HomeTelevisionAEW Double or Nothing 2020 Review: The Stadium Stampede Stole the Show...and...

AEW Double or Nothing 2020 Review: The Stadium Stampede Stole the Show…and 2020?

AEW Double or Nothing 2020, taking place in a mostly empty arena turned out, in my opinion, to be a big win in a gamble of a PPV. The casino-style theme seemed fitting, as the internet wrestling community already seemed divided how this event will play out. 

I enjoyed the event, while there were some glaring unnecessary spots, overall it seemed AEW put on a fun show with a lot of variety. Comedy spots in the last match were well done. Some people will think it was a joke, but need I remind you, WWE has been doing cinematic matches, so don’t be the pot which calls the kettle black. 

The opening Buy-In saw The Best Friends defeat Private Party to become the #1 Contenders to the Tag Team Championships. Great match. So much fun to open the show with. This would have amped the crowd huge for the main show. Although the Best Friends were the winners, both teams looked great, no momentum lost by Private Party at all. They’re so much fun to watch and both teams have a boatload of fun in the ring. Lots of high flying, such as over-the-top dives and a gorgeous Shooting Star mid-match. A real highlight and tribute, saw Private Party using the G-9 move, if you didn’t know, the announce team honorably made mention that move was used by the late Shad Gaspard. Nice touch, and nice for it to be talked about openly by the commentary team. Best Friends hit Strong Zero for the win. 

Casino Ladder Match for a Future AEW Championship Match

Interesting match progression, starting with two, then another man entering. The first two entrants were SCU Members Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky. For the past month I have wondered if the stable was going to break up, I’m hoping it doesn’t progress this way. It would be a mistake. A big mistake. With so many heel trios building, we need SCU to stay together. After a solid few minutes of wrestling, Kip Sabian entered with Penelope Ford, and his new buddy Jimmy Havoc was clearly involved tonight. Things began to get crazy when Darby Allin bolted down and went bat-nut crazy, leaping off a tall ladder with his Skateboard, but wiped out. Good grief this kid is nuts. A confused Orange Cassidy arrived, only to be thrown aside by an energized Colt Cabana. This got weird and fun. Joey Janela brought the crazy at #7, but the Big T-Rex himself, Luchasaurus entered at #8 and cleaned house. Soon enough, the final mystery opponent arrived, in the form of former TNA/Impact Champion Brian Cage and accompanied by Taz!! Darby Allin looked surprised, but Taz showed no remorse in directing Cage to destroy everyone. 

Well, this plan initially didn’t go the way he though, as everyone ganged up on Cage, and used the props around the arena to bury the big guy. This was short lived as after another few minutes of close-call action, Cage returned, destroying Allin at the direction of Taz, and retrieving the Cash-in Casino Chip for the win. 

Taz seemed to show some ire towards Allin, this will likely lead to a short-lived feud. Brian Cage is massive compared to everyone else there. I’m noticing more “big men” arriving in AEW. 

Maxwell Jacob Friedman defeated Jungle Boy

I wasn’t surprised by the result, but damn did Jungle Boy come oh-so-damn close so many times. One thing I’ll say, he puts on the underdog show better than I can remember in past years. MJF initially dominating the match, soon to be on the receiving end of Jungle Boy’s offensive for a good portion of the match. Had MJF lost, it would have been believable. This match, I feel, is a glimpse into the future of both men, as future main eventers, future world champions, whether it be in AEW or elsewhere. This match was phenomenal. MJF did not win by finisher, but after a series of reversing pin attempts saw the victory. 

Cody defeated Lance Archer to become the first TNT Champion.

I hope this becomes a TV Title or something close to it. A mid-card title is good to have for a company with an expanding roster, but it should be featured prominently. Not the biggest fan of the look, but maybe it will grow on me. I was happy Mike Tyson did not have too much involvement, but when it happened, it was inevitable. This was standard David vs. Goliath, but a better story. Cody is great at in-ring storytelling and Archer played the role of overwhelming big man to a “T.” Nice moment where Cody made sure Jake “The Snake” Roberts got a good look at Cody dropping Archer with a DDT. Speaking of coaches, Arn Anderson got himself ejected, again. Noticing a weird theme here. Late in the match, Cody on a roll, but Archer would kick out of every signature he had. Finally, Cody got the groove, planting Archer with consecutive Cross Roads after Tyson neutralized a snake-toting Roberts. An emotional win for Cody Rhodes, and the announce team made it well-known this would be the only single’s title he could have, as the AEW Championship will forever be out of grasp. 

Overall I enjoyed the match, but I had a feeling this was the result Cody having a title felt fitting, and the storyline had been planted a few weeks before the tournament began. A fun twist would have been to see Dustin vs. Archer in the finals, or perhaps Cody vs. Dustin, but it’s not meant to be now. 

Kris Statlander defeated Penelope Ford

Playing up an injury from the Casino Ladder Match, the smaller Ford was at an early disadvantage. However, she still continued as though she was 100%. Ford is a surprisingly fast wrestler and can fly with ease. Ford and Statlander worked well together, and it was the Alien who would hit the Big Bang for the win. 

Dustin Rhodes defeated Shawn Spears

I did not need to see the face of Tully Blanchard on the crotch region of Spear’s underwear. Yeesh. Nightmares. This folks was your breather/comedy act of the evening. Which is fine, we all need a break after a couple hours of some crazy highlight-reel action. Dustin wins after Final Reckoning.

Hikaru Shida defeated Nyla Rose to become the New AEW Women’s Champion

  1. MY. LORD. 

This could have main evented. I have enjoyed Shida’s matches, but I honestly never thought of her as major material … until tonight. Tonight, she floored me. Not literally. Going in I thought this was heavily built to give Rose another win, but oh my. Shida looked like main event wrestler tonight. From the wrestling in the ring, to the brawling all over the arena, to the final deathblow The Sandman would have approved of, using a massive Kendo Stick blast to assist in winning. Kudos to Rose for her role in this match, but very similar to Cody vs. Archer, the larger individual, the more physically imposing individual did not necessarily have the advantage. Shida used the size advantage, and at one point dropping Rose with a sick brainbuster had me out of my couch. The kendo shot looked stiff, and hopefully Rose hasn’t lost her hearing. Good show ladies. 

Jon Moxley retains the AEW World Championship against Brodie Lee

Well, this one got ugly. Ugly, in a good way. Ugly, as in this went from wrestling to horrifying bloody brawl very quickly. We knew this side from Mox, but I have never seen it from Mr. Lee. Mox hit the Gotch piledriver mid-way through, but Lee no-sold the pinfall attempt. Combination wrestling mix and brawling all over the props would have earned an E-C-Dub chant in Phili. I’m surprised there were no accidental injuries, these guys were going crazy using props and destroying tables and equipment everywhere. 

The insane spot came with Mox launched and dropped Lee with a Paradigm Shift through the entrance ramp, sending emergency crews out. Despite multiple Paradigm Shift attempts, Mox went with an ol’ fashioned choke-sleeper, causing Lee to pass out and the ref calling the match. Whooo-whee. Jim Ross called it right, this one was a Slobberknocker. 

After all that build, Brodie Lee, the leader of the Dark Order, eats a loss. Now, he hasn’t faced any major talent aside from mid-card, so perhaps this is not the end of the Exalted One. 

Shortly after the end of the PPV, it was announced Brian Cage will cash in to face Jon Moxley for the AEW Championship at Fyter Fest in September. I’m wondering if this begins the countdown to end Moxley’s reign. I hope not. 

The Main Event: Stadium Stampede: The Elite vs. The Inner Circle.

Did you watch this? DID. YOU. WATCH?

If you did, then how the hell can you expect me to write this one up? If you didn’t watch, then I’m going to sorely disappoint you because there are little words I can do justice for this. 

#1 – I’m sure Twitter was in an uproar

#2 – I’m sure this match divided the internet faster than Moses with the Red Sea

#3 – If WWE can to cinematic matches, AEW can have a few drinks mid-match and a horse in the arena. 

This was brilliance in my opinion. There was wrestling. There was brawling. There was comedy. There was a horse. A golf cart. Of course, there was drinking. There was insanity all around. I loved it. I want to enjoy a multi-man match like this. I don’t want to sit on my couch looking at my watch. I did not even notice the time. Granted, I couldn’t start until after Shabbas was over, so I was late to begin with, but the pace of the whole night was well done, I didn’t care what time it was… That’s when I even checked. I’ll cover some spots. 

Matt Jackson suplexing Sammy Guevara 100 yards. Hangman chasing Sammy on a horse. Hangman sharing a drink with Hager before brawling. Moonsaults off the goal post. Jericho challenging a kickout, resulting going with referee Aubrey Edwards to a replay booth. Hangman using the line marker over Jericho to determine a first down. Sammy being defeated by sprinklers. Santana, I think crying because he couldn’t swim. Matt Hardy being dunked into water, and multiple gimmicks ensue, including Version 1, complete with Matt Facts. Sammy having PTSD from being chased by Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy with a golf cart, then being assaulted by Neo-1, the new drone, who allowed Kenny Omega to spike poor Spanish God with the One Winged Angel for the win. 

Sammy took the brunt of the comedy spots, but also busted out some insane aerial assault. 

Say what you will, this match was FUN. This pay-per-view, was FUN.

4/5 Stars. Easy. 

Double or Nothing 2020 is currently streaming on BR Live.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

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