HomeTelevisionAEW Dynamite 4/28 Review: The Road to Blood & Guts

AEW Dynamite 4/28 Review: The Road to Blood & Guts

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

AEW Dynamite 4/28 – the final AEW show before the Blood ‘n’ Guts event – kicked off with a huge opener with a surprising and believable result. Brian Cage defeated “Hangman” Adam Page in a red-hot starter. 

We finally got a Cage vs. Page scenario, which didn’t disappoint. Two big dudes who are agile like lightweights, yes please. The fight started before the bell, with Cage powerbombing Page, and a brawl between Team Taz and Dark Order, amped up the live crowd and audience at home. Although Hangman lost, it was believable. He may be in the #1 ranked spot, but doesn’t mean he is invincible. Brian Cage is a machine, overpowering Page on more than one occasion ultimately hitting the F5 and the Drill Claw for the win. On the one hand, it appears an upset because it wasn’t expected to see Page lose, which is what made this result even better. Cage winning was not an upset, he’s a top wrestler, and of anyone on the roster, could believably defeat anyone. 

Don Callis and His Elite were in a limo as Kenny Omega gloats briefly about his Impact Championship win. He turns his attention to Moxley and Kingston, cutting a promo claiming to have no fear until Michael Nakazawa accidentally honks the horn which spooks everyone. 

Callis talking a lot more than his charges, not horrible, but sometimes I’d rather let Omega do more. The Bucks continue to embrace the dark side while Gallows and Anderson … are Gallows and Anderson. 

The Young Bucks defeated The Sydals in a championship contender’s match. It was a great match, the Sydals kept paced, and a few times appeared to have the win. The action was fast-paced as expected, but the story is seeing the Sydal’s coming so damn close to earning a title shot. There was a point I was convinced the ref’s hand hit the mat for three but waved it off. The Bucks, mostly Matt Jackson, going over-the-top with the taunting and just spewing venom towards the fans, mimicking typical babyface tropes. However, one moment which became an instant classic, Matt hitting Mike Sydal with a Johnny Cage-like low blow. 

The BTE trigger ultimately ended the match. But the real question is, who should be Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat II, Matt Jackson, or The Miz?

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Up next, in a shocker, Orange Cassidy defeated Penta El Zero M. This was the number one “fun match” of the night. Look, anything with Freshly Squeezed turns out to be the fun part of any given Dynamite. However, this one went above and beyond. From Penta no-selling the comedy antics, to Cassidy somehow overcoming everything with counters. One had to keep thinking at any moment Penta would hit the package piledriver and call it a night, but somehow Cassidy would fight out of it. He took multiple superkicks, a destroyer, a brainbuster, but would come back with his Stundog Millionaire and a Beach Break. However, neither would earn the win until Alex Abrahantes got up and on the mic, resulting in Trent? stepping in and allowing Cassidy to use the mic for an assisted Orange Punch, knocking out Penta momentarily for the three-count. 

It was a great match, it was a fun one. Simple as that. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

The Blood ‘n’ Guts Parley

The promos. My word, the promos. You have ten solid workers in the ring staring each other down, but it’s the ones who cut the promos who shined. Shawn Spears began early with threats towards Sammy Guevara, who conceded the advantage to Pinnacle, followed by impassioned promos by Dax, Santana, Ortiz, and finally, MJF and Chris Jericho. The latter two pulled off a memorable promo, focusing on MJF wanting to take Jericho’s spot, while Jericho reiterates nothing is handed down, but is earned. My words wouldn’t do this justice, watch the promo yourself. 

Following this intense segment, Michael Nakazawa is set to face Eddie Kingston who is having none of it. Even after Nakazawa hits him with his laptop, Kingston tears him up, and threatens to break his ankle with a chair. Kenny Omega and Don Callis shrug off the threat, saying “He knows what he signed up for.” Wow. Uber heel, and gets better when Omega calls for Brandon Cutler to get thrown in, except Jon Moxley was one step ahead, attacking Omega from behind, ultimately being trapped by Kingston where Nakazawa was lying prone. They demand a match next week from Callis, to which he ultimately acquiesces in order to save Omega. 

Next week, Mox and Kingston face Omega and Nakazawa. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Kris Statlander defeated Penelope Ford

Solid women’s match. Superbly solid. At times the AEW Alien overpowered Ford. However, Penelope would use her cunning and quickness to gain some momentary advantage, until one too many flashy moves would result in getting caught and dropped via Big Bang for the win. 

It’s good to see Statlander back, and great to see this high-level of women’s match. 

The Factory defeated The Nightmare Family

This was an interesting trios match. Out of all six, I would say Nick Comorotto was highlighted the most and looked the most impressive. The dude is a beast, and definitely making more nods to Hercules from late eighties to early-nineties wrestling. Maybe Comorotto and Aaron Solow need to do more of a Paul Roma/Hercules shtick and become Power and Glory 2.0. 

“Shotty” Lee Johnson is my number two pick, he has all the right babyface tools and expressions. He’s a gifted star and with time will develop the charisma. It seems they are keeping Anthony Ogogo out of matches for the time being, teasing the inevitable in-ring debut against a major opponent. So far, he’s KO-ing everyone with his bigtime bodyblows. It was his interference which led QT Marshall’s team to victory. While earning the W, the brawl continued as the Gunn Club would brawl with Marshall all the way back to the bus they rode in on, with Cody Rhodes awaiting his arrival. The fight went on top of the bus, with Rhodes emerging the victor. 

This feud will not end well for someone. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Miro beat up Kip Sabian backstage. Not really sure what the purpose truly was, aside from Miro promising anyone with a championship is in danger. Sabian was his buddy, and it seems Miro is using this as a lesson to Kip, not to ever hamper him again. Poor guy. 

This does appear to be the beginning of Miro’s ascension, I imagine in the coming weeks we will see some more singles matches with the display of brutality once shown in another major promotion.

The Main Event of AEW Dynamite 4/28: Darby Allin retains the TNT Championship against Preston “10” Vance

This was a really good match. Did I believe he was going to win? No. Even with the emotional tribute to Brodie Lee promo, I still didn’t believe it. There just wasn’t enough hype. Regardless, the match was great. Vance showed up some pretty damn good in-ring skill, which leads me to believe given time, he could be a future champion. Give him another year, and he won’t be just another mask. 

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

We got some tense moments between Dark Order and Sting, but no fighting. Darby retaliated with all his might against the stronger “10” which is amplified by his genuine facial expressions. This culminated with Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky interfering, almost costing Allin the championship. As Vance has Darby locked into the Full-Nelson, the skateboarding crazy man managed to use the corner in an old-school Bret Hart style counter by flipping over and holding Vance down for the three. 

A handshake would have concluded the show, until Page and Sky returned to fight, but was chased off by “Murderhawk” Lance Archer. 

Interesting alliances are brewing folks. Very interesting indeed. 

AEW Dynamite 4/28 is now streaming on the TNT app.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

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