken Anderson vs Eli Drake & James Storm

The Wild Cards were supposed to be involved in this match but have declined to appear.  Cabana and Drake show a mutual respect and start the match out in technical fashion. Storm and Anderson far less so.  Anderson tries to throw Storm over the top rope but gets headscissored when he skins the cat back inside. His solution is to grab a handful of Cowboy’s hair before he can get thrown outside.  Cabana chastises him for this and other infractions throughout the match. When Eli Drake manages to kick out of Cabana’s Superman pin, Anderson argues the point with the referee and even grabs him in a collar-and-elbow tie-up!  Abuse of NWA officials is never tolerated and the bell rings.

Winners by disqualification: Eli Drake & James Storm!

Nick Aldis calls The Rock n’ Roll Express out to the podium.  He says that the problem seems like it can only be solved physically.  The champ loves to make deals with conditions and caveats. He tells Ricky Morton that there will be a six-man tag and, if Team Morton can beat Team Aldis, Morton will get a title shot.  Morton says that he and Robert Gibson can find a partner to face Aldis and Wild Card, that they’ll win, and that he’ll beat Aldis to finally win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Aldis chuckles and lets him know that neither he, nor Morton will be competing.  He says that Morton can get his team together to face Wild Card but “Who’s the third man, brother?” Sometimes, Strictly Business has to hire out to “independent contractors.” Sirens wail and chain mail glistens in the studio lights. NWA Powerrr Episode 13 concludes as Scott Steiner appears at the top of the bleachers and holler if you hear me!

Five Takeaways From NWA Powerrr Episode 13

  1. Colt sticks up for Ken. Ken makes that harder and harder each week. Classic stuff. Either one could be made to be the heel in this. If Ken goes heel, though, does that mean Eli Drake was the face all along? 
  2. For those keeping score, Thunder Rosa’s win over ODB means that she has now run through all of the babyfaces in the women’s division… except, champion, Allysin Kay. 
  3. If The Dawsons refuse to face each other (or can’t beat the time limit) that would give a bye in the next round… possibly for “Outlandish” Zickey Dice. Could be a good move to get some more heat on him. 
  4. I’m not particularly looking forward to Nick Aldis taking on Ricky Morton. I am, however, very interested in seeing Ricky Starks as a potential participant in the six-man tag and beyond as he becomes a potential part of the championship scene.  But I need… absolutely need… to see more of Tim Storm at the podium. The guy may be a top five face worldwide. 
  5. I’m 99.44% sure that the decision to bring in Scott Steiner was well-measured and well-thought-out. But I’m 133.66% sure that it works best as a limited engagement.

NWA Powerrr Episode 13, ‘Who’s The Third Man, Brother?’ and the rest of the episode of NWA Powerrr can be streamed on YouTube.




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