HomeVideo GamesTop 5 Next Gen Console Video Games We're Excited For

Top 5 Next Gen Console Video Games We’re Excited For

Godfall: Everything we know about the PS5 title | GamesRadar+

Available on PS5
Release Date:
Coming late 2020

Godfall  is described as a high fantasy “looter slasher” as opposed to the classic style “looter shooter” because this game will focus on melee instead of range weapons. The world is split into 5 realms consisting of earth, water, air, fire, and spirit.

You, the player, get to become one of the last remaining members of the Exalted Knight’s Order to prevent the apocalypse. With a variety of character classes, armor sets and augmentations, and, of course, weapons, one-to-three players can complete missions, defeat bosses, and secure epic loot.

While the upcoming field of PS5 games is scarcely populated with confirmed releases, a few of these gems really stand out amongst their peers. Godfall is one of these games that looks polished and promising for those who enjoy the Action RPG genre. Based on the information we know so far, it’s going to have an assortment of magic, monsters, and mayhem, the perfect combination to draw in the huge action RPG crowd consisting of dark souls fans and their ilk.

A self-proclaimed “Looter-Slasher,” it promises to really bring the action to action RPG, encouraging co-op from two-to-four players to tackle the game’s unforeseen challenges. Just from the initial clips, you can see that enemies are unforgiving and relentless, which hints at a punishing difficulty that many fans adore, coupled with the re-playability of the “Looter” genre, a combination that would incite hundreds of hours of playtime with me and my friends.

-Bryant Donato

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