HomeNewsTitan Championship Wrestling: Broken by Design Review

Titan Championship Wrestling: Broken by Design Review

Words by Rob Crowther IV | Photos by Tiffany Anne

Titan Championship Wrestling continued its hot streak of bringing tremendous action to New Jersey crowds with Saturday Night September 12th’s Broken By Design Event. With its biggest roster to date, Titan brought its A-Game.

Before the first match Magic would open the show with a special announcement. He announces the creation of the Funhouse of Wrestling in which kids can come play, go on rides, and even attend TCW wrestling events for very low rates. This is aimed to help families who may not regularly be able to attend these types of events and provide a positive experience for the younger fans. Great job by Magic and crew.

Early in the evening we would be treated to a title for title match of TCW Middleweight Champion Johnny Jager taking on IWA Light Heavyweight Champion Nikos Rikos. This was a tremendous opener. Rikos would get the win with a backstabber in a very impressive outing. Post match Steve Lugo would interfere and try to steal the titles to no avail. I’m sure this is a start of a great Lugo/Rikos feud.

In the hardcore portion of the evening, John Wayne Murdoch would absolutely destroy Jake Gage (son of late Jersey All Pro Wrestling founder “Fat” Frank Iadevaia) during a fans bring the weapons match involving cookie sheets, tacks, and a whole lot of doors. Murdoch is insane to see in person and super over with the crowd. This was a fun one!!

WWE Hall of Famer, Mr. Tony Atlas was in action as he took on Tony Chini. Let me tell you at the age of 66 years young, Mr. Atlas has still got it. Not only in the ring, but he has all the charisma in the world. Line of the night went to Atlas when he told the ref, “He pulled my hair.” The match would end in a DQ after lots of outside interference from Cini’s crew.

Another great match that ended in a DQ would be the Division’s match up against Primal Fear in a really great six man tag match. I can’t wait to see more as the Division is seemingly inevitable on the indy scene. Don’t sleep on them.

Hands down the bout of the night at Broken by Design went to the grudge match between the always impressive KC Navarro and the tremendous Stephen Gibki. Navarro jumped Gibki from behind pre-match while Sporting a very stylish The Bob Culture Podcast T-shirt. “The Blessed One” (Navarro) hit several fast paced high flying maneuvers early including a jumping hurricanrana and multiple tope suicida variations. Gibki would eventually overpower KC and go onto throw him around like a rag doll around the ring for at least 10 minutes. Navarro would get his frequent flier miles as Gibki even threw KC from one ring into another during a pretty crazy spot. I think we were all legit concerned for KC’s well being, but the he was able to rally. The cruiserweight was able to lift Gibki in an amazing display of strength and hit him with an attitude adjustment type maneuver. “The Skyreaper” (Navarro) was able to get the win after a super impressive Tilt-A-Whirl inverted reverse DDT! Great match, and great win by Navarro.

Like I always say with KC Navarro, it’s not a matter of if he will be on your TV screens, but just a matter of when and where.

The Stand Wrestling Heavyweight Championship would also be on the line at Broken by Design as Shawn Donovan, who had absolutely no time for disrespectful fans, retained in a very hard hitting matchup with Johnny Moran.

Our main event for Broken by Design featured an insane Mt. Olympus Battle Royal in both rings featuring at least 40 different talents. The winner will receive the number 40 entry into a Royal Rumble-inspired event in November for the recently revealed TCW Heavyweight Championship. (It looks phenomenal!!) All hell broke loose as there as it was super difficult to keep track of all of the action, but it was super fun.

One notable spot involved longtime fave Kasey Catal making an unannounced appearance with hubby Brandon Kirk to aid in the elimination of AJ Curcio who’s been running his mouth lately. I’m excited to see how this develops at future events.

The battle royal however, would eventually come down to the final two competitors, Craig Steele and The Titan Killer, but not without some controversy. The Titan Killer would be eliminated, had an official saw his feet touch the ground, but he was able to get away with it. This score will have to be settled at the next Titan Event.

BUT not before Titan’s Next Goddesses of War Event September 26th back in Ocean Gate, New Jersey. I can’t say enough good things about the Goddesses brand and I can’t wait for this event featuring a Steel Cage. Tickets are available now here.

Pop-Break Staff
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Founded in September 2009, The Pop Break is a digital pop culture magazine that covers film, music, television, video games, books and comics books and professional wrestling.


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