Darby Allin is the crash test dummy. So many moments of cringing with each bump he took. Read on for more.
Dynamite showcased New Year’s Smash Night 2 tonight, and did it deliver.
You bet it did.
“The Bastard” PAC defeated Eddie Kingston – I wanted Kingston to win. I will repeat this a few times in this column, AEW shines with wrestlers who tell the story in the ring. Facial expressions, showing emotion in the ring is one of the top consistencies AEW brings to television. I put this in bold as this will emulate my point for this match and more. Kingston, as anyone who watches knows, is one of the best in-ring performers and best on the mic today. PAC shows such ferocity and venom with each strike, even when he’s on the defensive, the dude just looks angry. His chest was beet red when this one ended. After a long match featuring some sick wrestling and sicker slugfests, PAC won with the Black Arrow.
But wait, there was more! Locking in the Brutalizer, PAC wanted to inflict more pain, but Butcher, Blade, and Bunny ran in for the save, however Fenix, Pentagon, and to their own surprise, Lance Archer. As Kingston and family regroup, Jake “The Snake” Roberts tries to get in-between Archer and PAC but winds up giving up and words were had.
Please give us some triangle matches with Archer, PAC, and Kingston. PLEASE.

Miro defeated Chuck Taylor who now becomes his butler
If there was doubt whether Miro could be as savage as his early WWE days, doubt is gone. Despite Chuckie T maintaining and early offensive, once Miro gained the upper hand, things got brutal. Miro dominated the latter portion of the match, leading to a submission victory for Miro.
Not a long match, and it didn’t have to be. Interference by Kip Sabian would help and even with Orange Cassidy, the bad guys emerged victorious.
I read online how many feel Miro is no different than his later days in WWE. I beg to differ. Miro can be both intense and comedic when he wants to be. The difference, he is maintaining his own character and doing what he designs to do. I genuinely believe he’s enjoying his role and if he wants to be a goof ball comedy man who turns into overpowered rage-monster in the ring, let him.
With Chuckie as the Butler for one month, I expect hijinks to ensue.

The Inner Circle Reveal New Year’s Resolutions!
This was a short comedy bit with serious consequences. Each member got to say something funny, until Chris Jericho got serious about teaming with MJF to pursue the AEW World Tag Team Championships. This offended everyone else, but notably Santana and Ortiz took exception as they were meant to be “the tag team” of the Inner Circle. Sammy pointed out Jericho seems to float around with tag team partners, calling him a “tag team slut.” This prompted some outlandish reactions, but it was funny. The end result was Jericho creating a tag team triple threat to determine which duo will make a run for the titles. It will be Chris Jericho & MJF vs. Santana & Ortiz vs. Sammy & Hager with the a “Sammy Hager (Hagar)” joke for good measure. Nice nod to the Red Rocker himself.
This one you had to see coming, but Kenny Omega and his “best friends” turned out to be a real mood-shifter for The Elite. Earlier it was teased Kenny and the Young Bucks would team, but The Invisible Hand, Don Callis never said it would be “The Elite.” In fact, he never said Young Bucks either. He was referring to Omega’s NEW best friends, The Good Brothers, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Backstage with Tony Khan a dejected Matt and Nick Jackson look on. The Impact Trio defeated The Varsity Blondes and Danny Limelight. If you haven’t heard of Danny Limelight, you have now. He gets my MVP award for taking the brunt of the match, but his offense definitely will be something to keep an eye on. If you watch AEW Dark, you already know.

After the match was over, Jon Moxley stormed the ring, but as he gained the upper hand, was stopped by the Young Bucks from doing more damage. However, The Lucha Brothers snuck up from behind, superkicking Matt and Nick. Hoo boy, as Jim Ross says, “Business has just picked up.”
The Waiting Room with Dr. Britt Baker DMD – This was corny at its finest. I enjoyed Dr. Baker’s initial banter and Reba/Rebel’s chortling laugh. Baker is gold on the microphone and can sure cut impromptu remarks. She brings her first guest with some shots about his neck, Cody Rhodes! This interview doesn’t last long as Baker brings back Jade Cargill to progress the potential for Shaq to return. She also demands her match, and it appears Red Velvet might be her first opponent. Hopefully this time taken to build her first in-ring appearance is being used to hone wrestling skills.
At the end, a taped video promo airs from Thunder Rosa announcing in less than a month, she finally gets her match with Dr. Baker. The Dentist is not happy.

FTR w/ Tully Blachard defeats Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt – So many close calls were one could believe Jungle Express could win, but Marko would be the one to gain the pinfall. Lots of fantastic action, Marko in his “Rugrats” style wrestling gear is 100% the modern-day Spike Dudley. Little guy, big heart, no quit. Jungle Jack Perry as J.R. would call him will one day have a great future as a singles wrestler.

Serena Deeb retains the NWA Women’s Championship against Tay Conti – Wow. This could have main evented. If AEW continues showcasing women like these two then I would feel confident the AEW Women’s Division will be solid this year. Tay Conti, while underdog in years of experience to the veteran Deeb, put on a match like she’s been at this for her whole life. Very impressive and many close calls. Conti was given the spotlight to showcase her abilities for numerous takedowns and submission holds. Deeb rallied back and hit the Detox Driver for the win, but it was a close call. I hope Conti is in line for a possible run at either the NWA or AEW Women’s Championship in the future.

New Year’s Smash Night 2 MAIN EVENT – Darby Allin retains the TNT Championship against Brian Cage – I honestly thought disaster was going to strike tonight. Allin took a lot of seriously scary bumps tonight, the first one was being lobbed from the ring and through the timekeeper’s table. I can’t detail each one, this column would break the bandwith barrier. A bloody Darby spent most of the match shrugging off each move, even kicking out at one. Allin stuck it to Cage, flipping him off with each increase in punishment. Allin’s face showed both agony and defiance in one combined brilliant stroke. Allin turned the tables by causing Cage to fall on the ring stairs, then scoring a landing with the Coffin Drop. As Allin gained momentum, Ricky Starks attempted interference but then then lights go out, and back on just as quickly to reveal Sting (cue the “IT’S STIIIING from Schiavone) who clubs Starks with the baseball bat. Allin counters on the top turnbuckle, taking down Brian Cage with a crucifix and earning the three-count.
This match was fantastically played out. Cage impressed. Allin impressed. Taz on commentary always impresses. Allin took everything Cage dished out, which culminated an impressively constructed storyline. Throughout this feud, Cage would constantly terrorize and brutalize Allin. But the smaller wrestle never gave up and wouldn’t stay down. Cage is a human wrestling machine and Darby is the sponge who absorbed it all, and came out on top.
There is a strong feeling there is more than meets the eye with Sting and Taz. Could we see Sting build his own stable? Would Sting wrestle Taz? Will The FTW Championship finally earn recognition?
Tune in next week, for the AEW Awards and more!
New Year’s Smash Night 2 is now Streaming on the TNT app.